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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 976x850, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56767699 No.56767699 [Reply] [Original]

I know marriage is a very risky move from a financial standpoint but I don't want to die alone.
Give it to me straight, what does /biz/ think of marriage?

>> No.56767727

We all die alone anon

>> No.56767731

Why should the government be involved in peoples' personal relationships? Just have a gf who you call your wife. Literally no difference except on paper.

>> No.56767741

If You have a gf go for it man
You have a gf don't You ?

>> No.56767751

yeah but I've heard too many horror stories and I'm scared of going all the way

>> No.56767754

Get an academic girl with no tattoos who hasn't fucked 800 guys and who doesn't want to spend money constantly. Extra points if you like her.

>> No.56767757

At the resurrection people will not marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven

>> No.56767760

If you want to have kids, do it. If not, avoid at all costs.

>> No.56767781

I would not get married in 2023+ nor would I even get a serious gf nor live with a female.

>> No.56767789


>> No.56767800
File: 151 KB, 1080x951, IMG_7757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, this anon. You should have a better reason. Maybe you want a trad family man life or your girl to have more loyalty or something, but we do unfortunately die alone.
Last year around this time i was undertaking spinal surgery, before that i was scared shitless alone in my hospital bed with my head supported by metals, thinking if i wanna go ahead with it trying to calm myself. Leaving my well being in the hands of other people, very interesting. But yeah i went under, blah blah all good now. Dont drink and drive anons fucking promise me!

The government legally would butt in either way, if you live together long enough many places consider you basically married.
Plus marriage is something done for tradition, before god, before society and everyone else. You promise to each other to be together till death, and for some people that kinda thing means a lot kek

>> No.56767870

No fault divorce has made marriage pointless, not a thing to be taken seriously in the modern age, and the stats have proven it. The perpetuation of it is practically just a money-making scam since people practically take out a mortgage for their dumb ceremony and then the jews double dip when they charge out the ass when you file for divorce.

I know it's extremely common for women to fall for it and the guy just kind of goes along with what they want to make them happy, but a woman who doesn't understand such things is not a woman I'd want to be life partners with anyway.

>> No.56767902

Thankfully I'm a hugless kissless virgin who will more than likely die as a hugless kissless virgin so I don't have to worry about any such things

>> No.56767950

My 30 year old friend got married last year and is now going through a horrendous divorce, ex-wife has turned into a demon and using a kid they had 10 months as a tool to inflict pain.

He's not even some redneck, he has a phd and makes 300k+ a year but fucked around being a degen. He's now going to be paying for a mortgage on a house he's not in, child support and rent on a new place.

On the other hand, I know stable couple for which marriage was just a formality but the relationship didn't change. Another friend has just gotten engaged to a disaster of a woman too.

Basically depends on the woman and the relationship but my experience is it's a cointoss if it's going to work out or not.

>> No.56767976
File: 101 KB, 797x865, 4FAC7F68-427A-42B9-B744-867D0FA8C9BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most women will financially rape you. Only very few are ride or die

>> No.56767989

oh and have one good buddy, that you can be 100% honest with that you promise you will ask and will give you a straight answer.

90% of time you're just going to tolerate friends girls, just the way it is. But a good bro will be able to tell you if the girl is "right" for you, for other people it's as clear as day but harder for the people in it.

>> No.56767991

In certain states common law marriage is a thing i.e. the government will say you're married if she lives with you. Also in that same scenario if she has a kid, you now have to pay child support

>> No.56768000


>> No.56768032

Cool, but that doesn't mean you should just roll over like a dog and make it official on paper.

>> No.56768041 [DELETED] 

You can't trust a hypocrite. marry a woman who is vegan, an abortion abolidhinist or both.

