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56739531 No.56739531 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ways to save money?

>> No.56739536

In WWII toilet paper was one square for up, one square for down

>> No.56739538

Grow your own weed

>> No.56739547

only buy protein on sale
cut your own hair
shop at thrift stores
dont buy a fancy car
get a roommate
get a usenet account for entertainment
have high income to start with

>> No.56739552
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>> No.56739567

I grow my own weed

>> No.56739578

Just don't buy things, simple

>> No.56739582

should I buy higher ply but double dip?

>> No.56739600

spend less money

>> No.56739630

It's impossible to save nowadays. The only way to gain more wealth is to have greater source of income. Gone are the days where you can work an average job and save. Need to hustle or x2 your income with a partner or spouse.

>> No.56739648

I live in a big city, but I have invented a method I call "urban foraging". Basically I hunt and find 90% or more of my food. For example, the geese by lakes in town are ridiculously easy prey, for some reason this man coming at them with a bat doesn't trigger any survival instinct within them (kek). You can also find lots of berries in the spring and summer but some WILL give you diarrhea. Obviously people's gardens are fair game too. I'm a pharmacist, I make $140k a year but I'm saving so much by not having to pay for food, it's incredible and I get to get back to primal roots. Anyway, hope this helps.

>> No.56739673


>> No.56739687

Finally some good advice

>> No.56739702

personally I have a ring of poopers. think hundreds of them. each one of them works for me. 1 poop gets you 5 cents. they bring it to me in their buckets begging for their 5 cents. and meanwhile I turn it into premium fertilizer and sell it for at least 50 cents. lmao fucking idiots. im literally making $60,000 a month.

>> No.56739722

Step 1: Go through a few months of bank statements, catalog what you spend your money on.
Step 2: Organise these transactions into categories. Bills, savings, investments, food, luxuries, whatever seems right.
Step 3: Find ways to cut all of them down. Decide what is really necessary, and make decisions as to which you absolutely cannot get rid of or downsize.
Step 4: Do it.

There you go OP.

>> No.56739821

That was pre goyslop diarrhea.

>> No.56739829

Shop at Lowes/Home Depot instead of hiring a drunk trades cuck.

>> No.56740056

>instead of hiring a drunk trades cuck.
crazy how many people don't realize they are all drunks desu.

>> No.56740079

>urban foraging
just grow some stubble then go to food banks

>> No.56740087

Only these retards can turn a $20, 1 hour job into a $900, 2 day job.

>> No.56740588

Soldiers still got diarrhea anon

>> No.56741265
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Buying some XOR and ordering a XOR card to save more money, also you'll be getting money for just holding + whatever you get if XOR pumps

>> No.56741281

My nigga ain’t never played Oregon trail.

>> No.56741288

Buy weed by the ounce instead of eights.
Better this >>56739538 if you are able.

>> No.56741302

>It's impossible to save nowadays.
>The only ways to do it are the same ways that worked the past hundred years.
Go be retarded somewhere else >>>/reddit/

>> No.56742308

dont eat out and dont order food, cook and bake your meals yourself
takes more time and effort but saves money

>> No.56743237


>> No.56743246

i spend like 800 bucks a year on weed am i going to lose custody of my kids

>> No.56743734

Did you smoke while conceiving? Are your kids retarded?

t. Semi-pothead looking to have children

>> No.56743758

Anon, I was joking when I said the birds in the park are free.

>> No.56743788
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I literally had a swan for dinner yesterday.

>> No.56743808
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grow weed instead of smoking it
also dont smoke weed vape it instead

>> No.56743821

less eating out
more tap water, less other beverages, less meat, more rice/beans/pasta/bread
look for a cheaper place to live that's closer to work
unsubscribe from shit you don't actually use
get a credit card with generic cash back on every purchase (1.5-2%)
pay every credit card statement in full, never pay interest
if you need a car get a used honda/toyota shitbox instead of anything expensive

that's usually most of the money you can save for most people

>> No.56743842
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Try cash stuffing....

>> No.56743914

based and urban forager pilled

>> No.56743920

I was a huge pothead when trying to conceive my first two kids. It was impossible. Had to have my sperm washed and turkey basted up my wife’s snatch. Both kids are fine. I am a born again Christian now and quit pot for good, and after like six months clean my wife and I conceived naturally on accident. So yeah weed definitely fucks with your fertility.

