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56745067 No.56745067 [Reply] [Original]

>“I don’t really understand how all these boomers and these older people are telling you, ‘Just budget better, just do this, this and this"
>“I’m like, ‘This is already my bare minimum budget.’”
>“You know, it’s not like I’m buying coffee every day. It’s not like I’m doing all these things that they tell you to stop doing—and yet, I have $10 at the end of each month,”
> “I want to buy a house in the future. But how the hell am I going to do that if I have $10 at the end of each month?”

He is right. How the hell does anyone survive on 50k salary?

>> No.56745093

incels will tell you to move in with mommy and daddy so you can leech off of them until your 30s, sell your car, stop buying anything, stop living

just keep in mind they are virgins and will never have sex

>> No.56745106

>car payment
>owning a pet
>not having roommates

>> No.56745110

>muh bare minimum
Someone post the leddit screenshot of some dude literally going beans for two years and saving big while some retard screeches he was privileged to only eat beans

It is not the bare minimum full stop, retarded zoomers paying for 20 bucks a month for fucking twitch calling anything a bare minimum is exactly whats wrong in this world

>> No.56745140

He could cut like 1000 bucks easily without even living bad

Cut the car, the pet and the subscriptions, boom, still not the bare minimum

>> No.56745144

>car payment
>pet supply

>> No.56745166

the advice they give out is patently irrelevant, but they don't care about this fact and they certainly don't care about you personally, to the extent that they would be offended by a suggestion to contribute anything of value to your situation (time, money, raw materials, personal connections, etc.) rather, they just want to live up to social norm of being a "respected elder" or a "fountain of knowledge and experience," which is why they readily dole out retarded advice.

>> No.56745186

what the fuck is Max?
do i even want to know?

>> No.56745195

>$420 car payment

>> No.56745198
File: 44 KB, 640x498, images_How_Have_Rents_Changed_Since_1960__rej5gh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also it is NIGGERSLAVE mentality to cope with your situation by making concession after concession, never questioning why cost of living is inflating out of control while wages are stagnant.... and earning those stagnated wages requires more education than ever (the cost of which is also inflating out of control.)

>> No.56745212

HBO max probably.

>> No.56745225

Take the bus and get some roommates, finances solved desu

>> No.56745231
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do people actually pay $400+ per month for a car? Excluding Gas and insurance? wtf

>> No.56745245

To also the retards going “but I need muh car”
If you are poor buy a shitbox then. I have zero fucking respect for people living above their means thinking “they deserve it”. No you don’t dipshit.

>> No.56745260

that's $25k @ 4.5% interest for 72 months. base model nissan altimas are $25k these days. the fed and jewish automotive companies have done a number on the cost of cars.

>> No.56745299

>Get a roommate, split a place for $600 each
>Don't overpay on a car, perfectly fine options in the $200 month + $100 insurance range which saves him a lot there
>cut the pet insurance, it's a scam
>consider actually learning something useful and making some big boy fucking money

There just changed his life diametrically. Unfortunately he's a whiny bugman and he wasn't looking for solutions.

>> No.56745310

>2496 a month
Fucking loser alert. Here’s mine
>4200 a month (work 60 hrs a week as a security guard)

>rent 1088 (1br apt)
>100 utilities
>200 groceries
>80 fin/minox/vit d pills (got a hair transplant)
>misc 100

I usually have 2300 left over. I commute to work for free cuz they gave us a pass for public transportation. Why the fuck does this loser have all those subscriptions and fucking pets? What a piece of shit

>> No.56745364

>Rent = 1,320
Dont live outside your means.
>renters insurance
But... Why?
>pet insurance
Again... Why?

Some of his shit was valid but some of it had me scratching my head

>> No.56745413

Just lease it at this point, 72 months good god

>> No.56745417

Whites can't use public transport in burgerland. They'll be assaulted by feral blacks.

>> No.56745418

I like how the anti-incel narrative is practically "just consume more, buy useless shit and live alone unloved away from your family" in this one.

I could convince someone to kill himself by changing people perception of something.

>> No.56745427


every single time these losers have a pet. Why don't they have a kid at that point.

When you are young you should be focused on getting a romantic partner, or increase your social network.
Why do you hamper yourself down with a pet. A pet forces you to be at home atleast once a day. You can't do spontaneous travels. You literally are responsible for a living being.

Pets are a luxury for middle aged/retired people. Not for out of school people trying to find their footing in life.

Also WHO the fuck pays for these scam streamer services?
They might have 1 or 2 good shows a year, you pirate them like any broke person.
Free time as 20 year old is NOT free time, if you get this you will make it.

>> No.56745452

Then move somewhere without niggers or share a ride with someone (white)

Or just get a beater, or a motorcycle, bike whatever, you dont NEED a financed car, EVER

>> No.56745467

Tried this but some dodgy torrent site bricked my laptop. It's the same laptop I use for WFH so I lost my job. Any other bright ideas?

>> No.56745497

>had a spine for 2000 years
>can't even take the bus now

>> No.56745506

k3k zoomers are retarded.

use torrentgalaxy or 1337.
Or even go to ymovies . c c . You stream from there, have adblock ON.

Also get a cheapo computer for home use separate from work.
Life is hard for retards like you.

>> No.56745562

Having a pet instead of a kid is the only financially sound decision this guy made. Having a child means you also have a woman who will constantly demand your time and expect gifts and trips, on top of all of the expenses from your kid. Bigger apartment, clothing, food, books etc. your probably paying 20x as much compared to a dog lol.