Hundreds of thousands of children are being aborted every single year. Tens of thousands of children are being aborted completely legally in 2023 in deep red USA states.
Abortion is still legal in all 50 states and almost nobody is talking about it. The pro life movement is a controlled opposition and not your fren. Please watch this approximately 15 minute long YouTube video on abortion please whether you be pro choice or already pro life https://youtu.be/XGPv66ZqlEQ?feature=shared

Over 6 billion (yes) Chickens are tortured to death every single year in the United States alone in factory farms. And no your Canada Australia or EU country isn't much better. Billions of animals are being tortured to death in factory farms every single year and it's (partially) your fault! Please watch at least the first five minutes of this YouTube video . In it he explains that people who regularly purchase chicken for years straight will almost certainly cause the torturing and murder of hundreds of extra chickens. That blood is all on your hands and would NOT have been shed had you instead decided to boycott animal products / go vegan ! https://youtu.be/brKhhZlUoOc?feature=shared

What are the conditions like in factory farms where over 96% of all animal products in western nations come from? They are mutilated without anesthetic, crammed in dirty, uncomfortable, and crowded conditions, they are artificially inseminated / raped and jacked off, they are slaughtered. Here is a free approximately 2 hours long documentary about factory farming please watch it thank you https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?feature=shared

You can't trust a hypocrite op

>> No.56768058

Not my point

>> No.56768090

Your point is unnecessary. While most people haven't looked into specific jurisdictions of common law marriage, we're still aware that it exists.

>> No.56768366
File: 13 KB, 471x388, 1618287774896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna get married, but I don't even have a girlfriend, and the girl I like lives in a city at 360km from where I live, so idk, also idk how she'll feel when I tell her I put my student loan into IQT and I'm considering renting kek

>> No.56768378

Kek she'll hate you

>> No.56768395

That's precisely what girlfriends/boyfriends are for, to find out if that person fits what you want

>> No.56768397

You will NEVER get married kek

>> No.56768402

nigger good luck staying poor and alone cuz that ain't happening

>> No.56768418 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 850x434, Suletta hanging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no marriage in the West because you're not allowed to execute adulterous women.

My opinion is that concubinage should be instituted; the woman gets no interest on your property, your children are legitimate but she can't make claims against you in family court.

>> No.56768457

>marry qt beautiful submissive girl
>have 2.1 kids, get a mortgage and a dog
>girl becomes an insufferable harpy driving you to the edge of sanity and alcoholism
>divorce rapes you for half your money, the house and takes the kids and the dog
>you're a "man of strength and intel" which just means you won't kys but will instead take it since there's no way you can prevent this in 21st century clownworld
Maybe instead you'll buck up and kill the bitch, but that would require a level of basedness that's nearly extinct in current year.

>> No.56768482

With all the Diversity Equity and Inclusion, there has never been a better time to get married. Chances are your wife will be making more money than you. In this case, you collect the alimony and neet.

>> No.56768507

Just don’t show up to court dumbass. Also never give a girl your real name

>> No.56768533

I feel like if it's right for you and the person you're with, it's kind of already a foregone conclusion and you're just shoring up your sense of commitment and coming to terms with the reality of that future (by communicating). I've never met someone with whom I've shared that kind of relationship so it's not something I consider regularly, no.

>> No.56768537

Don't get married until after 35

>> No.56768540

i love pizza

>> No.56768543

>I don't want to die alone.
you mean you don't want to live alone.

>> No.56768552

what if i die before

>> No.56768577

Stop thinking this problem is in any way unique.
The way you should look at it is exactly like you should look at every other question.

Start with simple logic and expand to empiricism for confirmation:

- Do people get married?
Yes obviously, so for at least some people marriage is an overall positive, otherwise it would not have become so deeply ingrained in nearly every culture.
- In general, is there a way to structure marriage such that the potential upside is maximized and the potential downside is minimized?
Yes, there are troves of data and real world advice on this: married couples who have low conflict marriages and don't get divorced win in nearly every desirable category. More self reported happiness, longer lives, more wealth etc.
- What kind of downside risk minimization do I need in order to take the gamble that can give me the upside?
Obviously if there was a high likelihood of divorce you wouldn't want to get married. Conversely if there was a very low risk you'd definitely want to do it.

Now look at the data:
On the woman side there's really one variable, number of sexual partners. Women who only have sex with their husband have a >80% chance of staying married and being happy in their marrage. For women with 20+ sexual partners the rate of happy intact marriage is under 10%. That's as direct and effect as you will ever get in a social setting.
On the man side success is the key variable. Provide a life for your family that is above average and don't develop major bad attributes like being super fat or a drug addict and you're looking at a 75% intact happy marriage rate.

Combine a virgin woman with a successful man and you have as close to a lock as is possible on earth.

