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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56756875 No.56756875 [Reply] [Original]

As we begun the bullrun, this is advice to all the zoomie newfags, from an oldfag. Heed my warning newfriends:
The coins you see on /biz/ are always vetted and of the utmost quality. This board is populated by the highest IQ people of society, and they know which coins will do well and which won't. There's no point in you really trying to understand what you're buying, since anons understand the tech far better and have done the research for you. So if you see a coin shilled here, remember to buy it as quickly as possible and HOLD. Especially if the post is explaining how the coin is innovative or predicting by how much it will multiply your investment in the future, or comparing the project's market cap to similar higher valued coins. That means you're early. Do not look at Twitter, Telegram or any other place like that, those are just for normies and jeets.

>> No.56757108
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>> No.56757131

Whats ur best twitter followrecommendation?

>> No.56757139

I can confirm OP's statement.

>> No.56757146

I said don't follow Twitter, it's just midwits and normies there to dump our bags on. The real gems are only on /biz/ and you can never really lose money buying coins shilled here.

>> No.56757162

This guy gets it.

>> No.56758639

Send bobs amd vagene

>> No.56758657


Are you being honest?

>> No.56758688

Yes 100%. /biz/ is the den of secret geniuses and Warren buffets. You buy anything outside of here and it's your own fault for being rugged. Here we're all a team. Every major gainer years ago-FTM, SOLANA, ETH, SHIB, was shilled here first. Anything you see on the board is legit, vetted and carefully curated, and buying it makes you a part of the secret club. This is how you make money in crypto and become rich.

>> No.56758713

I’ll give you some /biz/ gems right now.
Everest ID and Cypherium

>> No.56758948
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most will ignore this timeless wisdom, only season /biz/nissmen will truly understand.

>> No.56758980

You will also lose money if you follow /biz/'s advice because it's full of paid scammers, corrupt CeFi shorting shills and god knows what else.
So the best advice is to run away from this place after you know what to invest in to avoid the attacks on your mindset.

Also I am not sure your advice still applies now that /biz/ has been completely destroyed.
It's been a long time since there was anything valuable here, because it's impossible to have a discussion now here.
You either get banned by the corrupt jannies or paid shills shit up your thread.

>> No.56759007

yes. Biz has made me a lot of money over the years, you should listen to him. Kaspa was shilled here since 1 cent.
just remember to take profits.

>> No.56759032
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I started buying $SºY (word filtered to onions) because an anon on biz was larping about it and thought he was a schizo, but I did my own research and man this shit is pumping, maybe the next biz coin to be honest.
Joined their TG and there's a bunch of 'jaks artists there, so I will buy more for a few months

>> No.56759036

>buy shilled coins

>> No.56759042

finally some basedbros joining the next PEPE

>> No.56759050

onions are quite active these days, huh?
can't believe how biz is out of ideas

>> No.56759619

Yes, internat computah' protokoh' ftw

>> No.56759633

Based and redpilled, unironically what I'm considering with Beoble

>> No.56759639

How can you be so sure?

>> No.56759645

Lmao this is unironically something I'd buy

>> No.56759646

There's better ways of communication faggot, why using a crypto bullshit

>> No.56759650

Idk, I like my wallet being private, won't sign up for that

>> No.56760707

Based. I'm already 60x up on KAS. I'm already bagging RAIL and INJ.

>> No.56760730

Scott Melker. He had never dumped on his followers ever. He isn't annoying AF either.