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56767304 No.56767304 [Reply] [Original]

Polkadot won. Eventually it will just encapsulate everything. L1s, L2s, rollups - you name it. Position yourself accordingly, it's just a matter of time.

>Today we're excited to introduce Hyperbridge - an interoperability coprocessor capable of scaling cryptographically secure, consensus & state-proof based interoperability to all blockchains.

>Secure cross-chain communication requires the verification of consensus, consensus faults, state proofs, and state transitions.

>However, these verification processes are typically too expensive to be performed on-chain.

>This limitation leads to using trusted intermediaries.

>Secure Interoperability necessitates the coprocessor model. Where the computation is performed off-chain and the results are presented on-chain with cryptographic proofs of its correct execution.

>A popular example of a coprocessor is a SNARK, but SNARKs alone are too expensive.

>With this in mind, we take the hybrid approach. Combining both SNARKs and a blockchain to form an Interoperability coprocessor. However, the blockchain must possess:

>- High cryptoeconomic security.
>- Highly scalable blockchain architecture.
>- Cheap consensus & state proofs.

>Hyperbridge (short for hyper-scalable bridge) is an interoperability coprocessor that has been designed with all of the considerations given above.

>By leveraging Polkadot as a consensus layer, we obtain high crypto-economic security, equivalent to about $2.75 billion at the time of writing.

>This results in a bridge with the highest crypto-economic security today.

>Hyperbridge also leverages Polkadot as a verifiable computation layer, using multiple parachain cores to perform all the necessary computation for secure cross-chain interoperability achieving the elusive full node level security in cross chain bridges.

>> No.56767319

>This is also what allows Hyperbridge to be hyper-scalable. Hyperbridge employs multiple parachain cores in order to shard the load of execution across multiple slots, attested by a single Polkadot consensus proof.

>Eager developers who want to start playing with Hyperbridge for instant & secure, cross-L2 messaging can do so today, visit the documentation to get started.

>In addition, we have created a cross-chain application to demonstrate the capabilities of Hyperbridge to end users. This application enables the transfer of arbitrary messages or assets between our supported networks on Goerli.


>Since Hyperbridge executes the blocks of its connected chains, it can serve as a validity prover for optimistic L2 blocks. As a result, short-circuiting the fraud proof window, enabling near instant withdrawals and communication amongst optimistic L2s.

>Since Hyperbridge stores all verified blocks and headers indefinitely, it can also be used to access historical on-chain state, although in an asynchronous manner. This enables on-chain applications to request historical DEX pricing, check the age of accounts, and more.

>Finally, Hyperbridge unlocks Polkadot parachains as coprocessors for Ethereum. As an example, Polkadot currently has the most robust data availability protocol ever built. Live today on mainnet.

>We envision parachain cores can also be used for the data availability of rollup transactions on Ethereum or any chain.

>Hyperbridge also unlocks coprocessors for identity, on-chain DAO voting (with pallet-democracy), DeFi, privacy, and other zk applications.

>Hyperbridge is still in alpha and needs to undergo two major upgrades before we have a mainnet candidate.

>The first upgrade will be to introduce verkle tries for state proofs, this effectively makes Hyperbridge as cheap as MPC multisig bridges but with much higher security.

>> No.56767331

>The next and final upgrade will introduce zkCasper. Our SNARK based protocol for executing the full beacon chain consensus on a dedicated parachain core.

>This ensures the bridge is secured by the full crypto economic security provided by Ethereum.

>> No.56767363

Did swift test it? Then no thanks.

>> No.56767390

I'm just trying to have an adult discussion, thanks for your contribution.

>> No.56767519


>> No.56767532

Uses Link

>> No.56767535
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.56767537

Theres a million different bridges that claim the same thing. Yet only one has been tested by banks. Why? Which are you going to choose though?

>> No.56767549

has chainlink been properly tested by banks?