Dont listen to everyone trying to distract you from the above. Evil people will lie to you to get a better position for themselves at your expense.
t. successful married w kids

There truly is nothing new

>> No.56768583

You got lucky

>> No.56768596

checked sage advice

>> No.56768600
File: 10 KB, 203x255, 1689619110463103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok now this is based

>> No.56768606

Cheese pizza?

>> No.56768625

Your ID literally says GLOW lmao nobody is falling for this

>> No.56768648

oopsie how so old man

>> No.56768692
File: 671 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20231013-211929_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, sometimes with onion too

>> No.56768702

Just joking. You want to be mature and know yourself before the commitment is all.

>> No.56768705

only if you marry into wealth

>> No.56768745

you sick fuck

>> No.56768788

It is necessary. You're just retarded

>> No.56768792

>just don't show up to court
Idiot retard alert

>> No.56768809

Go for it man. Marriage is a great decision. You want any advice on whether or not it's a good idea to step off the roof of a 3 story building or let bees sting your dick while you're at it? If it doesn't strike you as absurd right out of the gate, no one is going to help you. Just get married, see how it works, and live your life from one whim to the next with no consideration for consequences at all. Sign every contract put in front of you. Never say no to anyone. Just see how deep you can dig. You'll at least have some fun along the way.

>> No.56768845

Lick my butt. If I'm living with a woman long enough for common law marriage to come into effect and she doesn't absolutely despise the government, then something has gone horribly wrong and I should just blow my brains out at that point anyway.

>> No.56768852
File: 245 KB, 1645x1080, 5PkjeIu9hapLSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its honestly very good if your wife isnt retarded

>> No.56768905

This. Just rotate them. Drop them when they’re front starts falling and they become a pain in the ass. I dont know how dudes seeing motherfuckers like Tom Brady getting divorced and still wanting to run into the slaughterhouse.

>> No.56768934

Common law is not the norm in the United States anyway. 41 out of 50 states don't have it in place. Where are you from that it's such a haunting factor you? Common law is a disaster conceptually for multiple reasons which is why you mostly see it waning rather than growing.

>> No.56768971
File: 2.82 MB, 1866x1128, u_r_callie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you remind me of my dog, callie, anon. She was a good doggo.

>> No.56769000
File: 70 KB, 960x952, 1668922796119790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to have children then do it. Have to find a good woman though, that is the tricky part.

>> No.56769009

when youre young, youre happy with ur gf, but when you are 25+, suddenly you need to officialize it. if thats not npc-programming, idk what is.

>> No.56769015

but then she wont be attractive.

>> No.56769109

I have no worries about it. The other guy was the one who brought it up. If I wind up in a place that forcibly common law marries me, it's going to the supreme court.
I know right? I can understand a woman wanting to have a special ceremony and all that, but if a government document makes that much of a difference to her, she's not the woman for me. Ideally, the government's form of marriage should have such a low value in her mind that we can go back and forth between married and divorced whenever a situation arose in which we'd be better off financially one way or the other.

>> No.56769634
File: 81 KB, 1080x1156, 1700316950714740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep having to explain to boomers that God does not need man's fancy rituals and papers for Him to consider you married. Adam and Eve were married without a ceremony and without the American government papers.

>> No.56769685

There’s still a month and change left in the year but this by far is the worst post on 4chan in 2023

>> No.56770279

>have kids
Yup this. 2 Parent, stable marriage is best for kids. Its not really about you or your wife.

>> No.56771762

I’m a girl and I don’t want to die alone as well! I want to have a traditional family with 1-2 kids and a husband. Our time are limited on this earth and the thing I’m afraid of is that I won’t find anyone to create a family with.

>> No.56771772
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 1679594093707972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still believes in the fairy-tale

>> No.56771791

This Anon votes nay on marriage. I am married and wouldn’t recommend. Neither would my wife for that matter. Unless you are financially independent of wage-slaving, do not reproduce. It’s is inhuman to bring new souls into this realm to slave and die for Shekelburg. Just “Go Galt”.

