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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56758412 No.56758412 [Reply] [Original]

A man who doesn't believe in building roads or infrastructure just took over Argentina. He is determined to shut down the central bank which is guaranteed to lead to complete economic disaster. How can we save Argentina from economic incompetence?

>> No.56758416

They have been economically incompetent since the 30s

>> No.56758431

you better shut your leech mouth before you talk down on the upcoming best president of the history parasite gnocchi scum

>> No.56758436

Based. Let him do his thing I want to see what an ancap society would look like

>> No.56758444

>Nooo not muh heckin' central bank!!

>> No.56758472

A forest fire in that sea of jewweed is honestly the best option

>> No.56758476

I was with you till you said abolishing the central bank is bad.
That's the one good thing.

>> No.56758664

I'm not a lolbert but getting the money printer out of the hands of those speds is probably a good idea.

>> No.56758686

his first step towards privatization is possibly turning their national airline into a employee owned co-operative

>> No.56758700

You liberals really are a fucking cancer. He is going to switch Argentina over to the US dollar as the peso is fucking worthless.
Argentina May actually become a Livia lie place under this guy and not the 3rd world shithole it’s been for 50 years

>> No.56758720

I'm personally going to enjoy watching this experiement play out one way or the other. I suspect he is going to leave all the lefty tards seething at his success.

>> No.56758743

Dismantle the public sector. Unironically.

>> No.56758764

Why are central banks necessary if it was still a gold back system it would make a little sense

>> No.56758795

One thing is for sure, it's going to be the cheapest holiday resort in America

>> No.56758810

Central banks are necessary because you need experts to manage the economy. Eliminating the central bank is a guaranteed way to create a catastrophic economic disaster. Even considering such an extremist idea should be a non-starter.

>> No.56758827

shut up jew

>> No.56758859

Argentina really could become something interesting given it’s geography far from any wars or real enemies as a neutral economic center in South America if they go a Dubai route. Also it is unique in that it has good genetics, it’s probably the whitest country outside of Eastern Europe at this point. They also have the benefit of almost zero blacks. I have a theory the elites could be prepping it to become the next US world superpower after WW3 to take America’s place. The same way the US became what is is was due to everywhere else being bombed to hell, Argentina would probably be a combination of the least bombed country with the best genetics after WW3.

>> No.56758872
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>> No.56758908

lmfao nice try

>> No.56759060

He is only the president, the legislature will Buck break him so hard he can’t even say “Rothbard” anymore. Thank God for separation of powers.

>> No.56759081

Megabait kek retards

>> No.56759084

Really? gigabased of true

>> No.56759110

Trips of common sense. Op is a faggot jew lover confirmed.

>> No.56759216

Stop complaining kike. Let him do it.

>> No.56759229

I'm gonna start a chatroom on Beoble just to discuss ways to support Milei for the next 8 years lmao

>> No.56759233

Based, where do I sign

>> No.56759245

>He doesn't know
He has a lot of supporters on the legislature, and even more since he's allying with Bullrich, cope and sneed, seethe and gargle fucking gnocci

>> No.56759253

Just let him destroy his own country and people? This will be like what the brutal dictator in El Salvador is doing, but on steroids.

>> No.56759255
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I don't want anons seeing my holdings but just to kek on Kirchner supporters I'm in

>> No.56759257

I truly hope all this goes well and we can see a change at least once

>> No.56759266

>How can we save Argentina from economic incompetence
fake & gay jewish propaganda. Argentina has been running hyper inflation at 100%+ for years now it quite literally cant get worse economically lmao.

>> No.56759274

he sold out to Macri

>> No.56759277


What fucking good is a central bank if it can't control inflation? That's their one fucking job.

>> No.56759288

>literally cant get worse
It will be if he actually tries to eliminates the central bank, the only thing keeping what is left of the economy on the rails.

>> No.56759305

>create a catastrophic economic disaster.
They're already in a catastrophic economic disaster with no chance of recovery. Their Peso has averaged a 190% inflation rate for the last 100 years.

>> No.56759312

Why would he need a central bank if he's just going to piggy back off the american one?

>> No.56759327

>the only thing keeping what is left of the economy on the rails.
The only thing keeping Argentina solvent is the fact that the US dollar is legal tender there.

>> No.56759336
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I love him

>> No.56759371

Mi presidente :)

>> No.56759669

US military has killed whoever has tried this in the past so good luck

>> No.56759702

This thread is full of glowies. His central bank is not causing inflation, but a devaluation of his currency. Inflation is going to happen regardless of there being a central bank or not. Argentina is going to 3rd world status, or turn into a globalist shitpot. Either way, a good lesson to be learned from this case study.