>> No.56744257

drive without insurance or a license or viable tags. If the police try to stop you, just drive away really fast so they can't catch you.

>> No.56744311

lads, this bear market was way tougher than last one kek

>> No.56744321


stop being lazy and pray that you learn more everyday

>> No.56744400

I am spiritually jewish and do not like paying full price for things. Shopping online for essentials (toiletries, cleaning supplies, pantry staples like beans/rice/canned tomatoes) has saved me a ton of money. SlickDeals Grocery/Home sections + notifications for things I need (like contact solution) will usually save me about 30-60 dollars a month.

At walgreens, a single bottle of contact solution can be $9. Occasionally a 3-pack of the same size will go on sale for something like $6 on Amazon Subscribe and Save. Buy that and you just saved yourself a good chunk of cash.

Using CamelCamelCamel for specific products you want to buy and need immediately. Set an alert and get an email when it price drops. I got Catan for like $15 instead of $40.

Share an Amazon Prime account with your parents or a friend. You can add multiple people to one account and it saves a lot.

Generally just be diligent with spending and know how much things really cost and how cheap they can get if you're patient.

>> No.56746747

same but with squirrels
those fuckers are always burying walnuts all over my property and I have at least 30 producing trees now, those fuckers get FAT this time of year

>> No.56746769

OP is an italian pol spammer btw.

>> No.56746892
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Read this book - it's the Red Pill for money.
Getting out of debt, saving, investing retirement - Dave covers it all. I paid off $16,500 in debt using Dave's plan and I'm never going back.

>> No.56747106

I don't buy anything I don't need, simple as.
>Clothes from 2010
>Phone from 2016
>Car from 2014
>PC from 2017
I will use all of the above until I can no longer fix them.
I don't pay for any entertainment, all "free".
You can get lots of free furniture if you know where to look.
You don't need supplements, just proper food.
You don't need heating or hot water, your ancestors frown upon you.
There is nothing wrong with 2nd hand things 99% of the time, getting upset about a small scratch on something is pussy shit.
Coffee? No, water only.
Take things from work, hand wash, cleaning supplies, etc.

>> No.56747179

Weed has gotten so cheap you can buy an ounce of something equivalent to premium hydro for like $99. Even for a heavy pothead that's like a month's supply. If $99 over the course of a month is something you have to stop and think about, weed isn't the problem, the problem is you are poor.
>i spend like 800 bucks a year on weed
If you're such a loser $800 a year is make or break money you need to make more money

>> No.56747199

To follow it up, saving money is for losers. Your time is much better spent increasing your earning ability and investing in assets that generate regular returns than it is nickel and diming yourself and making yourself miserable because your earning potential is capped at $40k a year.

>> No.56747857

many such cases

>> No.56747910

This and cook in bulk. Discipline is the only path for the broke and hungry

>> No.56748086

Based except when you steal from other people's garden. Hope you cook the bird well, it must be full of parasites

>> No.56748322
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staking high yield alts. polkadot and kava are two good ones though polkadot is kind of a pain in the ass, kava you just press stake on kinetix finance and you are set. you can also do this on binance and kraken. other than that i'm afraid of banks desu and even the money i stake is always flexible and never locked.

>> No.56748494

I buy an eighth of weed for 30$ and it lasts me the entire month. I don't smoke it every day because I'm not a nigger, how mentally weak do you have to be to develop an addiction to weed of all things?

>> No.56748736

>usenet account

nigger just pirate

>> No.56748754


>> No.56748808

weed costs $70 per ounce here, that lasts more than two momths for me

>> No.56748831

It's literally just budgeting, expect niggers are too stupid to think abstractly so they have to physically put paper cash into separate envelopes for the different categories in their budget.
Of course, niggers think this is groundbreaking and the cucksimp media is eager to cover it.

>> No.56749920

learn to sling at pigeons with rocks

>> No.56750012

have you tried not spending it? i heard that helps

>> No.56750021

Or just.... don't smoke weed?

>> No.56750022

>cut your own hair
this. also it leads down a crazy DIY path. just know when to stop.

protip: its surgery. leave that to the professionals.