>> No.56771806 [DELETED] 

Thank you fren. I value morality and logical consistency very much
A pro choice meat eater just can't be trusted
It's relevant to this thread
Marry a abortion anolishinist woman or a vegan woman or both
But definitely not a neither woman
She'll probably cheat

Hundreds of thousands of children are being aborted every single year. Tens of thousands of children are being aborted completely legally in 2023 in deep red USA states.
Abortion is still legal in all 50 states and almost nobody is talking about it. The pro life movement is a controlled opposition and not your fren. Please watch this approximately 15 minute long YouTube video on abortion please whether you be pro choice or already pro life https://youtu.be/XGPv66ZqlEQ?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open]

Over 6 billion (yes) Chickens are tortured to death every single year in the United States alone in factory farms. And no your Canada Australia or EU country isn't much better. Billions of animals are being tortured to death in factory farms every single year and it's (partially) your fault! Please watch at least the first five minutes of this YouTube video . In it he explains that people who regularly purchase chicken for years straight will almost certainly cause the torturing and murder of hundreds of extra chickens. That blood is all on your hands and would NOT have been shed had you instead decided to boycott animal products / go vegan ! https://youtu.be/brKhhZlUoOc?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open]

What are the conditions like in factory farms where over 96% of all animal products in western nations come from? They are mutilated without anesthetic, crammed in dirty, uncomfortable, and crowded conditions, they are artificially inseminated / raped and jacked off, they are slaughtered. Here is a free approximately 2 hours long documentary about factory farming please watch it thank you https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?feature=shared [Open] [Open]

Stop these Holocausts. Stop at

>> No.56771816
File: 1.80 MB, 2048x1680, 1700828856663075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go vegan
I'd rather eat bugs.

>> No.56771839

>Combine a virgin woman with a successful man and you have as close to a lock as is possible on earth.

If only it was that easy in real life.

>> No.56771861

It's very easy
Go ahead
Ignore the obvious truth that you can't trust a pro choice meat eater

>> No.56771863

Don't marry an American or Canadian. Find someone who thinks divorce is wrong unless under the most extreme circumstances and is willing to divide household tasks and roles to what is fair and conforming to your sex and personalities. Never leave an argument without some form of calm resolution and learn communication and introspection. Marriage is a commitment to heading a ship for the rest of your life and should be treated as such. Good luck anon, wagmi

>> No.56771896
File: 372 KB, 828x820, 352B30FE-67DC-44D8-96B2-2ADBE16EFC9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robowaifus will make your love life a paradise

>> No.56771909

Perfectly understood and stated, thank you, anon.

>> No.56771924

Ridiculous advice. As if a woman's sexual partners dictate who she is as a person. If you're a man who sleeps around you're a stud but if youre a girl doing the same then you're a whore. So tired of the stupid double standards

>> No.56771938

Tired of double standards?
Go vegan and become an abortion abolishinist

>> No.56771960

Marriage is an enormous financial trap in 2023. You're signing off 50% of all your assets + decades of alimony, for what? small tax cuts? it makes no fucking sense.
And don't bring up prenups because they're useless. Any prenup, even if done procedurally correct with valid terms, can be tossed out if the court (judge) determines that executing it would be too harsh (unconscionable) on the woman. Prenups are very easily and regularly tossed out.

Just marry your girl religiously, and be careful with 'common-law relationship' laws. If your state/country has such laws then move to another one.

>> No.56771986 [DELETED] 

Pretty good advice. Almost all States in USA don't have those laws. Hundreds of thousands of children are being aborted every single year. Tens of thousands of children are being aborted completely legally in 2023 in deep red USA states.
Abortion is still legal in all 50 states and almost nobody is talking about it. The pro life movement is a controlled opposition and not your fren. Please watch this approximately 15 minute long YouTube video on abortion please whether you be pro choice or already pro life https://youtu.be/XGPv66ZqlEQ?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open]

Over 6 billion (yes) Chickens are tortured to death every single year in the United States alone in factory farms. And no your Canada Australia or EU country isn't much better. Billions of animals are being tortured to death in factory farms every single year and it's (partially) your fault! Please watch at least the first five minutes of this YouTube video . In it he explains that people who regularly purchase chicken for years straight will almost certainly cause the torturing and murder of hundreds of extra chickens. That blood is all on your hands and would NOT have been shed had you instead decided to boycott animal products / go vegan ! https://youtu.be/brKhhZlUoOc?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open]

What are the conditions like in factory farms where over 96% of all animal products in western nations come from? They are mutilated without anesthetic, crammed in dirty, uncomfortable, and crowded conditions, they are artificially inseminated / raped and jacked off, they are slaughtered. Here is a free approximately 2 hours long documentary about factory farming please watch it thank you https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?feature=shared [Open] [Open]

Stop these Holocausts. Stop at least one of these Holocausts. We can't have two holocausts it's not right

>> No.56771995

It's like buying a shitcoin. You have to be really smart about it so you don't end up holding a pump and dump. But if you pick right, you'll make it.

