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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56749283 No.56749283 [Reply] [Original]

Apple, IBM, NBC and now Paris too lol

>> No.56749297

good. the internet is for the people, not a bunch of entitled celebrities and corporations.

>> No.56749327

The internet belongs to the rich. Not for the people. Dumb fuck. The internet needs to be completely monetized. If I was in charge of twitter, I wouldnt be relying on ads. Subscriptions tend to generate far more money than fucking ads.

>> No.56749355


>> No.56749366

Fucking zoomers don't know who Paris Hilton is...

>> No.56749382

Twitter was awful. X is worse. We don't "need" social media or this type of messenger service. Let it go away and burn

Apple was made by Steve Jobs e.g. Iphone maker, IBM did numbers for the nazis and still in computing currently. Technology corporation, and bimbo

>> No.56749397
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kys faggot

>> No.56749411

We live in world where people have forgotten she was nothing but a rich socialite whore who got a porn tape leaked with the jew who ran Girls Gone Wild(god i am old).

After that of course she became a media icon and today of course she sells trad style clothes(fashionable) to other whores at walmart.

There really is no bottom to the filthy and disgusting morality of this society.

>> No.56749423
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>> No.56749427
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>> No.56749435

Normies all butthurt amd fighting over their version of 4chan.
If only they knew the hell they are feuding over

>> No.56749468
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Do you?

>> No.56749492

1% of people like. .1% of those people subscribe for FREE.
Enjoy your Twitter with 1000 users, retard.

>> No.56749517

Brandi Love could be her mom and Brandi still looks better, and hasn't had all the pampering of being daddys little rich whore.

>> No.56749539
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I'm gonna go with no...
Then again, I'm more attracted to sultry brunettes. Bob cut hair and I'll cum in my pants at first sight.

>> No.56749556

which is a good thing

>> No.56749573

ty anon, was drawn in by filters etc. its like a fucking sirens song

>> No.56749590

she was like the first celebrity to have a leaked sextape on the internet that went viral

>> No.56749596
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Do none of you retards understand WHY all these advertisers pulled away, coating Twitter millions of dollars in lost ad revenue?
Bogus claims Elon Musk is antisemitic! At least understand the situation before commenting on it.

>> No.56749611

marketing decisions like this are data-driven, Elon

>> No.56749629

How are these headlines

>> No.56749644

>After that of course she became a media icon
No, she had the TV show before the porn tape "leak." Couldn't remember the name, The Simple Life. She was probably at the height of her media 'celeb' status when the porn came out.

>> No.56749652
File: 34 KB, 612x408, paris and fam gettyimages-2311937-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not arguing shes the best looking woman or anything but lets be real 20 years ago you wouldnt kick her out of bed. or her sister. or mother. or all 3 at the same time.

>> No.56749661

yeah but that was 20 years ago

>> No.56749679

>Not for the people. Dumb fuck. The internet needs to be completely monetized. If I was in charge of twitter, I wouldnt be relying on ads. Subscriptions tend to generate far more money than fucking ads.
This is how you end up paying subscriptions to still see ads.

>> No.56749694

I forgot about the sister. what was her name? let me look
>Nicholai Olivia "Nicky" Rothschild

>> No.56749805

Tell that to Disney.

>> No.56750375

buy high, then cry
Elons the Ultimate /biz/nessman
>fat fucking cretin

>> No.56750418

I lost track of the amount of times I nutted to her sex tape back in the early 00s.

>> No.56750584

What is their alternative? X is the best place to buy ads.

>> No.56750610

hire massed mercenary armies of tiktok influencers

>> No.56750739
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>> No.56750745

Literally who?

>> No.56750749

Literally who? Fuck off with your e-celebs

>> No.56750762

she's jewish

>> No.56750804

I wish she would do more porn.

>> No.56750829
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>advertisers shouldn't be allowed to do what they want
What even is the argument here

>> No.56750877

Ya sure they are small hat.
They're a colluding cartel. Advertising budgets are just a way to control content not advertise a product.

>> No.56751019

>colluding cartel
Big Corp advertisers are more sheep desu and a wise herder wouldn't be continually startling them over the cliff. Because they ain't coming back in a hurry then

>> No.56751065

I don't care what you think.