>> No.56745568

i had to look it up, as i haven't owned a tv in 20 years
it's HBO Max, subscription streaming service

stop saying "public transit"
start saying "nonwhite transport"
because that's what it is

Gen Y is the primary market for subscription services
saw some chart here recently which showed which generations spend the most money on which things, should have saved

>> No.56745582

>1550 every two weeks
>990 rent
>60 electricity + gas
>25 phone bill
>50 internet
>35 car insurance (lowered from 110)
>15 seedbox
>60 beer for the month (3x30 rack)
>40 gas (wfh)

I still end up only saving about $200 a month because groceries are expensive as shit despite trying to make one big batch of something like chili every week or so. I'm frustrated because I theoretically should be saving more but everything gets chipped away at. I go out frequently and drink cheap. Still, looking at my statements that accounts for like $90 a month maybe.

Mainly, I think I keep getting invited to weddings and weekend trips. I'm young enough that I want to do these things, but you've gotta fly out to two weddings a year and its $200/ea for the flight plus wedding gift ($100). Chip in for a weekend airbnb and its $100/night.

Just sucks when you feel like you're on top of things and not pissing away money on funko pops but still aren't able to stack cash

>> No.56745599

You dont need a car at $400 a month. Buy an old beater for $2000.

>> No.56745619

being able to buy a house is not a guarantee in life. it's only for people who work really hard and contribute to society.

i have boomer parents who own houses. and i lived in shitty apartments and co-ops for many years while i went to school to get money so one day i could afford a house.

you could do that, you just aren't. that's okay, but don't complain about it.

>> No.56745753

then why not go all the way and HAVe NO pet.
>> but MUH companionship.

how about you find a living breathing human being who can take care of their shit as a companion instead.

In the long run it is a better investment of time and energy.
>> inb4 people are shitty.
Yeah your pet ain't that different either.

>> No.56745755

use a private tracker you pay an initial cost for and seed so you don't get the acct shit down. if you want an invite to iptorrents reply with your email I have like 3 invites to use

>> No.56745855

pets are a replacement for the instinct to bear children
how many wierd young people do you know that treat their pets like children, yet insist they would never have children?

>> No.56745898
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>> No.56745928

>$420 for car
>$200 for car insurance
How the fuck is his electric only $40 though.
I drive an 18 year old truck covered in rust that costs almost nothing to insure. He could be saving about $500 a month by driving an older vehicle. These people all think they deserve pretty new cars. The only new car I've ever driven is the one I bought for my wife. What kid of man needs anything more than heat, a/c, and a radio?

>> No.56745932

>how about you find a living breathing human being who can take care of their shit as a companion instead.
Having a girlfriend always cost me way more money than it saved.

>> No.56745973

Why is his insurance $200?
Mine is $60... for full coverage.

>> No.56746223

He can't afford whatever that is. I mean "pet insurance"? WTF.
If he has to have a pet companion, hamsters, mice, rats and guinea pigs are basically free, and if the thing gets sick it goes down the toilet.

>> No.56746259

Just bought a 2001 beater truck for $2000
Don't buy a new car if you can't afford it

>> No.56746261

>Zoomers don't know how to fix cars.
>Cars are deliberately designed so the owners can't fix them.
>Zoomers are scared an old car will break down and they'll lose their job for missing work and they won't be able to afford repairs

>> No.56746262

I've never been in an accident, had one windshield claim due to hail and my car valued at $3000 costs $160/mo to insure.

if you ever have a gap in your insurance, for example if you go abroad for a few months, the system says WHOA THIS GUY IS A RISK HE DROVE AROUND WITH NO INSURANCE and your rates immediately go up even if you weren't driving/didn't need to drive

it's cucked

>> No.56746310

How the fuck do you spend 200 a month on insurance for a single vehicle?

>> No.56746351

If he's a new driver that's standard, even cheap, depending on his location.

>> No.56746909

$90/month is a lot. Stop throwing it away. Stop drinking. You can probably get cheaper phone service if you just do a pay-as-you-go thing.

>> No.56747640

America is the only where you can't live with your parents

>> No.56747767

If you're a burger struggling financially you should go to https://www.benefits.gov
The feds give away a shit ton of money, even to people with jobs.

>> No.56747848

What the hell is pet insurance

>> No.56747873

Medical insurance for your pet. It's a good idea if you don't want to put down your pet when it gets sick.

>> No.56747882

checked and fucking this. What the fuck is this retard doing buying a car on payments...

>> No.56747903
File: 657 KB, 1079x820, Screenshot_20231016-111252_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>car payment
>he doesn't have a fleet of redundant cash bought shitboxes
Poverty box #2 is ready and waiting. With the kayak still on it. That will look werid soon now that I think about it.

>> No.56747931

I used to live like this
It is NOT worth it
You live like an Indian and only save 12K per year.
100K saved after 10 years
He will never retire

>> No.56747999

>rent and utilities
He's living somewhere that is too expensive for someone of his wage, he needs to downsize, move in with his parents, or get roommates
>car payment
That's way too high, he's financed a car that is beyond his means
>car insurance
Same again

He's not living at a bare minimum. Bare minimum is living in your car, eating beans, bread and rice, renting a garage and owning a gym membership. Zoomers don't know what poverty even is. Poverty to zoomers is not being able to afford wifi.

>> No.56748008

just cut out entertainment and food bro you're enjoying life way too much

>> No.56748159

honestly this, feral blacks make up about .5% of our population, and 70% of public transportation

>> No.56748183

Looks good. What wheels?