>> No.56772003

I'm 41. Have a 14yo daughter from past relationship which ended 14 years ago. Recently met a Japanese 36yo who seems frugal, respectful and not a bitch. She says she wants to spend the rest of her life with me but I don't know her well enough... don't know if I can be bothered going through with it and possibly having more kids. I feel like I am nearing near enough to the end of my life, time to let go of all this relationship shit.

>> No.56772017
File: 207 KB, 1131x1680, 1694627144-1694073386534573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful with Japanese women

>> No.56772021

that post was so bad it gave me cancer
you've never done a single truth table in your whole life
you don't even know what logic is
you're some kind of retarded subhuman pretentious teenager redditor who thinks approximately grammatically correct rhetorical declamations equate to logic, somehow

>Evil people will lie to you to get a better position for themselves at your expense.
yes, this was your attempt at doing just that, by posting content-free demoralization word salad with no point, much less any reasonable and actionable advice

i think life for the severely intellectually impaired like you must be like what it is for my rather dimwitted dog
do you have object permanence?

>> No.56772032

Eh, I've got enough money to pay for her. But if she divorce rapes me it would suck but it wouldn't be the worst thing. I mean, that's the risk you take if you marry someone.

>> No.56772075

Can my gf take half my shit if we're sharing an apartment together in Sydney? Coming up to 2 years at this point so I need to fucking know.

>> No.56772092

Yeah, I think 2 years is the timeframe. But if she has any shit then you're supposed to divide is equally do it might not be all that bad. There's also a time limit for her to claim anything so if you break up and she doesn't realise that you owe her something then you might be able to ghost her and get away with it.

>> No.56772108
File: 35 KB, 645x773, 0c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need a government contract in order to have a family

>> No.56772117

I've already made it clear to her that I legally want our assets divided. My dad also has access to some pretty good solicitors. Is that enough?

>> No.56772127
File: 337 KB, 1944x2592, no_horse_pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally not even begun seriously going out & visiting various grocery stores & malls, and already have some qt at work who likes me, another at my church who is in my opinion above my league since I'm not as rich as her brother, and 5 other women I found on literal pisscord. One of them claims to be upset I talk to multiple women so for the time being I'm only talking to her as she's White & Eastern Orthodox, as well as unvaccinated & a minor, but it's actually pretty easy to obtain a mate once you begin taking your real life more seriously & adding consistent habits that require focus (such as cultivating muscle mass & charisma).
On marriage, I think it's very important for all racists to put their money where their mouths are & breed, I don't care if you're White or brown. On legal marriage, it's entirely unnecessary & a literal scam. I don't want the government who to go after to take as hostage or giving my wife for some reason the ability to take 60% percent of my net worth. I don't beat or hate my dogs, but would you give your dog knifes & weaponry just in case they feel like killing you in your sleep if you forgot to feed them in the evening? People need to seriously stop thinking of life traps which stand in the way of reproduction as a reason to never reproduce and ensure the 11% White global population goes to 0, and instead just think for a moment how to go AROUND said obstacles to accomplish what used to 10 years ago be very basic tasks.

>> No.56772136

Guys give it to me straight
Say the woman is going to divorce you, can't you transfer all your assets to your mom or someone and therefore make you worth next to nothing so the divorce goes through and you might only owe child support payments?

>> No.56772179

If you already spoke to her and the conversation wasn't 100% going your way then you're probably screwed.

>> No.56772184

when my mom filed for divorce my dad put everything into precious metals and filed for bankruptcy. Nigga pretended he was broke as fuck and that his "business" was going under. The business in question was his sole trading mechanic business which was a hobby anyway.
Can't be hit by their tricks if you use em back.

>> No.56772192

Nope, that would be seen as "acting in bad faith", you'd still be required to pay the same amount as if you didn't move your assets.
If you want to transfer everything to your mom you have to do it BEFORE you get married. Also, make sure your salary goes to your mom's account and make her pay your rent and bills while only directly giving you "pocket money".