>> No.56751069

The woman Kim Kardashian was an assistant for before sex tape

>> No.56751116

No one forgot, she's just the roastie idol that no one with an iq over 60 or a y chromosome cares about.

>> No.56752063
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Back in the day I thought she was overrated.

>> No.56752192

and the general public would care why? are we supposed to be pro Hilton ads?

>> No.56752195

fuck if i know

>> No.56752255

Jokes on them, they need X way more than X needs them.

I'm so glad Elon recognized the dangers of what was happening and started to dismantle the biden administrations media campaign.

Fuck that sick old pedo clown.

>> No.56753697

What? Even pornhub is a better place to buy ads than X

>> No.56753919

With a world running on BSV and micro transactions there would be no ads or subscriptions, no commitment. Pay a fraction of a penny to look at Twitter, if you didn't like it it's non consequential, less than a penny. But you need a Blockchain that can handle billions of tx per sec with a fee of thousandths of a cent. Bitcoins original vision still is kicking despite what BTC cult has done to it's name.

>> No.56753940

>The internet belongs to the rich
Someone who actually understands the message of the sovereign individual.
Remember to buy ICP. There is a misconception about WEB3, true web 3 technology operates independently of big-tech (FAANG), in true web3, we own our data, and we pay for privacy.

>> No.56754263

Dumb fuck. That's like saying the library wqs made for the rich or the corkboard at the community center was made for the rich.

DARPA literally created the internet for national security reasons. No interpretation was made for the rich.

>> No.56754291

>and now Paris too lol
Who the fuck gives a damn about that bitch lol? This has nothing to do with the crypto space so my bags of NXRA, DUA and DOT are cool.

>> No.56754338

lol, actually they're going to court and will show that wasn't the case, lmao
media matters -- created by scumbag party-switcher david brock -- is toast
and cade metz is probably gonna lose his job

>> No.56754441

the hilton family is a lynchpin of implicit whiteness in american society, and paris is at bare minimum a competent business-minded scion of that family
it's unfortunate she's a daughter instead of a son who will continue the legacy, but, so it goes
notwithstanding that, there is nothing any of you retards (and pajeets, hello sirs) can do or say that will ever hold a candle to the value paris provides to western civilization simply by wearing a t-shirt that says "stop being poor"
no fault for not caring about that if you're brown-handed, you can talk shit if it helps you cope with your country still being a public toilet
but it's pathetic to be a westerner and not respect her especially if you have ever criticized a leftist for betraying their own country or culture

>> No.56755216

the "stop being poor" shirt was a photoshop

>> No.56755307

>Apple, IBM, NBC and now Paris too lol
wow that's like....four. BIG DEAL!...and what is her media company anyway?

>> No.56755342
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Online advertising is a huge problem. Elon is at the mercy of Jewish special interest groups pushing DEI and other extreme-left retarded interests.

In order to escape, X/twitter is going to have to move beyond the old-internet online advertising ecosystem and adopt a new one that isn't heavily reliant on third party ad trackers, third party interest groups, etc., a la the Brave browser's ad ecosystem.

>> No.56755345

>why shouldnt libel be legal?
Retarded teenage hands typed this.

>> No.56755388
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If someone coerces you into doing something by purposely lying to you, and you/someone else objectively and provably loses money due to those lies, then you/someone else may have legal recourse against the person who was lying to trick you.

What's so difficult to understand here?

>> No.56755518

she married jewish? why is the "entertainment" industry so compromised?

>> No.56755747

>how to say I was born after 2000 without saying it.

>> No.56755763

They'll be fine so long as they keep getting their glowbucks.

>> No.56755792
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The whole world is edging closer to Musk's opinions. These companies are simply out of touch and try to socially engineer the US like the Nazis did in Germany.

>> No.56756748

Kikes sticking together as usual. This is why we say THE JEW, because it is a single JEW we are dealing with despite the appearance of multiple humans. Our mistake is thinking this alien parasite vermin is similar to us.

>> No.56757062

Don't read. Don't Care.
Elon is literally Hitler at this point.
Just sold my model s to some hillybilly and bought a Corvette.

>> No.56757495

Yeah, I guess that's why she's been so quiet for the last decade and a half I forgot about her. She married into one of the wealthiest families.

>> No.56757610

how odd. it keeps happening!