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56741651 No.56741651 [Reply] [Original]

>Cop shortage, starting salary: $55k+
>Firefighter shortage, starting salary: $59k

If you're looking for a job you have no excuses

>> No.56741659

>Cop, Firefighter
those are commie jobs

>> No.56741661
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>dark eyes

>> No.56741667

Kys retard
They discriminate against whites, and even in the best case put you on a years-long waiting list.

>> No.56741671

Those wages are terrible THOUGH

>> No.56741676

For a high school grad it's great

>> No.56741703

firefighters are faggots

>> No.56741704

> UK doctor shortage, starting salary: £26k

>> No.56741713
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>implying the average whit*oid on 4channel could pass the basic physical requirements
lmao lol even

>> No.56741724

gorillas and rhinos are also categorically larger than human beings

>> No.56741737
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Under 60k does not afford you a home, and by extension, you cannot have a wife or support a family on that wage.

You'll be risking your life every day, dealing with hazardous materials, dangerous people, exerting yourself in physical labour to a reward that will grant you the ability to rent a 1 bedroom apartment and have a 10 year old vehicle with your 40k a year post tax pittance. And that is after you go 20k in debt in certification, exam fees, gear, course materials, etc.

So while a drug addict attempts to stick you with a HIV positive needle or you're cleaning up the dead body of a kid off the road, you can know that the sweet pay off of less than $40,000 a year tax free is waiting for you. I'm sure that the stress and night shifts will lead to a happy life. Meanwhile people on welfare also get apartments, but aren't required to toil their days away.

The income needed now to be "lower middle class" is $100,000 yearly. That is barely making it. To live like the average man in the 1950s, you need to be around double that.

>> No.56741738

I respect firefighters but besides the dangers of fires themselves, the job demands are one of the worst careers health-wise. Nearly half of firefighters die from cardiovascular failure and have increased chance of certain cancers.

>> No.56741760

>Nearly half of firefighters die from cardiovascular failure
Sounds made up. Firefighters are known to be in shape and having good cardiovascular health

>> No.56741763

>enforce zionist laws in the US and have to walk on eggshells every time you deal with a black person committing a crime

You'd have to pay me $100k/yr untaxed for me to even consider being a cop in the US

>> No.56741794

>50k to do absolutely nothing 99% of the time and risk your life for a gay country the other 1%
>In the case of police, everyone hates you on top of that

>> No.56741797

>55k to put your life in danger every day
not only that, if you're a cop, then over half of society automatically hates you
fuck that

>> No.56741815

>55k to deal with meth addicts, domestic abuses, homicides
may as well join the military

>> No.56741827


>> No.56741835

Men used to get virginal teen pussy BEFORE getting a job.
You're being scammed twice. Once with being an incel, twice with the shit salary that a woman doing a make work job gets for sitting on her ass 8 hours and being useless.
Cuck society.

>> No.56741848

I'm not physically suitable for either job.

>> No.56741908

>Nearly half of firefighters die from cardiovascular failure
yes from sitting around the station all day

>> No.56741912

Reddit says it's cringe, it's over NPNW bros

>> No.56741951

Typical Reddit circlejerk
>hurr they so stupid making themselves less desirable I am very smart
>guy points out they couldn't get pussy while working either so it wouldn't matter
>nobody can refute him they just leave the post at the bottom
>continue circle jerking

>> No.56741976

ofc they do. most male redditors are memes that saved their pennies for a toastie.

>> No.56741988

is 55k supposed to entice me? entice me to put my life on the line each day?

>> No.56742010

why do you keep posting these south americans and calling them whites?

>> No.56742012

It isnt

>> No.56742014

also that roidgut on the left is disgusting

>> No.56742065

Cops can easily make well over 100k, and up into 120-130k with overtime/events. Nowhere in my state is starting at 55k. Starting salary for cities here is high 80s. Lateral transfer is 100ish with a bonus of several thousand dollars.

>> No.56742611

>If you're looking for a job you have no excuses
Cops literally go to jail if they do their job (which is wrangling niggers, a fucking awful job.)

>> No.56742659

You get what you fucking deserve, cumskin. You opened Pandora's box when you decided to export slave labor from Africa

>> No.56742679

It's extremely hard to get a job as a cop despite memes and shortages.

>> No.56742692

Africans exported themselves and it was largely jews that brought them here and owned them.
The debate around slavery then was very similar to the debate around illegal and H1B immigrant labor today: People feel like the workers are being mistreated and in addition the mistreatment creates deflationary pressure on the labor market. The jews keep doing it though because it lets them take from people on both sides.