>> No.56767552

Pee pee poo poo poo foo poo poo poo poo

>> No.56767555


>> No.56767562
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>Verification not required

>> No.56767573
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Ahem ahem
Tink tink
Cleanup janny

>> No.56767583 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56767613

Go all in DOT then, LINK will triumph either way. The writing is on the wall for anyone with eyes to see.

>> No.56767627 [DELETED] 
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I'll dump on you

>> No.56767635

>polkadot won
Rope you disingenuous fag. Glad to see another useless token pivot to try to be Chainlink killer No 877373

>> No.56767683

How does this threaten CCIP though? There is no mention of an oracle. How does polkadot connect to legacy trad fi systems? How does it access non-computational forms of off-chain data?

>> No.56767686 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56767693

It doesn't need oracles, it has the whole state of any chain at any time.

>> No.56767708

Sounds retarded

>> No.56767877
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>it has the whole state of any chain at any time

>> No.56767948

an oracle isn't about maintaining state it is about accessing external data. How does polkadot get data on chain e.g securities data, weather/sports data, supply chain data etc etc?

>> No.56767949

You're just fooling yourself, anyone can read how they achieve this by leveraging Polkadot unique architecture and output.

>> No.56767967

Why would you need that to connect A to B? Different business.

>> No.56767983

if they are a "different business" then how does this threaten CCIP in any way? Are you trolling or are you actually a fucking retard?

>> No.56768007

Learn to read and unmarry yours bags. Answers are on fist post.

>> No.56768027

lol you just realised pokadot isn't shit and now you are annoyed

>> No.56768046


>> No.56768467


>> No.56768587

That anon just posted the best argument to anything you could possibly say.

The technology is just one part of the puzzle, there's also adoption and sentiment to consider too. Betamax was better than VHS, 8 track was better than cassette, SACD was better than CD. But none of that mattered in the long run because there's more to consider than how effective the technology is.

When polkadot gets any of the same industry attention as chainlink, maybe then I'll consider splitting my bets or even fully rotating in, but until then it doesn’t matter.

>> No.56768611

This made me chuckle kek

>> No.56768615

Even though OP is a faggot, he's right about that. CCIP isn't about getting off chain data on chain, it's about connecting multiple blockchains. So it is a different business. Chainlink does a lot of stuff. Which is another reason why it's unlikely that polkadot will overtake chainlink.

>> No.56768643


LMAO not spending a fucking dime on anything called 'PolkaDot' you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.56768716



>> No.56769456

To bad dot is run by a pedophile

>> No.56769529

Kek thank you for this, Anon.
OP confirmed retard.

>> No.56769987

At the end of the day most maybe even all bridges or cross chain protocols lead back to Link

>> No.56770089

the bridge that no one is currently using...

>> No.56771802
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>100 parachains max
>Talmudic chain auctions
>vaporware, no users
>CEO has AIDS, probably a pedophile
no thanks

>> No.56771859

I mean why would you think they “won” when they basically have tried to emulate Chainlink’s idea which already has way more time under the hood and major player adoption?

The next step after CCIP has been proven out becomes you can’t use oracles not on CCIP. What does Polkadot do then? Build their own oracles, too? Kek.

>> No.56771985

lmao I love retards like you who just tout buzzwords without understanding

>> No.56771996

>its over for ccip
>trying to have an adult discussion
sure you are and your fucking spacing sucks, I'm still all in link and won't sell a single one until $999

>> No.56772246

To be fair, Polkadot has been working on the interoperability problem for years (Chainlink announced CCIP in 2020 though they've been working on it from day 1). Chainlink beat them to the punch.

>> No.56772461

Well for starters you can't be behind Chainlink when doing any conceptual project. DOT is years behind cross chain interoperability and it screams a copy of XRPL, hyperledger, QNT everything in the space that is trying to compete with interoperability. While it's good to see the ecosystem expanding it just shows that an ETH competitor is trying to be another one fits all solution that frankly is only going to be half baked.

The way these blockchains are are shifting towards interoperability proves that Chainlink has the first mover advantage along with their token being absolutely needed. Fudd niggers are absolutely seething.