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56745704 No.56745704 [Reply] [Original]

Even though DAI can't be frozen right now, can such a function be programatically added in the future?

>> No.56745839

Stable coins and things like Monero are currency

NOT money

You should only use them for short term exchanges

NEVER EVER EVER hold large amounts of money in centralized stables

>> No.56745848

>NEVER EVER EVER hold large amounts of money in centralized stables
*if you're a criminal filth

>> No.56745916

Hi Mr. Steinbergsilvergoldbergsteinusurylawyerkike

>> No.56745925

DAI is more than 50% backed by USDC. They could freeze it if they wanted.

>> No.56745952
File: 2.72 MB, 3642x2312, 180118-litecoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All lit up.
>lmao, Litecoin!?
1. The American government has zero issue with LTC (unlike USDT)
2. It will be $55-80... forever. (Stable, like USDT)
3. It's cheap, almost free to send and hold (like USDT)
4. It's accepted as a form of payment all over the internet (unlike USDT)
5. You're gay (like USDT and other pro-terrorism payment methods)

>> No.56745981

gay. rather hold doge and never see it go below 7 cents.
is paxgold a bad idea?

>> No.56746040
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Not your chain not your tokens. If you haven't forked Bitcoin and are running your own nodes on an on-premise self hosted data center in your garage then it's just fake money.

>> No.56746080

Isn't Blackrock invested in Circle (USDC)?
There you got your answer

Looked at the XMR chart yesterday and though to myself that it looks very stable price wise. Crazy how those things work when people are actually using it to pay for (the good) stuff

>> No.56746207

Cardano solves this

>> No.56746541

Wasnt Pax the people behind BUSD? I wouldnt fuck with it, id just hold real gold but Pax does seem to jump when the gov says so, so if something did happen you may get a window to cash out

Yeah and btw I love Monero but its not really something you hodl. Its a brilliant project that knows its use cases

>> No.56747978
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Been trading on kinetix using liquid usdt and literally nothing wrong has happened. What does this actually mean then? Any exchanges besides OKX in trouble?

>> No.56747986

That sounds extremely time consuming and autistic. I'd rather just buy/sell in short periods of time.

>> No.56747989

cold wallet. problem solved.

>> No.56747996
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It's a nothingburger these investigations never go anywhere. If you can switch to DAI do it but I wouldn't worry much about it.

>> No.56748001

Is this bait because if so really good job I actually think you are a fucking retard for that one

>> No.56748013


>> No.56748014
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i can also move money around gate no problem so i dont really care

>> No.56748018

USDC is 100% american approved so their filthy jewish claws can't touch it. Just do ze switch already.

>> No.56748035

Do you have an average or estimate of how much gas you used?

>> No.56748041
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"DAI" that name makes me feel quite sad.

>> No.56748056

Who would have thought that to maintain a market you would have to invest in it...