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56736847 No.56736847 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56736865
File: 27 KB, 598x554, 1648600698938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always has been
Anyways, now that this retard is bullish I may actually sell.

>> No.56736955

No. He is saying a massive capitulation comes next.

>> No.56737257

hes also saying we're in a bear market when we're not. the bear market was 2021-2022, the crab market was 2022-2023, the bull market is 2023-2025

>> No.56737279
File: 702 KB, 1135x580, capo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i mean't 12k BTC first then we go back up, all your altcoins will 99% from here.

>> No.56737363

they're setting twitter brainlets up to buy high kek

>> No.56737657

Re-read what he said.

>> No.56737703

He's literally talking about the ending of the bear market.
Bears talking about the end of the bear market is literally capitulation.

>> No.56737788


>> No.56737952
File: 34 KB, 828x403, asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capo is the Jim Cramer of Crypto.

>> No.56738018

il capo dell cope

BTC is holding strong

>> No.56738033

>BTC is holding strong
it's literally dumping right now

>> No.56738066

> -2%

Have you ever seen a fucking dump?

-20% in a day is a fucking dump

>> No.56738089

how do you know it's going to stop at -2%? even your hypothetical -20% was a -2% at one point :)

>> No.56738107

I guess we'll figure out soon

>> No.56738157

>Bears talking about the end of the bear market is literally capitulation.
No, he's talking about the beginning of the end. You have seen nothing yet

>> No.56738167

hes wrong as always

>> No.56738198


>> No.56738232

>he's talking about the beginning of the end
Yeah, the beginning of the end of the bears. Because even he has capitulated.

>> No.56738264
File: 234 KB, 682x1024, 1614897597631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you all this day would come and you didn't believe me. We're not ending on a bear market, we're ending on the biggest bullrun ever known to the bitcoin investors. Im talking VINU finally making it to 1$. Im talking LINK at 300$, im saying DEXT is going to be the biggest site you will all check every day because a new millionaire maker will be 1# each day. And its not even funny, they're taking out all of the big players beforehand because they want to make sure as little as possible. Accumulate all you want because the bear season before that one will be huge and a lot will get liquidated. I pray for my bizbros for i have already procured my gains

>> No.56738370

I kneel. He was right. We're going straight to $12k.

>> No.56738645

>the bear was 2021
on this day exactly, 2021, BTC was 60k
you're a fuggen retard

>> No.56738740
File: 265 KB, 1688x1486, tard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bear market was 2021-2022
okay Jim

>> No.56739159

>ok I was wrong about 12k guys but it has to come back down or else I won't be able buy in at a good price.


>> No.56739177

>CZ gets accused of money laundering
>BTC goes down 3% only.
honestly this is it.

>> No.56739280

>doesn't even understand what capitulation means
stop posting this absolute retard

>> No.56739312

Not wrong, but it would have been cooler if he'd, you know, not sold his fucking short a couple of months ago.


>> No.56739395 [DELETED] 

Everyone is misunderstanding Capo's tweet. (probably because Capo is from a third-world country and is unable to get his point across correctly).

He is NOT bullish. "The beginning of end", means he thinks it will get worse from here. He then says the bear market we're currently in (LOL) will end after a "massive capitulation".

I'm sure he was expecting the Binance news to lead to a 30% correction. But of course he was wrong again

>> No.56739751

look at november 2021, that's the top, beginning of the bear market into December and onward, retard.

>> No.56739980
File: 20 KB, 592x212, 9a852f43986cb0d36b27780bef5fb66c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant tell if you're genuinely brain damaged or just shitposting

he's saying right now is the beginning of the capitulation event that ends with bitcoin at 12k(and all your altcoins getting slaughtered)

infact he's not bearish enough, he thinks we'll have a bull market afterwards. he is very mistaken. buy when hashrate drops by 30-50% and theres constant news about miners capitulating their hardware

>> No.56740394

holy bear cope. do retards really fall for this shit?

>> No.56740956
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>> No.56741901

No he means we get another huge dump and then the bear is over. He is still bearish. It's extremely clear with him saying "always has been" seeing how he has been calling for another dump for almost a year

>> No.56742038
File: 141 KB, 558x199, bitchassnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow no one else could have predicted this, capo is such a genius

>> No.56742055

>please sell I beg you
you had a whole year

>> No.56742763

This nigga is so fucking retarded and for all we know he could live in his parents basement, having 10$ to his name. I get he’s a meme but so are 10000 other low iq smug fucks, what makes capo so specifically fucked up? Why did people ever listen to him? Nothing but terrible calls and childish behavior as far as I can see

>> No.56742953


>> No.56742984

>massive capitulation event
im going to kms i cant take this jewish industry anymore

>> No.56743047
File: 53 KB, 856x268, SCR-20231122-qirf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frencoin hacked, abort mission

deposits and withdrawals on xeggex disabled

>> No.56744892

Y'all still adamant and not buying huh?
Well I bought and I'm scalping good with BobNet trading bot, seamless degening never felt this good chads.

>> No.56744911

most altcoins already did an x4 in the last 6 months. Why would a bear NOW of all times change his stance?

>> No.56745006

Show me 5 altcoins within the top 300 that went x4 in the last 6 months.

Yea thought so

>> No.56745009

>after a massive capitulation event
We had three cycles.
We had one with no massive capitulation after the bottom.
Two with a capitulation event, one of those being a extremely short covid dump.
How the fuck can this retard believe he can see a pattern from those data points.

>> No.56745022

Please never post again

>> No.56745057

all the CEX's need to be shutdown.
but yea, huge news like binance and you only get a 3% drop?
definitely something off going on here.
is btc just that bullish pre-halving?
I think that's... possible.
but so many CEX's/crypto founders got hit at the same time yesterday, sounds more plausible it's a little bit of wash trading to exit pump.
still gonna be a very interesting and different bullrun.
high volatility, low liquidity, low funds.

>> No.56745126

You answered your own question there bud.

>> No.56745662

>He is still bearish.
He's has capitulated. He's bearish in the sense that he's like the rest of the retards here that want a -10% entry point not because he's actually bearish bearish.
He won't get one, though.

>> No.56746079

At least y'all know that your solicitor of a bear market is off the bearish side, and making profits I mean who won't scalp on the markets' moves, I made good with Sol, Avax, and INJ, now I'm anticipating more Presales, one recent one is KIMBERLITE whose Zealy task I've partook in, y'all can do same as well.

>> No.56746322

Anyone that happens I'm good. I have already bagged NXRA and QNT. Ready for the bull run.

>> No.56746985

>crab market
>go from 16k to 37k

>> No.56747020

The exchange is still up which is all that matters. Most people don't follow or care about the ceo. I'd say its likely we'd be more bullish this bear market since there was no blow off top last bull market but I could see another capitulation event if theres some recession fud.