>> No.56772330
File: 28 KB, 680x591, 1700898084980589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accepted I wont get married or have kids
>Will have house paid off by the time I'm 30
>Nothing to spend money on, it just accumulates
I live a pointless existence

>> No.56772357

>I live a pointless existence
your choice dont it

>> No.56772442

Hear me op write whatever you want in that contract and assume shes not going to read it. Make it really long too.

>> No.56772493

see >>56771960

>> No.56772595

>Please watch my youtube abortion video made by some religious political group in Oklahoma.
Yeah, no thanks. I don't have a problem with your opinion, but I'm not watching your shilled garbage

>> No.56773656

Like all investments, it carries risk. Or you can play it safe, and die with lots of cats.

>> No.56773658

Just fly to a foreign country and find a girl to bring back. Tell her the laws have changed and she can stay without marriage. Then play house for a few years and when you get tired of her shit report her and watch her get deported. You can do this repeatedly until you can't physically take the trips to replace them.

>> No.56773694

Marriage is the worst thing I ever did but it gave me children which are the best thing I ever did. And no I couldn’t have had children without getting married because my wife wouldn’t have done it. For all her faults she is a good mother and faithful to me. Guess I could’ve done worse.

>> No.56774266
File: 38 KB, 680x594, 1687009918049622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A holy marriage is of far greater value than wealth, anon.

>> No.56774372

>>80% chance
I'm sorry but would you put all your net worth into ANYTHING if it had only an 80% chance of success? If you said this about anything else people would say you're a bad investor.

>> No.56774398
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1563847572171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56774413
File: 2.30 MB, 4000x3000, 20230826_190918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting married and having kids motivated me to start racing again after a six year hiatus. I want to be a cool dad who races cars, not a has-been with some trophies from a decade ago. My house may be a more chaotic place than it used to be but the joy they have brought into my life is well worth the tradeoff. It has also motivated me to dramatically improve a lot of other things in my life. It's a lot easier to do a hard task when you're doing it with your best friend who loves you unconditionally and thinks you're the coolest and hottest guy she knows. Love me wife, love me sons.

>> No.56775193

>Dont listen to everyone trying to distract you from the above. Evil people will lie to you to get a better position for themselves at your expense.
>t. successful married w kids
is that you Ape cuz u write exactly like him

>> No.56775254

An expensive ring and an expensive wedding is not wise financially, yes, but you can get married without these things.

>> No.56775279

that's pretty cool, good for you man.

>> No.56775388

it's only worth it if you start talking to a girl then date her when she is of legal age. That is 100% not illegal and not immoral. When she's 22 then marry her

>> No.56775589
File: 25 KB, 236x419, IMG_1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get married once you’ve “made it” then get a prenup. Easy.

>> No.56775622

classic "my real life hasn't begun yet" trap

>> No.56775634

Who are you kidding? Incels don’t get married and have absolute zero chance of every even talking to a girl. Your best bet is to transition into a woman.

>> No.56775658

Marriage is only as risky as the woman you're marrying. Don't marry a whore and your risk drops significantly, it's literally that easy. The only problem is, 99% of women are whores these days but that's alright, there's about 5-10 years left before a significant culture shift for pro-family propaganda.

>> No.56775675

Of course you can have a life and a gf but you don’t want big expenditures before you’re financially stable. Like marriage and kids

>> No.56775684
File: 265 KB, 1218x649, 1517200318423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some choice advice from a fellow anon regarding marriage. I could've avoided wasting two years of life in my last relationship if I had seen this earlier.

>> No.56775703

Correct. it's a business arrangement so just find a girl who will take good care of your kids. Ignore everything else.

>> No.56776575

I didn;t say it was easy
I said it was worth doing if you do it right
As all things are
These are, of course, the same stupid arguments that have been used by sluts and parasites since time immemorial
Women are the guardians of sex and reproduction because they gain and lose the most by it. A woman who sleeps with many men is a bad example of what is good in women.
You said literally nothing that refutes what I said
Show me a society that is successful long term with whorish women and weak men.
If you can't tolerate 80/20 risk you are too weak to do survive. Crawl under a rock and die.
No, just an anon

>> No.56776639

You're dumb. The government marriage is a legal thing for legal purposes. Like filing taxes together and tax breaks etc.