>> No.56742714

I read a study recently, and it's because of what they cook and eat for their station meals. It's pretty rich in fat and salt, because let's be real, it's a stressful job, and when you let men have free rain on what they consume, they skip the veggies.

>> No.56742872


>> No.56743134

>t. Pooskin

>> No.56743162

you have no clue what an average man in the 1950s lived like

>> No.56743194

Jesus Christ, I was making $45k in 1999 at 19yo as an entry level software developer. How are people driving on $55k in 2023? Kek.

>> No.56743216

Great counterargument. Proves him wrong, while you absolutely know he's right.

>> No.56743230
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>> No.56743377

wypipo so sensitive.

>> No.56743395

You can look up their salaries because it's public information. They all make significantly more than that because of overtime, details, and holiday pay,
If you make $60k as a firefighter it's because you work your two 24s and go home.

>> No.56743436

Maybe don’t live in California, Hawaii, the north east of 100k is poor wages. If you’re Canadian you might be right but if you’re making 65k in South Dakota you’re getting closer to the upper class. South Dakota/Iowa has the best medical practices in the nation compared to Sanford in california

>> No.56743771

In a lot of cities and towns they get paid a lot. My friend is making well over six figures, over 150k from OT. He is already eligible for an 85k/yr pension that he can begin collecting after retiring at 43.(20 yrs of service) That number will increase as his salary does, too. He's got 7 years left before he can retire.

Meanwhile regular schmucks like me have to work well into our sixties before retirement(unless we make it big with crypto, inherit a bunch of money, or win the lotto) I wish I became a cop desu, I didn't understand anything about the pension or how fast 20 years goes by when I was younger. I also wanted a more "respectable" job like any of that shit matters in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.56743830

Exactly. Socialism bullshit. A grown man secures his own AO and fire-fighting should be privatized like an alarm company.

>> No.56743834

we need cops of all colors. Then when you call 911, you can Press 1 for a black cop, press 2 for a brown cop, press 3 for a white cop, press 4 for a woman cop (which could be a man who says he's a woman)

>> No.56743848

Stressful? For cops sure. For firefighters no fucking way.

Due to new building codes and sprinkler systems there aren't any fires anymore anyway. Primary role now of firefighters are first responders / EMTs. So all the PTSD from fires is straight bullshit.

You spend most of your day working out, and cleaning the truck and bullshitting with the guys.

Ask yourself this, if firefighting was so stressful why are there like 20,000 applicants for every opening?

>> No.56743956

>get shot by niggers for $50k
No thanks

>> No.56743974

people get into being a cop because of nepotism or the power fantasy,
generally, police departments want officers to have a bachelor's in criminal justice or some such thing
nah the cop would live well beyond his means through credit/debt

personally I've thought about being a cop, but I have a mental issue that they probably wouldn't look past, and I'm not about to get a degree in nigology just to be a speed trap traffic cop

>> No.56744010

lol imagine being a pig in a major city:
> enforce vax mandate
> enforce lockdown
> might have to shoot misbehaving nigger and cause a riot and receive death threats
fuck the unconstitutional zogbot police. they never did shit for me and I'm plenty of capable of defending myself. I've literally told these cops they are faggots to their face and that I will fuck their mother

>> No.56744017

becoming a firefighter can be difficult from what I understand from my dad who volunteered as an EMT. you basically have to become and EMT and many end up being volunteer firefighters in the hopes of getting into the big stations

>> No.56744872

>Selling out your fellow Americans for $50k
Cops are soft feds.>>56741659

>> No.56744888

those jobs wont suit in low t autist chuds like me.

>> No.56744910

firefighter is extremely competitive. cop is less competitive but is one of the worst jobs you can have. rotating shifts, placed in extremely stressful environments, risking your life to interact with the absolute worst humanity has to offer. if you are forced to defend your life with justified use of lethal force you will be armchair quarterbacked in court by some jew lawyer, a stacked lawyer, and an activist judge in a nationally televised kangaroo court. of course you could also make the wrong call under stress and rightfully spend years in prison.

>> No.56745116
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>over half of society automatically hates you

It's higher than that

>> No.56745156

>>Cop shortage, starting salary: $55k+
You can easily make well into 6 figures as a blue state cop thanks to overtime abuse. But don't let the feds catch you.

>> No.56745177

Honestly, who the fuck wants to be a DUI hall monitor or risk their life to apprehend a violent black who will be back on the streets in 24 hours?

>> No.56745190

Is that a lot of money to normies?

>> No.56745376

this. being a cop is basically being a bootlicker zogbot. Only people with Low IQ become cops now. No better than welfare leeches

>> No.56745396

The state of the paki doctors that we are getting i think this is a fare deal