>> No.56748229

>car payment and insurance
>renter insurance
>pet insurance
Lmao what a retard

>> No.56748283

It might be getting harder to find a car that's not rigged to die, but anything pre-2010 is still pretty safe.

>> No.56748336

Chinesium MST brand wheels.

>> No.56748375

You're a retard. I don't pirate shit anymore but literally all you had to do was
>use your own computer
>only use torrents with high ratings/health status
>use an up to date antivirus program
At least the pirate bay used to have those metrics so it was very straightforward.

>> No.56748405

anon have you ever had roommates? they. fucking. suck.

>> No.56748412

>Any other bright ideas?
Stop being a fucking retard
I've been torrenting shit for years without issue. Gen z is so dumb.

>> No.56749288

I kind of want to find a carburetor car for if and when my subbie dies
Also pretty sure I have comprehensive insurance on basically this same car, I'm probably getting scammed on that, ...rright?

>> No.56749398

There was another good one where some guy saved up thousands by renting a room cheap off some Mexican family, who he got on really well with and shared meals and household jobs with. And the comments were telling him how lucky he was to being that position and was privileged in ways that others 'could only dream of'

>> No.56749487

End the fed.

>> No.56749529

You're pointing out extreme outliers and painting an entire generation with that brush to justify international bankers strangle hold on our lives. You're either a shill or a useful retard

>> No.56749615

I understand your frustration but the soiboy retard bought a brand new car and has a $420 car payment. That is not bare minimum in any world.

>> No.56749669

Budgeting is a fucking retards game. The time spent penny pinching and shoveling rice and beans down your throat could be used to optimizing your resume, applying to jobs, and interviewing. You should not be stressing over budgeting unless you're already sending at least one job application a week.

>> No.56749716

You're mostly correct. If you're making $35k the solution primarily is not hunkering down and scraping together the most of that $35k, it's putting yourself in a position to make $55k, or more.

That being said, excessive spending is still important.

>> No.56749719

Seriously, what is up with the people in this thread? It's really sad how everyone is comfortable with living like a third-worlder while penny pinching in order to save enough money to buy a $600,000 cardboard box that requires annual maintenance and taxes. Corporations make record profits by destroying our environment, creating defective products that don't last, and buying out our government to remove any hope we once had. I don't blame the guy for not wanting to live every waking moment of his life in misery so he can contribute to a system that is slowly killing the human race.

>> No.56749720

The other side of your extreme is just buy a new car everytime something goes wrong. What you don't make enough to constantly have a new car and throw the old one by the wayside?

>> No.56749916

Car payments in Canada are like 1k LMFAO

>> No.56749960

>>living like a third-worlder
So you want to rich like a richer person, without actually being rich??
Your lifestyle should match your income and assets, it is not the other way around. I will live like a third worlder in the first world until I reach my goals.

>> penny pinching in order to save enough money to buy a $600,000
No one is forcing your to buy a house, big money gives you flexibility and ease of mind if you are not a retard.

>> requires annual maintenance and taxes.
once you have control of your finances this is not an issue. Only as issue for overextened retards who where forced to buy thier property beause their rent ran up and now they are in their 30's with no savings.
>> Corporations make record profits by destroying our environment,
I want corpos to make record profits, I am a stake holder in many of them.
>> destroying our environment
Government should do their fucking job.

>> creating defective products that don't last,
I don't where you shop buddy, even 2nd hand good that I mainly purchase are still usable and high value.

>> I don't blame the guy for not wanting to live every waking moment of his life in misery so he can contribute to a system that is slowly killing the human race.
I WILL absolutly blame this retard for his poor lifee choices. He is a retard that does not understand that he is part of the slave class, and he can't follow the footsteps of his parents.

The live he is living is not sustainable for him at this current moment, he should probably change this before whining on the internet.
His current predicamnet might pass in the coming years as the economy strengthens but his situation wont change until he makes the change.

TLDR: You are not owed success, socialism is a lie, Misery is a state of mind. Welcum to the third world whitie, enjoy your stay.

>> No.56750000

pet insurance isn't bad, had a surgery for my dog and they took $900 off a $1300 bill

>> No.56750024

i had a roommate for 5 years.

now i own my own house.

>> No.56750052

at least thats $700 usd

>> No.56750053

Anon you're an idiot. Car payments can be any price, anywhere. It just depends on car price, interest and length of loan.

>> No.56750073

>TLDR: You are not owed success, socialism is a lie, Misery is a state of mind. Welcum to the third world whitie, enjoy your stay.
You have clearly missed hundreds of years of philosophical evolution and were handed buildings and roads by whites without the slightest clue why. No thanks, just animosity at our superiority. And a desire to tear us down. You say misery is a state of mind? So is poverty and your entire race will never escape it.

>> No.56750080

the answer is to have roommates.

agreed people should always be looking for better jobs

>> No.56750098

The main problem here is trying to live alone on a low income like that. He needs to earn more, get a wife who works, or get roommates. It's easy to talk about the Twitch and whatever, and yeah, he should cut that crap and focus on paying off the car loan, but trying to live alone on a low $30k income is needlessly playing on nightmare mode. Don't know where this mindset that being young and broke is a new thing comes from, but it's getting really gay to see so many people who expect their upper-middle class life to be handed to them after putting zero effort or thought into their future.

>> No.56750108

Did you just tell me the solution to 50-3000+ years of rampant inflation due to usury is to have roommates?

>> No.56750120

>> You have clearly missed hundreds of years of philosophical evolution and were handed buildings and roads by whites without the slightest clue why. No thanks, just animosity at our superiority. And a desire to tear us down. You say misery is a state of mind? So is poverty and your entire race will never escape it.