>> No.56776813

This is what I would call dread-game, the problem is all the cuties that do approach and give you a chance only to let you know you're not-there-yet

>> No.56776834

>>I don't want to die alone.
>you mean you don't want to live alone.
Underrated post, you just fixed that stale cliché

>> No.56776838

>but I don't want to die alone
you will regardless of marital status.

>> No.56776987

if you don't want children I think it's a bad idea

>> No.56777535

LMAO "tax breaks" is the only thing NPCs can ever spit out about the government benefits of marriage.

>> No.56777547

Millions of people die with or without a wife/kids. Quality matters and the odds are against you. Also a family is the main cause of poverty.

>> No.56777554

Is it even really a tax break if those taxes shouldn't exist in the first place? Why does the government take your money only to give it back if you promise to enslave yourself to a woman with full government intervention?

>> No.56777574

Excellent point. The original incentive was to encourage people to get married and have children. The fact that two men or two women can get these same tax benefits through marriage really drives home the point of how retarded the concept is these days.

>> No.56777584

It's a huge risk, but it's worth it to go all in and see what happens.

>> No.56777591

Yeah I don't understand why liberals think people that fall in love should pay less taxes regardless of their sexuality, especially if one person makes significantly more than the other, again, regardless of their sexuality. Why do libs hate single people, regardless of their sexuality, so much?

>> No.56777599

that's fucking it, i'm exclusively dating christian women now. finding some sort of bible study or young adults group. i'm so fucking done. i want kids. i want someone who values life and intimacy. i'm done pretending this other bullshit works, it just leads to pain and confusion.

>> No.56777623

Is there even a clause in a legal marriage license that says the two people signing it have to be in love? Even if there is, how would they legally enforce how you express such love?
To answer your own question though, they hate single people because we're not part of their club, we're just slave laborers who are lucky to not be taxed even more than we already are!

>> No.56777694
File: 492 KB, 2000x1316, 1559521544564[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libtards hate straight white men. Especially straight white married family men. This image makes libtards seethe.

The only reason they made gay marriage a thing was to demoralize and attack straight white men.

>> No.56777828

Anon they're clearly showing hatred of single gays here too. The enemy of your enemy is your friend sometimes maybe tho. Don't be a Draco Malfoy.
I think there is sometimes research in the cases of green cards, but in-house can be quite libertarian depending on your state.

>> No.56777836

>they're clearly showing hatred of single gays here too
No. That isn't even part of the equation.
>le harry potter
Shut the fuck up you manchild retard.

>> No.56777941

There are a few issues with this.
He spent 7 years looking for his wife while we are spending our time and energy on making it instead.
The reason he is poor is because he chose to focus on a wife rather than on wealth.
This means we are fucked because it's even more difficult to do two things at the same time without losing your focus.

The second is the part about treating a wife as a queen.
I think he may be missing a part of what it takes to keep a woman's respect.
The reason his marriage didn't fail as he says it is because he imposed his frame a few times on his wife's shit tests.
This is the reality of it.

Of course not letting his mother shit on him and his marriage is important and putting his wife first is correct.

In the end I am mostly neutral to this.
Right now what I desire is freedom.
I have enough decision fatigue from crypto that I don't need to add a woman to it.

In modern society marriage is never worth it.
If you really want a family and to make it work in our society it will take an insane amount of energy, time and effort.
Having to dedicate a significant amount of your life to it is far too great of a cost.

>> No.56777954

in some countries a defacto relationship (the relationship you described) can fuck you over. 50% of your shit can be taken if you've been bf gf for 2 or more years.

>> No.56777997

You're right. I'd rather be a single millionaire than a married poorfag. But it sucks that I can't have everything.

>> No.56778058

You're on an anime board where lonely people post cartoon frogs.
>Used le
There's just no consistency with you man. I don't even know what's going on.

>> No.56778241

living the dream anon, grats!

>> No.56778274


>> No.56779463

please do not take manosphere advice from an incel on 4chan that found some ultra submissive vietnamese girl that was sex trafficked

i hate modern women as much as the next person but the ultimate goal is to try and find a partner/person that compliments your strengths and weaknesses first and if you cant find that (theyre extremely hard to find) then try for the power dynamic that anon is talking about here

>> No.56779483

No hymen no diamond no exceptions

>> No.56779504
File: 75 KB, 621x493, 1680262210916880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roastie detected

>> No.56779513

Wait. He fucked around while being married in the first year while having a baby? You know hes in the wrong not her right?

