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56744216 No.56744216 [Reply] [Original]

All i want in life is to be a young genius tech entrepreneur who chances the world and become a billionaire and parties at the best party locations on earth fucking hot bitches while growing his tech empire business. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.56744250

Fuck that shit. It's a scam! You wanna be Tom from MySpace not Zuckercuck

>> No.56744271
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Here you go bud

>> No.56744371

But what if you're socially retarded and tall and handsome?

>> No.56744387

there's women in tech now. they won't let you do that.

>> No.56744460
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And in addition to this, I want to know all the worlds secrets and on a path to becoming a top 100 elite individual. I also make regular appearances on the Joe Rogan show and my appearance are memed an infiinte about of times on social media. Women see this and literally set up orgies for me with them and their friends where I cream ever single one of them with the intention of getting them pregnant during a night full of fun (they all call me daddy during this night and they fight for my cum to be placed in their mouth or pussies).

>> No.56744487

Kek at this demotivation.
Unironically do your best, by not being fat, brushing your teeth, grtting a decent gaircut/clothes and moneymaxxing as well as just being quiet and reliable will put you at the top 10% even if you are short/ugly/stupid.

Unironically fixable with money and even average dedication

>> No.56744513

>life's goal is to pursue a loser's career (tech)

>> No.56744534

I know bro, might as well kill myself if i have to endure this bland mediocricity for the rest of my life.

Why was Tom better than Zuckerberg?

>> No.56744535

>>56744487 this guy, but also

floss nigga, floss
my breath stank, i drank the tonsil stone kool aid, ate loads of courgette, mouth wash, everything but flossing
then i just sucked up to the OG floss, and those mini in between teeth brushes and ta-da minty fresh bby
floss is like the S&P 500 or Roth IRA of hygiene, everyone knows about it but it's too boring
also meditate and be a kind nice person, not the creep trying to be a white knight shit, read some Chögyam Trungpa- no joke you got to bee urself, be comfy in your fat ugly skinsuit- or rather, don't, do something about it, bee who you wanna bee, barbie gurl

>> No.56744581

He sold his dying company and got out with over hundred mill. Has a Instagram where he posts nature pictures. No posing, no interviews, no "philanthropy". Just doing what he wants to do. No status rat race like those other nerds that supposed to be "role models". Bezos dating a goblin because he's afraid of his "image". They're all slaves and losers. Get your bag and get outta there. Chick Z doing the same right now. True heros

>> No.56744710
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Expose yourself to social situations and pick up a social hobby. you might be spergy at first and some people will think you're weird but keep at it, you'll also have positive interactions as well. If you're overly neurotic don't dwell on awkward interactions and replay positive ones in your head to make you feel more confident. Over time you'll have so many positive interactions because of your looks that you'll naturally fall in line and start acting like the person you look like (tall handsome confident man) and thats when you ascend to chadhood.

btw salsa dancing is god tier social hobbie. its basically exposure therapy for awkward aspies, you're touching and interacting 1on1 with 15+ different girls over an hour lesson

>t. handsome sperg that went from 23yo khv who couldn't look girls in the eye to chad with multiple gfs by 27yo

>> No.56744826

Thanks anon. Good to hear that there're not only hopeless black pillers here.

I tried Salsa a few times and also improv. Not to get girls. Just because I wanted to learn it. The thing is it attracts horny guys. Which get extremely bitchy with me all the time. Trying to flex their status on me. I'm always about to tell them that they act like little faggots. And if you don't wanna fuck a girl there she starts playing games to get you out of the group. All this made me quit those activities. Any advice how to finesse them? Because just ignoring and being nice doesn't work.

>> No.56744885

I dunno man that's very different to my experiences, here the guys are generally chill and the girls are cool to talk to and playfully flirt with without any expectations.

I'm based in big cities in the UK but I imagine the scene might be different in other countries

>> No.56744990

>it’s an anon plays out his fantasy Joe Rogan interview in his head instead of working episode

>> No.56745078

I spent some time in Glasgow and London and locals there are very chill. Especially Scots are the less cunt infested group I've ever experienced. Here (Germany) people are mostly humorless and addicted to stupid status games. Guys are either trying to be Andrew Tate or some pretentious moral enforcers. And girls are very by the book. Seems like it's less on me than I thought it is.

>> No.56745453

>afraid of his image
source on that "justification"?
tom sounds like a champ. he was everyone's friend bros.

>> No.56745752

What else could it be? Maybe he doesn't know his value or he's sick in the brain fucking goblins while he could be DiCapriomaxxing

>> No.56746419

maybe she's his handler or shares fetishes with him.

>> No.56746537
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Check out of the real world. Play EVE Online and build a fictional corporation.

>> No.56746603

I just stole your capital ships.

>> No.56746609

>brushing your teeth