>> us
None of that was YOU retard. You are not owed "success" for something someone in your race did a 100 years ago.
You are making my point for me, atleast I KNOW, if I want to stop being poor, I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Wake the fuck up retard, and join at the back of the line, just like everyone else.

chudcel facing his first recession and think he know how to fix the world.

>> No.56750151

our parents/grand parents put zero thought into it and just got hired out of high school then ended up making 6 figures....

now there are a bajillion shit skins all around, sky high taxes, and just everything being inflated away

brown hands typed this post

>> No.56750161

its the answer for the OP based on his income. his savings would jump from 300 to 1000 a month. he could have a 40k down payment saved in 3 years.

20% down on a 200k condo. 10% on something more expensive.

>> No.56750168

My ancestors handed down this life to me. Don't be mad yours failed to do so. Don't be mad that I desire to continue to do the same. Be better.
I'm not going to the back of the line. I am financially better off than the OP, most here. Because I recognise the broken system and how to navigate it, I will be perfectly fine. But something you third world shitskins don't compromise empathy. I care about the rest of my race and my people and can recognise an unfair and broken system. You and me are different like that, you will like cheat and steal your way to the top. Fucking anyone over in the process. Because it's who you are.
>chudcel facing his first recession
I'd unironically move to your country, live like a king and fuck all your women. That is my worst case scenario.

>> No.56750174

Jesus Christ 90 beers a month!? I drink maybe 2 a month.
Workout. Look after yourself

>> No.56750181

>40k down payment saved in 3 years.
So he can save for 3 years to fuck himself even harder than he is now?

>> No.56750192

go on. explain your thought process if you can.

>> No.56750202

Some landlords force you to get it, and desu it's worth it. My last apartment the neighbors across had the roof collapse on them, but they didn't have renters insurance so they lost pretty much all their shit and couldn't buy it back.

>> No.56750204

>our parents/grand parents put zero thought into it and just got hired out of high school then ended up making 6 figures....

And now you want their same job? tough luck kiddo. Rest of the world caught up. they all want the life YOUR PARENTS HAD..

>> brown hands typed this post
Yeah should be trying to get a job or will end up moving my furniture, when I move to my 3rd home.

Time keep marching on, no one cares about the 50's, make something of yourself instead of whining on the chans.
Same here I am not some fatherless idiot either, I have a carreer and savings, equities and ancestral land.

>> Because I recognise the broken system and how to navigate it, I will be perfectly fine.
And? maybe you should teach that to OP, instead of filling his head full of thoughts of societal CHANGES.

>> But something you third world shitskins don't compromise empathy
empathy not gonna help him, actionable step does, blud is not gonna overthorw the US government, he is barely able to make a budget.

>> You and me are different like that, you will like cheat and steal your way to the top. Fucking anyone over in the process. Because it's who you are.

Oh yes, I am not white, So I HAVE TO STEAL TO SUCCEED.
Even literal garbage cleaners employed by the state succeed in this country, whites are too pampered and retarded.
Maybe try reproducing more, instead of spending money on your dog's cancer removal.

>> live like a king and fuck all your women.
Knock yourself out buddy.

>> No.56750209

Buying a property with 20% is equal to a leveraged trade in an overpriced market.

>> No.56750244

>literal garbage cleaners employed by the state succeed in this country
Their definition of success differs. Our races have different qualities. Different desires. Seeing our standard of living that we built being dragged down to third world standards is something to oppose. You say we are pampered, I say you are disgusting. Go back to your shanty towns and poo filled streets.
>teach OP
I'm teaching you. So please leave. Stop defending the bankers who destroyed my country. It's why they imported you in the first place.

>> No.56750252

the OP says they want to buy a house.

>overpriced market
good luck making macro calls like that.

Op is spending 14k a year in rent so you would have to weigh that against the cost of overpaying. 3 years of waiting for "the market to crash" would cost 43k.

>> No.56750266

You don't get it, this dude is the leftovers of society, he may have had a chance for a fullfiling family life in the past but it's not possible now. I'd say 5% of males today have a chance of making it or at least have a good time, the rest will be tax/rent rape for life until expiring.

>> No.56750294

Get a used suv for 10k and sleep in it. Use old spice to make yourself as sanitary as if you showered most days and shower 4 to 8 times a month at a truck stop. Eat bread, milk, peanut butter, and bargain soda. Don't get health insurance. Invest in bitcoin buy low sell high every 4 year cycle.

I work at fedex ground making 18 hr working 22 hrs a week. Save 80% of it. Make bank off the crypto.

You're all just dumb. And as for sex just go to bars and pua or tinder. They have homes.

>> No.56750299

He saves almost exactly 43k on a 30yr loan of 180k if interest rates drop 1%

>> No.56750305

>our parents/grand parents put zero thought into it and just got hired out of high school then ended up making 6 figures....
>now there are a bajillion shit skins all around, sky high taxes, and just everything being inflated away
Not mine. I don't think anyone in my family makes six-figures, and we've been in the country since before the revolution. In terms of absolute numbers, poverty used to be a lot worse. If people didn't feel entitled to skip the part where they scrape by and work on their career like boomers try to skip the part where they save for retirement, most people would be able to get by.

>> No.56750316


>> No.56750325


Kek that's a good one

>> No.56750331

So in your white society, you don't need garbage cleaners?

Yeah standards of success differs, maybe you should include reproduction into that whenever you get the chance.
having your women do powerpoint for $60k is not a successful society, but to each their own.

