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56740844 No.56740844 [Reply] [Original]

when did u realize that u dont have a chance in this civilization just because u were born with the wrong bone structure and the wrong neuronal structure? Iam 35 and just realized this. Iam doom to be poor and lonely for the rest of my life.

>> No.56740939

That's perfectly fine, but its only a starting point. now you build your life in spite of this, and you can find true beauty.

>> No.56740953
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based. stop being a whiny fag and take charge in your life op.

>> No.56740990
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well anon, before I came to ... 'this place', I put it all on black. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose.

>> No.56741200

I know the grass roots have been all but torn out, ironically from nimby's themselves, but you just got to find a way to make money if you can. It's that simple brutal reality, fuck all of the lofty normies who get to live in the clouds.

>> No.56741220

Well something I forgot to mention is that you may quality for disability if you get an assessment for your neuron differences. Sometimes they make you really fight for it through appeals.

>> No.56741234

but who was semax, modafinil, nsi-189 etc etc etc.
but who was pick up. who was game.
Stop being a fucking bitch

>> No.56741351

>when did u realize
At 20

>> No.56741402

Cope you whinny bitch

>> No.56742148
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I know but I don't care, not my problem

>> No.56742312
File: 50 KB, 519x541, 19AF41EC-BD43-446B-A7DD-76DCF6214419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I did when I had those feelings?

I went outside, started exercising 4 times a week, got a tan, good fitting clothes and started investing and made a promotion at my job after grinding 50 hours a week for two years.

You know what then happened? Nothing, really nothing. Still an outsider, because it's the tism and they can smell that from 100 miles. You can try to adapt to their likings all you want but you never will fit in.

You need to accept yourself, you got a bad card at life and so do a lot of other people in this world.

You never will be handsome and likable. You will never retrieve those years
You will never be one of them

And that's not bad, you can live a happy and fulfilling life just stop setting the bar so high while comparing yourself to others. Get a medicore job, an ugly wife that loves you and some autistic friends. Don't give a fuck about what people think, start living your life.

You deserve it bro

>> No.56742639

It's not bone structure it's because you didn't listen to your parents and tried to be promiscuous.

I've had sex with a lot of women and being promiscuous like that is a fucking waste of energy. All of my friends and relatives who stayed in church (including my brother who looks like me) are married and happy now because they didn't do that.

>> No.56742715

That’s a gay reason. I won’t ever make it bc my parents aren’t rich and i cannot benefit from nepotism so i am doomed to suffer in the trenches with retards.

>> No.56742781

It's a numbers game, the most time efficient solution is to get on the apps, get your profile as attractive as you can and swipe as many as you can. 99.999% of them will be trash. Some of them may go on several dates with you, maybe even become your girlfriend, but they will still be trash. You've just got to find that 0.0001% who you connect with

>> No.56742951

It's too early in the morning to be this retarded.