>> No.56779519

Please don't die, anon. Biz is already so lonely

>> No.56779664

I think that marriage is solely for the kids not for people that get married.

>> No.56779962

How old are you? You sound like some dumbass kid

>> No.56780070

Just move outside of the US(and stay there) and marry a foreign girl. Even if she rugs you you get a citizenship out of it in a country that isn’t the US pussy prison and can get a new girl. Dealing with women as a white male is night and day outside the US where women are all cunts and EXCLUSIVELY fuck niggers.

>> No.56780076

>Gay ID
Bro, think clearly, she probably wouldn't even walk 10 blocks to see you . Do you even speak with this lady at least once a day? Do you get to see her at least one or two times a year? Is she eager to see you and speak constantly you should get some coffee together sometime because she'll be in town a few days? If not, don't even bother. Women forget quickly and have no loyalty. Maybe you're just the guy she likes as a gay friend but will never feel sexually arouse attracted to you.

>> No.56780092

I'm nearly 40 years old and I'm not reading that autistic teenager shit, I'm sorry

>> No.56780102

Never stop posting this robo pill, Anon

>> No.56780325

She constantly states that she wanna engage in marital intercourse, if you know what I mean, and she has trad values, I'm not worried about any of the things you said kek, still don't know if I'm gonna marry her cuz I have different plans for the future than living in the capital

>> No.56780493
File: 577 KB, 815x1604, 6E10DABE-9976-4ECE-9312-5EEA9A356DCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts me to see so many men hurt and lonely. Robowaifus will help millions of men feel finally happy again.

>> No.56780579

Sounds almost as if government overreach is still the issue at hand...

>> No.56780719

It makes more sense for the sake of kids where one spouse, usually wife, sacrifices having a career so that she can stay home and raise the children. This means she won't have any earning power or assets of her own after 10,20,30 years of marriage so she needs some kind of legal protection so that she won't be destitute in her old age if her husband decides to cheat and trade her in for a new model. If you raise a man's children you SHOULD be entitled to a fraction of his money even after the kids are grown because you literally sacrificed your earning ability for him.

This is of course a flawed system, because humans are flawed, and sometimes one party gets screwed over by an asshole spouse.

>> No.56780724

do it but the moment that stupid bitch wants to be like all the others a full blown npc retard you either submit whether you can or want or not or she will leave you like a good modern npc bitch does and won't even think once which will cause you a lot of trouble

>> No.56780730
File: 18 KB, 183x200, Get a load of this goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single income household in 2023

>> No.56780754

I always wonder when people I know who live many years without marrying and even have kids marry
must be their retarded girlfriends

>> No.56780767

>you now have to pay child support

Who cares. Why wouldn't you want to support your child?

>> No.56780810

Also as someone who has dated a variety of women and has settled on one who I plan to marry, here are some things to look out for:
>mental illness
Do NOT marry a woman with any kind of serious mental illness like bipolar, etc
>past partners
Best to marry a woman with low or no body count, it's been shown that this increases loyalty. My partner was a virgin before meeting me.
You ideally want a woman whose parents are still married and raised her with conservative values.
>Her attitude towards you
The MOST important thing. You want a woman who believes that you are a catch and feels lucky to have you. Never marry a woman who played games or played hard to get, those women have big egos and probably think they're doing you a favor by getting with you. These women usually have no loyalty and will use you for your resources. If she insults you, belittles you, disrespects you, takes a long time to respond to your messages, never initiates, it means you were just another option to her and she doesn't mind losing you. In the past I have dated some very hot looking women but they all acted like this. It's better to get with a more average looking woman who absolutely adores you vs a hot woman who thinks of you as her pay pig.

>> No.56780876

retard alert

>> No.56780903

>those taxes shouldn't exist in the first place?
For a lot of countries they don't.

>> No.56780934

She'll just leave you anyway. This isn't our grandparents world anymore anon.

>> No.56780968

It is. Before that women were seen more like property. Divorce was rare because people needed to stick together since their family was their safety net. Most problems could also be solved by the people experiencing them not some judge with an agenda.

>> No.56781756

You're right on each bullet point. I can't believe I wasted so much time on my last girlfriend.

>> No.56782458


Actually based. I've slept with 40 women (ramped up the numbers after getting separation raped by kid's mother) and wish I could be like this nikka. Females are a meme.