>> You say we are pampered, I say you are disgusting
tomato TOMATO

>> Go back to your shanty towns and poo filled streets.
Sorry I don't live in ny or california. I like my gated community.

>>Stop defending the bankers who destroyed my country.
Muh bankers.
Muh west has fallen
Muh billions must suffer.

>> No.56750332

Oh also don't forget to keep your shoes sanitary.

>> No.56750345

This man is based. Westerners are retarded.
T. Not retarded westerner.

>> No.56750392

Our white society created sanitation.
You're proving my point. You do not care about the societies you invaded. You are a destroyer. And I'm also not American, international bankers have done this world wide.
You're a homeless person ffs

>> No.56750420


>> No.56750457

I drove trucks for a year... spend that rent wagie cagie bs on steak dinners.

But also you can drive north in summer and south in winter and it's always comfy.

People who need a whole house are just pussies.

>> No.56750502

Yes anon I know you third worlders come to our countries as economic leeches, drag down wages, accept poverty level conditions, import your third world standard, then fuck off when it all goes to shit and you can no longer can suckle our teet. All the while hating us in the process. It's a story as old as man.

>> No.56750632

Fuck off. I can’t stand dealing with roomates. Most people on this site are Infact too autistic to be able to handle a roomate

>> No.56750635

I have a bachelor's in ee. I'm just bipolar. Like 8th generation American bro.

>> No.56750644

I hate you because you suck shit.

And you're a pansy pampered lilly faggot.

>> No.56750673


Get the f up off the mud rentcels.

>> No.56750676
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You need to earn more.

And also spend more, to fuel inflation and make Boomers who are too old to earn more suffer.

>> No.56750690

dont shoot the messenger.

i had roommates. good luck.

>> No.56750812
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>pet insurance
>pet supplies

>> No.56750863

In the US, you're basically forced into car ownership if you live anywhere outside the urban core of NYC or Boston or some other coastal city. You can get away with taking the bus in other places but you're pushing your luck on getting jumped or mugged etc because the US is violently ghetto nowadays in most urban areas. People also act on poor mentality instincts when it comes to car ownership and don't settle for driving a shitbox or some economy car as a daily, chosing giant ass trucks and sports cars with a higher than average insurance/finance premium.

>> No.56750940

cope + seethe faggot. I'm not going to do business with you because you are too poor of a retard who doesn't view the value in driving a good looking car compared to some retarded poor mobile.

>> No.56751051

If your portfolio isn't 100% bitcoin don't complain about being poor. Everyone is poor by choice.

>> No.56751132

garbage thread. here is the real tickers to buy zoomer lifestyle: AMZN NURE PAWZ with that you profit from it

>> No.56751182

>just cut your dick off bro, women LOVE it

I don't want to shit on him but
>200 dollars a month for car insurance
It's just not going to work out for this guy, what is he actually covering with that? Likewise the car payment is destroying him. It's really those two together. but twitch and HBOmax should probably also be cut. Sell your car and take the fuckin bus. Boom, you got 700 more bucks a month.

Actually 1320 is low for a city so he's probably living too far out to take the bus. Sucks I guess.

>> No.56751198

>>consider actually learning something useful and making some big boy fucking money
Like what?
You need a degree, if you're suggesting doing Udemy courses in Ruby and becoming a transgender programmer for 200k a year. 4chan always pretends "just lern it urself' but businesses don't play that shit, they require you to have a github record on top of having a degree and other shit now specifically because of all the retards with a home programming project trying to get a high paying job.

>> No.56751205

>using company laptop to download porn

>> No.56751225


>> No.56751320

That boy is going to give himself Alzheimer’s in 45 years from all the aluminum cans.

>> No.56751616

>dude dont live so you can save money, better yet stop breathing air so you can save 100% of your money, its east bro

>> No.56751801


>> No.56752142

He probably got in a wreck and was at fault, redditors are notorious for that

>> No.56752149

I live with my parents, and at some point I caved and boned my jewish friend's wife after they were sending me innuendo for years.
turns out the jewish guy was a big ol' gay and I didn't want to stick my dick in his wow dwarf looking ass so he stopped letting me plow his wife.
honestly just be attractive and you can do whatever you want.

>> No.56752186

>nose ring
This guy has bigger problems

>> No.56752259


All of this. I mean if someone wants to drive more car than they can save up for and afford or pay $50/month for health insurance for their pet that's their prerogative I guess. But you kind of lose the right to whine about living paycheck to paycheck when you're not willing to make the sacrifices to get ahead.

And the rent is obviously the biggest offender, he could easily cut that in half with one or a couple roommates.

>> No.56752265

And I did not see any mention of his Donating to the Bernie sanders campaign.

>> No.56752302


Between interest on the car note, insurance, gas, depreciation, etc. he's probably paying more in one month for that car than the one I drive is worth lmao. Most normies throw way too much of their wealth away on cars.

>> No.56752403

it's 80 bucks for all of that minus the car
the car is his only real problem and sole fuckup, pet is a luxury but possibly worth it for his lonely basedboi ass
unfortunately you can't do muttland without a car unless you're black or a weathered minority, he might save a few hundred bucks going used depending on how retarded he is (very i'd guess due to the twitch and nintendo subscriptions)

>> No.56752541

The guy's main issue is rent looks like.
If you're making poor person money, you get to live in a house with 4 other poor people paying 600/mo.
It's like he's holding himself prisoner or something.

>> No.56752604

Do americans really spend have to spend $200 on car insurance? WTF?