>> No.56759734

>His central bank is not causing inflation, but a devaluation of his currency.
Are you retarded?

>> No.56759750

Thanks for the insult. But a devaluation != To inflation. Inflation will happen regardless, of currency. You fucking piece of shit nigger. Fuck you for the YOU

>> No.56759767

How does a central bank devalue it's currency?

>> No.56759796

>Argentina is going to 3rd world status
It's already third world you leftist retard. Argentina's GDP per capita is $12k.

>> No.56759827
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Libertarians: too evil to buy people houses?

>> No.56759834

Why the fuck is it the government's job to bail out private investments?

>> No.56760390
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Do people even realize how much this will destroy clean transportation alternatives and restrict the access to the people most in need? This is how you dismantle a functioning economy.

>> No.56760436
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>> No.56760442

>shut down the central bank which is guaranteed to lead to complete economic disaster

>> No.56760453

The Peron-socialism in the country has been affected by a literal cancer while being kept alive on life support. There is going to be a shock to the system but it’s not like there aren’t countries that aren’t going to do business with them. If the current administration doesn’t politicize the economics out of spite and not national security they’ll be fine.

>> No.56760528

It's really not that simple considering that the US dollar is a central banking currency. They would have to mint their own currency.

>> No.56760545

Even if they did mint their own currency, it doesn't guarantee that the Argentina economy will be good.

>> No.56760566

>shut down the central bank
Which is why they will take him out

>> No.56760570
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>far from any wars


>> No.56760587
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>> No.56760608

Unironically what my jewish cousin says.

>> No.56760614
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>> No.56760628

>This is how you dismantle a functioning economy.
>Functioning economy
Seems it wasn't functioning very well for mist people there. They voted for someone who wanted to dismantle it

>> No.56760629
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>you need experts

>> No.56760632
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Never seen anyone in politics who truly doesn't give a fuck as this guy. If he succeeds is over for all leftards in the world


>> No.56760640

Hopefully he finally secedes this mad notion that the Falklands belong to a country which never held them, has no ethnic presence there, and couldn't maintain them if they took the lands. Argies being pointed towards the Falklands to distract them from their governmental failings is embarrassing.

>> No.56760659
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>> No.56760694

His ideas are closer to Venezuela than El Salvador. He’s gonna sell off the country and find a way to personally take a huge cut

>> No.56760807
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I honestly dont care anymore, im just happy we will have amazon and ebay like the rest of the world, and that my xor card will finally arrive once he opens the borders

>> No.56760822

>economic disaster
>save Argentina from economic incompetence
I think they're way past that point my dude. IDK where you've been hiding but you can't be serious.

>> No.56760827

>Even considering such an extremist idea should be a non-starter.
Yes, agreed- this is clearly wrong think. Gonna have to alert the appropriate parties. Sorry fellas.

>> No.56760830

>doesn't believe in building roads or infrastructure

holy based. Next you're going to tell me he doesn't worship niggers and Kikes!

>> No.56760840

>He is determined to shut down the central bank which is guaranteed to lead to complete economic disaster.
Bro they are at like 130% inflation this year, the have already collapsed.

>> No.56760841

What another paper back currency that will be printed to hell and back or are we talking precious metal coins like copper,nickel,silver or gold

>> No.56760851

Why is it the states responsibilty to build infastructure and then sell it for pennies on the dollar to private companies?>>56760390

>> No.56761043

Considering how worthless the peso is, if they sell it for any amount of dollars they're making good money lmfao

>> No.56761147

He’s selling the reliable infrastructure that are assets and doubling down on the infrastructure that are liabilities.

There’s many rail lines that are still in good condition after 100 years after minimal maintenance. Meanwhile car roads start crumbling within 20 years

>> No.56761298

Leftists already destroyed Argentina. Under the leftist government, Argentina already has 140% inflation and 44% unemployment. Fuck off.

>> No.56761316

Corruption hurt Argentina and now far right extremist are going to destroy it. Leftists were the only ones keeping things working and trying to help the people.

>> No.56761322

They'll kill him they can't allow his project to actually work

>> No.56761388

This is going to turn out just fine with the amount of rampant corruption in the country. Just look at post-USSR Russia to see how criminals take advantage of privatisation laws.

This could be Argentina's Pinochet era. For sure it will bring heaps of chaos and suffering, but they might just come out stronger on the other side. Still wouldn't wanna live through that though, good luck Argentina bros.

