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56758198 No.56758198 [Reply] [Original]

Winner winner chicken dinner!

>> No.56758555

RXD/Radiant is a proven scam acknowledged by their own devs >>56682923

These scammers spam tons of inorganic shilling across the board.

DYOR anons and don’t get caught buying these scammers bags of a BTC/BTCSV clone and fork.

>> No.56758777

Kek, you're a special kind of stupid

>> No.56758793

>responds to a script

>> No.56759213

got my trips tho

>> No.56759246

RXD/Radiant is a proven scam acknowledged by their own devs >>56682923

These scammers spam tons of inorganic shilling across the board.

DYOR anons and don’t get caught buying these scammers bags of a BTC/BTCSV clone and fork.

>> No.56759267

kek, nice bump

>> No.56759301

up over 50% last 7 days
still WAY early 25M market cap
this is a stud, bros.

>> No.56759325

oh wow very cool street shitter, everything pumps in a good market

>> No.56759330

ITT pajeets beg you to buy a a scam

>> No.56759403
File: 1.19 MB, 800x868, 1485651364902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot jews trying to trick the goyim out of generational gains detected
today I am thankful for not being brown or jewish and my ancestors not being kicked out of 109+ countries
happy thanksgiving US bros

>> No.56759405

wtf? Where's the price going?

>> No.56759418

Why would I buy this when I own the real thing, BSV

>> No.56759469

hunch says 25 cents eoy 2024
2025 who knows

>> No.56759500

Gm raj, quarter would feed your village for a month right?

>> No.56759773
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1598956662669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why indians/ the jew hate this coin so much? What sort of shitskin faggot makes a script to post in the thread lmao!

>> No.56759813

Seems pretty self explanatory that it’s a BSV fork that doesn’t do anything revolutionary or different. Just a cash grab by the team.

>> No.56759860

as you already know from my typing I'm a wasp in the northeastern US, jew.

>> No.56759906

>shilling jeet scam
top jej

>> No.56760340

RXD solves the back to genesis problem with induction proofs, which BSV doesn't have. RXD also has 0-conf (instaht) transactions which I don't believe BSV has either.

>> No.56760346

Jews hate it because it's pure and one of the fastest, most advanced and most scalable blockchains ever

>> No.56760347

gm poodient shill, shit in the street this evening?

>> No.56760356

RXD/Radiant is a proven scam acknowledged by their own devs >>56682923

These scammers spam tons of inorganic shilling across the board.

DYOR anons and don’t get caught buying these scammers bags of a BTC/BTCSV clone and fork.

>> No.56760372

based, bullish, bumped

>> No.56760829
File: 2.63 MB, 400x400, Radiance3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for the pump

>> No.56761048

Bullish, based, bumped