>> No.56752673

>some dodgy torrent site bricked my laptop
nice try JEWISH FAGGOT lmao
pirate bay is clean
eztv is clean
this "mysterious dangerous torrent website" you keep bringing up doesn't exist
you're scared that zoomers learn about torrents

>> No.56752677

Does he rly need such an expensive car?
Insurance + car payments end up being almost 8k a year kek

Why doesnt he just buy a cheap shitty toyota and roll around in it for years at a total cost of 2k

>> No.56752729

Stay poor retard

>> No.56752824

You gotta have money to make money ya dumb bitch

>> No.56752868

Pay ranjesh in mumbai $500 for a Harvard India degree and then just use openai to do your work this will lead to a 250k wfh job

>> No.56753424

rate my finances??.
already have about $20K in crypto Already.
backed off a bit on buy ins.

$960 Rent
$450 Utilities
$55 Corolla insurance
$20 Camaro Insurance
$450 month food ($300 soon)
$70 internet
$150 Gas
$75 Phone bill
$18 GPS Tracker
$10 Corolla Tabs
$200 Investments
Monthly costs=$2,458

$3,353 a month take home.
YouTube+Pateron=$300 a month
eBay: $350 a month.
$1,545 free cash a month
Or $386 weekly

>> No.56753936

The only reason I will never stop wageslaving is that sweet free company car + unlimited gas. Oh no, car broke, come pick it up leasecompany and you better bring my new one.

>> No.56754122

ive never budgeted in my life ive made more money every year, get good

>> No.56754644

How is a Camry more expensive to insure than a Camaro?

>> No.56754716

>2500 a month

Beta faggot unironically needs to work more hours and problem solved

>> No.56754743

sounds like low iq issues

>> No.56754882

Does everyone here wage at fucking McDonald's? I swear an actual job gives you way too many comfy benefits
> travel for free around the world
> free office equipment, gym membership, insurances
> offsites at extremely luxurious villas 2-3 times a year

>> No.56754905

This fag has a nose ring lmao get a real job and stop looking like a clown

>> No.56754968

Could save almost 500 a month by having a paid off used beater car with only liability insurance.
Having a pet when you can’t afford to care for your own needs is just as irresponsible as having kids when you can support yourself too.
Not that the economy isn’t getting worse and worse, but these shelf stockers shouldn’t be buying 25k$ cars and pet insurance.

>> No.56755023

>I have comprehensive insurance on basically this same car, I'm probably getting scammed on that, ...rright?
Yes. They are like 4k cars.

>> No.56755295
File: 1.28 MB, 897x836, 1684974950267556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no liver of joy

>> No.56755304

this is why we need affordable pods and bug food

its not because the fed has been systematically inflating away the value of labor for the last 100+ years
its because this guy has renters insurance valued at a massive 12,30 a month he should get rid of that and have the 12,30 to pay his mortgage

>> No.56755868

I made 49k for a while and actually bought a house with 15% down in 1 year!
Car payments and insurance are his biggest issue.

>> No.56755899

Even if zoom zooms gave up on those ~100$/month worth of "luxuries" rent would just rise by 100$/h because the landlord can now get away with more.

>> No.56755908

he needs roomates, should sell his car, and not have subscriptions

>> No.56755921

then what is it to understand all that and still spend like a retard? double niggerslave?

>> No.56755954

This is a temporary measure he would obviously need to earn more in the future

>> No.56756019

Yep. It’s over

>> No.56756097

classic car insurance is really cheap.
But only allows me to drive 3,000 mi a year with that car.

>> No.56756122

$1,248.06 every two weeks is not $2,496.12 a month
The average year is 365.25 days
The average month is 30.4375 days
$1,248.06 ÷ 14 * 30.4375 = $2,713.416 a month

If he stopped fucking his dog while playing Nintendo he'd notice the additional average $217 dollars he has left over monthly

>> No.56756177

I bought a 2012 ford escape for $5k few years ago. If you're buying new or with a loan, you're retarded. Buy a cheap car to get from A to B or get a cool car but don't bitch about cost.

>> No.56756261

>less than $2500/mo
>in current dollars
He needs to stop working at the gas station and increase his income. Holy shit pick up a trade at that point. HVAC or plumbing or electrician.

>> No.56756308

>survive on 50k
That sort of salary is not intended to support a man to live independently,

>> No.56756703

He could halve and 3/4 his car payment and insurance, respectively, and maybe get a worse apartment and save $200ish, but it just shows that the things Millennials can do to save more are, at best, massive life changes that require weeks if not months to implement, usually with upfront costs that mean that the savings don't kick in until years later.

>> No.56756734

I did this, it's a terrible idea if you can't build and maintain your network because you can't travel/host/socialize easily.

>> No.56756763

Or just get a used beater car and save the $500 a month. Trade skill jobs are high stress, extreme hours and hard on the body.

>> No.56756843
File: 35 KB, 645x773, 0c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends more than half of his salary on rent
>car payment

are people really that oblivious to their own financial illiteracy?

>> No.56756865
File: 39 KB, 1080x354, 1700765673937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1100 mortgage
>$80 utilities
>$25 internet
>$0 car payment
>$60 car insurance
>$20 gas (just walk lol)
>$0 streaming services
>$0 video games
>$0 homegym
>$0 food delivery
>$0 dating (married)
>$0 non mortgage debt

When my house is paid off, bow

>> No.56756876

The jobs that give you this stuff are so busy and stressful you don't have time to use or appreciate it 90% of the time.
When I travelled for work I flew out late Sun/early Mon, immediately drove from the airport to the office, worked 12h days, then fly out late Fri.

