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56755905 No.56755905 [Reply] [Original]

Everest ID

>> No.56755930
File: 1.33 MB, 896x1344, IMG_0480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just LINK and AVAX is actually enough to make it

>> No.56755975

Correct. But unless you already have a large position in both it’d be tough. I’m including small caps.

>> No.56756135
File: 1.13 MB, 896x1344, 373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair enough I guess

>> No.56756490

Whatre you thinking about STBU? I'm afraid I bought the top

>> No.56756505

What would you recommend for a poorfag with only 10k?

>> No.56756573

>large position
How many linkies is considered a large position?

>> No.56756687

3k stackfag here. My only cope is I’ll barely hit 6 figs and then the gov will take a third

>> No.56756711

Don’t listen to this street shitter

RXD/Radiant is a proven scam acknowledged by their own devs >>56682923

These scammers spam tons of inorganic shilling across the board.

DYOR anons and don’t get caught buying these scammers bags of a BTC/BTCSV clone and fork.

also everest is a scam from 2020

>> No.56756749

weird ass pajeet mixes scam coins like everest and this aleph bullshit with legitimate shit like Chainlink to obscure

>> No.56757020

Kek this guy got so buck broken by Radiant he's literally shitting himself as we speak

>> No.56757105
File: 27 KB, 640x454, 1528308770421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No OP fuck you, last bull I lost around 10K due to bad fucking choices, this time ill play safu, a good chunk of btc and sol and IQ protocol since i think web3 has finally a chance, Having this many alts will be a shitshow you'll see

>> No.56757210

>doesnt know the moonie moon bot
ask me how I know you’re a tourist

>> No.56757235

Do not engage, he has like 1 rupee in each coin

>> No.56757274

if you are going to play it safe, buy BTC and stack with USDT, it is the safest thing in the crypto world

>> No.56757282

reasons to kill each other::
>Everest ID

>> No.56757285


>> No.56757286

you're indeed a stackfag

>> No.56757288

I'm amazed at the amount of shit you hold faggot, 85% of those are NGMI coins

>> No.56757289

you just listed stupid fucking ways to lose money

>> No.56757291

shitskin police back at it again

>> No.56757294

reasons to kill yourself:

>> No.56757296

Btc, safe. Anon youve been living under a rock last 5 years?

>> No.56757300

A bitter man is always the most sincere........

>> No.56757306

I'm just gonna say this once, Rental NFTs is retarded and you should KYS

>> No.56757316

Radiant is a tranny coin. They’re here promoting this scam to buy more HRT

>> No.56757330
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Bunch of weak ass shitcoins and boomershit

>> No.56757334

whole nft concept is quite retarded

>> No.56757337

This shouldn't have made me kek as hard as it did

>> No.56757341

I'm unironically going to consider it if it keeps this price for at least another week

>> No.56757343

yeah yeah sure go back to chainlink and tell us how it goes for you anon

>> No.56757344

You know, posting this copypasta over and over again just makes you seem bitter. I don't know what radiant is nor do i care to know about it it sounds and acts like a shitcoin but you are annoying.

>> No.56757348

fr, but also not the most accessible

>> No.56757350

even farming it is worse than earning interests at a bank or buying bonds or whatever. iq at least looks like a decent project.

>> No.56757353

newfags love stacking, you don't know how easy it is to lose all your money there

>> No.56757355
File: 211 KB, 440x566, 1667242236138237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard about 3/4 of those in my life and the other quarter are shitcoins I know I must avoid at all costs. What a malicious thread to make.
This is the kind of people you associate with if you buy this shit by the by.

>> No.56757358

you've got to be kidding me

>> No.56757362

Avax-chan i love u

>> No.56757364

>.t tranny
top kek, trannies are mad people can warn others about doing their research and exercising caution

>> No.56757365

you disgust me

>> No.56757368

I guess he means that BTC has a better chance of recovering its value.

>> No.56757632

You need to take risk and rotate if that’s your only bag, maybe sell 1/3 and put it into a couple promising microcaps. A promising low cap is likely to print more x’s than link. IMO during this run LINK does a 10x at best, good small caps will do more. Just take your time and DYOR, godspeed

>> No.56757675
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are you guys intentionally trying to make people poor???

>> No.56757766
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>> No.56757787

>promising low cap
Vast majority of low caps rug, how would one find a good one? I know link is a special case because it was discussed nonstop since 2017, but there doesn't seem to be that kind of discussion anymore.

>> No.56757812

it belongs at 30m mcap. after that point, sell. thats about 6x from here.

>> No.56758229

RXD just keeps on winning

>> No.56758428
File: 181 KB, 1200x630, Polkadot_2-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Polkadot. Trust me ;)

>> No.56758576

buy when it's green

>> No.56758585

RXD/Radiant is a proven scam acknowledged by their own devs >>56682923

These scammers spam tons of inorganic shilling across the board.

DYOR anons and don’t get caught buying these scammers bags of a BTC/BTCSV clone and fork.

>> No.56758650


>> No.56758768


>> No.56759320

Id put half on avax and half on alephium but that’s not financial Advice. It’s what I would do.

>> No.56759340

you can tell when a third worlder posts.
>hey anon just buy avax and this lesser known shit coin we’ve been spamming so it looks organic

>> No.56759365

You know it’s not a shitcoin, why fud bro? There’s plenty for everyone. Let other anons make it also

>> No.56759382

>begging to let him shill his scam
Gm, do the needful and buy an ad

>> No.56759664

how high is too high of a market cap?

>> No.56759680

Yeah, buy into the second project from a team that rugged their first one, lmfao.

>> No.56759921

You know it didn’t rock their partner got hacked

>> No.56760645

RAIL is not on this list, you are probably fed with fluoride and are NGMI

>> No.56760652

why do midwest think they can get rich on large caps?

>> No.56760778
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, 1679798364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You disappoint me

>> No.56760791


>> No.56761107

If you didn't join the supra public sale and you also miss the TGE, you ngmi.

>> No.56761141

Stop e measuring. A 10x on 35k is great. No you can’t retire on it but it sets you up nicely. No more stack shaming.

>> No.56761160

Also they aren’t going to take a 3rd. Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t Longterm gains 10%? After 40k single and 80k married

>> No.56761377

Not a newfag simply a young, poor chudcel who bought his paltry stack when he was a 15 year old chud back in 2018. Some anon from here shilled it on /a/ where I used to spend my time after school. I never sold and I never bought more.

Fuck u nigger

>> No.56761390

I’m not I know it sets me up for the next run but if I had only not been a lethargic jobless fuck and bought more in the mean time. It’s whatever though idgaf 300k (pre tax ofc) is almost 1/3rd of my parents home value. And like 50% of their equity and I’m 2.5 decades younger than them

>> No.56761406
File: 144 KB, 1514x1966, IMG_3965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunch of weak ass normie shitcoins

im about to drop 50k more into 4chan’s memecoin as the most memeable memecoin shitcoin ever

change my mind bobo’s you cant your memes came from 4chan kek

>> No.56761632

Finally an anon that understands, here on this shitty board.


>> No.56761715

Nice picks, but there are little to no low-caps, are y'all aware of GambleFi and that it's an untapped niche, DYOR on Funarcade as this is a gold mine.

>> No.56761740

Based kikebot
Just bought more RXD