>> No.56761415

bait or glowies are trialling AI

>> No.56761429

I honestly dont think glowies care about /biz/ at all

>> No.56761460

you'd be surprised how valuable honest anonymous communication is at a litmus test and many other uses my spidey senses tell me it glows could be wrong of course

>> No.56761487

far right extremist.. libertarian?

>> No.56761492

Chinese glowie perhaps. I dont see USA glowies ever hating this guy. Might even be that US glowies put him where he is

>> No.56761560

Pretty sure they've had ((experts)) in there for a while. Not going too well

>> No.56761569

>He is determined to shut down the central bank which is guaranteed to lead to complete economic disaster
For you, a filthy commie rat, leeching like a parasite on welfare it's for sure an economic disaster
For the hard working man it's the best thing it could happen

>> No.56761584
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>> No.56761595

>Report post
>Hide post
>Delete post

>> No.56761619

Based af

>> No.56761646

How long until i can buy a cute indio gf?

>> No.56761928

OP you know your being antisemitic?

>> No.56761946

>doesn't believe in building roads or infrastructure.
is this real? what kind of twisted retard logic does he base this on?

>> No.56761951

this guy gets it, except his too optimistic and thinks tcorruption and privatization have a happy ending. Which is insane to assume. Take any eastern european post communist shithole and see who control the country in reality.

>> No.56761952

The "brutal dictator" of El Salvador? Bro, the country is currently doing MUCH better than before, what the fuck are you even on about?

>> No.56762487

>A man who doesn't believe in building roads
Why do politically illiterate retards always default to this narrative when talking about lolbertarians?

>> No.56762524

>whitest country
have a (You) for the chuckle guacho

>> No.56762547

These posts are going to age as good as 2016 /pol/ posts about Trump

>> No.56762816

They're tankies what do you expect?

>> No.56763000

Seethe harder, peroncho. But no peroncho has the IQ necessary to post here (3 digits) so nice bait

>> No.56763142

>He's going to dismantle his own country's central bank and enslave Argentina to the central bank of another
>Lolberts think this is a good idea

>> No.56763143
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That's blatant jewry right there

>> No.56763399


>> No.56763648


>> No.56763689

there's no inflation on Nano

>> No.56763986

>you need experts to manage the economy
Oh yeah, the experts who brought us to 150% annual inflation, massive debt and entire provinces with no real jobs while these (((experts))) go out on luxury yatch vacations.
Yeah, that's what we need more of.

>> No.56764009

>Also it is unique in that it has good genetics, it’s probably the whitest country outside of Eastern Europe at this point.
That's a thing of the past. We don't have Africans, but we have too many Bolivians and Peruvians, and the newer generations can barely read and write. The future is very grim.

>> No.56764020
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>> No.56764021

Back in the oven rabbi

>> No.56764133

Better than leaving it in the hands of those who have already fucked us to death.

>> No.56764225

no need for central banking sorry, these "experts" are the ones who have put a drag on hundreds of nations. Nice to see Argentina is not going to stand for bs.

>> No.56764241

why do leftists worship central banking

>> No.56764359

Because they see central banking as a means to enforce their own morals upon all the population. The left wants the state to be able to financially dominate all individuals, and regulate everyone's lives through taxation and (((redistribution))) of money.

>> No.56764424
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based central bank enjoyer

>> No.56764554

>Leftists were the only ones keeping things working and trying to help the people
I hope you are just a dumb foreigner.

>> No.56764829

Im gonna die in this fucking country

>> No.56764841

They hate him because he spoke the truth

>> No.56764918

Central banks have many functions. First one is to keep a steady 2% inflation (to stimulate investment and avoid deflationary spirals), second is as a lender of last resort in case of a bank run, third is to keep a money exchange ratio that allows for exports to flow (if you devalue your coin you export more and vice versa) and finally as a lender of last resort.

They make even more sense under no gold system since under fiat bank runs and hyperinflation are more easy to get caught on.

>> No.56765175

kek imagine anything changes, moshes win again, the plan cares on....... LeTs vOTe tHEm oUt

>> No.56765295

I love it, all that needs to happen now is for my country to tighten it's borders, don't let any of these retards try to flee into my nation. You chose this future, accept the consequences.

>> No.56765489

Finally a libertarian president

>> No.56765531

>from one worthless currency to the next

>> No.56765706

Post communist shitholes had no positive economic history, 100 years ago Argentina was already wealthy.

>> No.56765766


>> No.56765782

Argentina has some fine hoes,
p-sleeve gonna be mad cheap there.

>> No.56765843

>YOU-YOU NEED ME because ... YOU JUST DO ... did I mention my fake certificates made by my jewish buddies that attest I'm an expert?
Fuck jews and fuck your jewelry, you make me ew, jew