>> No.56757022

The GFC/Pandemic stimulus were quite emblematic of the general Boomer regard because people got just enough not to be able to complain about not getting help, but not enough to actually make a positive long-term difference, while also putting up a ton of barriers to getting that help. It's the same mindset behind unemployment in most states, where it's a gauntlet to get money that doesn't cover your expenses and you can't go to school, when it's been shown that getting people in paid training is what actually fixes things.
The core issue is that Boomers profit off the status quo, have no savings, and are terrified of anything changing, because they know that without being subsidized by prime-age workers, they end up destitute.

>> No.56757051

Jobs on jobbies etc.

>> No.56757179

Country? I am in Germany
>rent and utilities
I pay that for two. Including mandatory propaganda payments.
>car insurance
I pay not much more than that per year
>renters insurance
>pet insurance
just get a new one
is not under rent and urilities???
what? Does he mean internet?
what is that?
Just why?
Is he 12 years old?
how? I pay 60 € every week or so and all I do is commute.
I wish I got by on $200 groceries.
I never eat out and always cook fresh. But I need quality ingredients. That does nor mean delicacies or luxury products. I just don't want to eat poison. I don't knownhow much, but I guess around 600-700€ for two.

>> No.56757268

That's pretty good rent if he lives in a big bug city. His internet and electricity and renters insurance are also good. He pays too much for his car and everything else is crap.

>> No.56757329

>all I do is commute
in a country the size of a postage stamp. Why is it so hard for europoors to get how large the US is?

>> No.56758016

>less than 2500/month income
You know what would solve all of his money problems? Getting a real job and not working at starbucks or whatever garbage he's wasting his life with.

>> No.56758044

>try to post a quote about a boomer with 15 million dollars in NW refusing to pay for his kid's college degree so they make 6 figs and are 6 figs in college degree
Holy fuck. Is every word on this board flagged as spam now? Just stop letting indians post here, it's that easy.

>> No.56758063

Europeans can visit 5 countries in a 3 hour drive so they think they're worldly or some shit, but that's like the size of west virginia kek.

>> No.56758095

You don't. Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold, 25oz of gold is like 1/5 the 1970 poverty line. Capital flight into BTC is the younger generations only hope

>> No.56758108

The real issue is necessities are expensive while luxuries are cheap. This is by design so that we all argue amongst ourselves about $8 subscriptions to nintendo while a jug of milk approaches $10 and rent continues to rise.
It should be the opposite, necessities are cheap and luxuries are expensive, but that's anti-semetic so I apologize.

>> No.56758126


>> No.56758249

It is what it is

>> No.56758253

Yet he actually could easily if he would cut some retarded expenses

>> No.56758265

Its not that small, open up a map retard

>> No.56758287

>bought my car in full
>$180/month in insurance
>$70/month in gas
Living within your means, means buying a car you can afford. If you can pay for it in full you are a massive retard. The used market exists for a reason. Learn how to fucking wrench and take care of your vehicle.

>> No.56758312

Europe is fucking tiny.

>> No.56758319

>Pet insurance
That's an extra $130 I just found lying around. That's crazy

>> No.56758320

>niggas making 30k thinking they can drop 6k on a car and 15.6k on rent

>> No.56758321

It says he has 2,496 after taxes. He only makes around 38,000 a year.

>> No.56758334
File: 209 KB, 960x700, Texas overlaid on europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Texas alone is the size of multiple europoor countries.

>> No.56758338

>The used market exists for a reason. Learn how to fucking wrench and take care of your vehicle.
It's 2023, the used market doesn't exist because every used car is inflated in price relative to newer cars. It makes more sense to buy a 2021 corolla than a 2011 corolla because of how much the 2011 will cost relative to what a garbage car it is.
>learn to wrench
Why not just be a mechanic?
>$70/month in gas
Genuinely no clue what this means, 70 bucks a month in gas is like 17 gallons a month, which seems reasonable if you are using it to go back and forth from work.

>> No.56758355

neither does the guy in the pic

>> No.56758362

Is this Texas in the room with us right now?

>> No.56758363

>cut the pet

>> No.56758365
File: 642 KB, 2450x1487, Honda under 4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's 2023, the used market doesn't exist
That's bullshit. Pic related is the first dozen or so hondas on craiglist in houston under $4k. I bet at least 5 of them would be just fine for daily driving.

>> No.56758413

>work 60 hrs a week

>> No.56758443

Look at the mileage on those cars you fucking retard.

>> No.56758469

>180k miles?! That's terrifying!!!
You're dumb as fuck. This is why people buy new cars, they think 180k miles is a crazy amount.

Ask me how I know you're a pathetic soiboy.

>> No.56758494

I'm 7 figs neet and I don't even have a car cause it'd just rust (if i travel i just take a plane) and still live with my dad cause he's old and I don't wanna leave him alone.

>> No.56758501

>that car payment
does that get you a lot in the states or are car prices fucked? here in bongland a 350 (roughly 420 dollars) car finance deal with a decent down payment will get you a relatively new and low mileage mercedes, or a giant mum-SUV. I really hope this guy at least has a cool car for thag money, but judging by his face and nose ring he probably had no down payment and is paying that money for a kia hatchback or some shit. or a miata. faggots like him always have miatas and love to talk about it.

>> No.56758505

He pays utilities with his pension and I buy food and cook for both of us. It's a comfy life, girls don't care since it's obvious I'm doing well for myself and just tell them I got remote IT job.

>> No.56758521

>here in bongland a 350 (roughly 420 dollars) car finance deal with a decent down payment will get you
This a stupid statement and shows you have little understanding of money. Car payments are based on total price, interest and length of payments. Changing any one of those variables changes the payment significantly.

>> No.56758565

>post online bashing crypto for using too much electricity and hoping it all fails
>end up in poverty
he could have made it

>> No.56758575

Good for you, anon.

>> No.56758584

50k is a lot in europe and you all fucking bitch like its hobo tier income

>> No.56758590

Am I getting released in the prisoner exchange?

>> No.56758592

There aren't enough real jobs, and the environment is not good for people to create them for themselves (cheap healthcare and cheap housing would fix that).

>> No.56758601

No, it's on purpose and artificial. It could be changed.

>> No.56758611

>Learn how to fucking wrench and take care of your vehicle.
You used to be able to work on a car with a jack and a small toolbox. That's not true anymore.

>> No.56758613

It is a crazy amount, not everyone has the time to spend a month taking all the parts out and replacing them with new ones. 4chan's fake bravado/tough guy bullshit just demonstrates how many of you are either boomers who wandered in from facebook or neets/underage kids who have never calculated the costs of actually replacing all those parts in some deprecated shitbox and the time cost it would take to learn and fix all the parts yourself vs. merely getting a newer used car (which is still expensive but doesn't require you to do all that shit).

You are literally retarded, your information means nothing in the current modern market where buying a 2020 used car with 90,000 miles for 14k makes a lot more sense than buying a 2010 car with 160,000 miles for 9k.

>3000 dollars for a 1996 car
Don't make me fucking laugh.

>> No.56758621

>This a stupid statement and shows you have little understanding of money.
70% of 4chan are old people, children and neets/permastudents like that 35yo greek guy who was still getting his first degree.

>> No.56758673

>It is a crazy amount
A civic, or frankly almost any car, will go to 300k miles easily.
>but muh repairs
They're minimal. And realistically many issues can be ignored. The fact is when you're a poorfaggot making $18/hr a 180k mile 2006 civic is the perfect car.
>not everyone has the time to spend a month taking all the parts out and replacing them with new ones
""all the parts out and replacing them with new ones"". It's clear you have little mechanical understanding and are likely coping hard about your car purchase.

>> No.56758711

In the states you can buy outright a decent used car for like £1000. Buying a new car is idiotic if you’re in dire straits financially. Buying anything on tick is idiotic.

>renters insurance
Why is he wasting money?

Stop paying for heating. Just put a jumper on. I’m sick of saying this a good wool jumper costs like £60/$100 and will leave you feeling warm when everyone else in the room thinks it’s freezing. They’re a great long term investment. For £150ish you could could save thousands long term on heating costs. But the chap in the pic is wearing a polyester/cotton hoodie so he will freeze.

Turn the damn lights off when you leave the room you’d be surprised how many people don’t do this

Imagine spending $20 a month on this

>> No.56758737

buying a car is idiotic in the first place
you get shafted with taxes (gas) and insurance
both of which are things that should be avoided if possible in life

>> No.56758790

>60 hours a week
Fucking loser alert

>> No.56758829

Why do you know what a fucking Nissan costs?
Why learn what anything costs that you should never buy.
For example, I don't know the price of a drop ceiling.

>> No.56759160


>> No.56759177

They're 2000-2010 model Honda's, they'll last for 200k+ miles, best commuter money can buy

>> No.56759192


>> No.56759222


This lol those old Civics with 160k miles still have plenty of life left in them. Parts and repairs are cheaper, even if you have to stick $1k worth of parts into it a year for example, you'd probably be losing about that much or more in depreciation on a newer car. So it may need less repairs, but you're still "spending" more on the newer car. Also like the anon mentioned many of the issues on the older car may not be serious. I got a check engine light on my old shitbox for an evap system leak, been troubleshooting it and not intending to drive on it forever, but it's just an emission system alarm. Especially if you don't live in a commie shithole where you have to pass emission inspections, it's something that has basically no impact on the driveability of the vehicle.

>> No.56759353

Get roommate(s), get rid of the pet, use savings from the previous two to save for a used shitbox and sell your car with payments or use public transit if you can, get rid of streaming services and Nintendo subscription and pirate everything for a while until you are more financially stable.

Save enough for a couple months of emergency savings in a money market for better interest, then dump the rest of the savings into an S&P 500 etf in a nonretirement account and do your best to never touch it.

Above all else: tirelessly apply for a new job that pays better. Cater your resume to each job. Job market still has a lot of unfilled positions.

It sucks that all of this is necessary, but refusing to make changes and batching about the economy won't fix anything. If you do all of the above and are still unable to save anything then I sympathize, you should move ASAP because you live in hell.

>> No.56760920

so just get in the pod basically

>> No.56761008

No, retard.

>> No.56761899

I don't really understand why burgers on average making 3-5k month net complain about few hundred bucks here and there. U are well of, what the actual fuck ?

Or probably I'm just hearing the it from poorer individuals who by default complain the most.

>> No.56761917

Still not 3hrs 5 countries small, it usually takes like 5-8hrs to cross one country by car

>> No.56761921

When they live paycheck to paycheck, a few hundred bucks over or not is significant

Lifestyle creep is a thing

>> No.56761945
File: 463 KB, 701x821, Finland_–_U.S._area_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you about commuting

>> No.56761998

>implying it’s a better use of my time to get off work after 8 hours and lay around jerking my cock for 4 hours instead of working a 12 hour shift.

I’m a 32 year old who’s fucked 50 girls and 170 hookers. I’m a broken man. There’s nothing better to do with my time than make money. I wouldn’t exactly call that being a loser