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56732136 No.56732136 [Reply] [Original]

>visit /pol/ for the first time
>stumble into a thread claiming demonic end-times are upon us due to covid vax
>read thread of a guy claiming you can fight and heal cavities by taking overdoses of vitamin K instead of fucking brushing your teeth
>Next thread, a guy claims seatbelts are a psyops by the jews to emasuclate men because "you tie yourself up in your car"

How do I profit of this comedy gold mine? Is it real stupidity or just a shtick? I unironcally can not tell.

>> No.56732175

the cavity thing is true, eat raw eggs blended with yogurt daily but you wont believe

>> No.56732201

The only reason 4chan still exists is because the FBI can use /pol/ as a fishing hole whenever things are getting slow in the office.

>> No.56732213

i remember when they were predicting "everyone who takes the vaccine will die" back in 2021. top kek

>> No.56732220

>goes on schizo board
>surprised its full of schizos

>> No.56732234

Why not brush your fucking teeth instead of relying on bullshit remedies.

>> No.56732240

Do you remember the red deer prophecy Chudcels were going on about KEK.

>> No.56732247

blessed, thanks sounds based I'mma try it

>> No.56732261

Start a youtube channel where you make fun of their posts

>> No.56732262

You know anyone can make a thread there right? There's all kinds of trolls making funny threads ,you're the npc thinking they are serious.

>> No.56732285

>visit /pol/ in 2023
you're late the party is over

>> No.56732299
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REMINDER: Everyone is trying to gayop you in this life. The earth isn't flat, Tartaria is a retarded LARP, and we've been two weeks away since this gay earth started spinning. That being said, the elite/jews/reptilians (chose your poison) DO want (you) poor, dead, and generationally enslaved to them. In this life you have to be stronger, smarter, and have a little bit of luck on your side to make it. Don't invest in women, always hide your power level, don't waste time with useless people/friends, and become comfortable with loneliness.

>> No.56732336

seatbelts really are gay

>> No.56732726

4trans attracts a sizable underclass of unmedicated schiozphrenic retards on disability welfare who have nothing better to do but spend all day shitposting abjectly retarded and mentally ill drivel.

>> No.56732739

Kek there were actually chuds that didn’t believe in the science

>> No.56732982
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>> No.56734176


>just brush poison in your mouth bro

>> No.56734213

>Everyone is trying to gayop you in this life. The earth isn't flat, Tartaria is a retarded LARP, and we've been two weeks away since this gay earth started spinning.
Pretty sure that's all shill stuff

>> No.56734585

meanwhile we are seeing a massive increase in deaths in countries with a high vaxx uptake but that probably has an other cause

>> No.56734681

/pol/ post 2016 is completely astroturfed by chatgpt bots, idf, kremlin shills, bunker trannies, true schizopgrenics and co...
It used to be a fun place to shitpost before Trump won, after that it just attracted too much attention for its own good.

>> No.56735056


>I remember they claimed the vaccines had nano technology that would be used to make everyone crazy or even have micro chips

>they also claimed covid couldn't kill white people simply because they are white

>> No.56735073

it works for billions but go ahead and pretend to be a special snowflake, we all know you are different.

>> No.56735226

Back when the antivaxx retards were shoving horse medicine in their ass, I wondered how long until the same retards would declare useless basic hygiene, such as brushing one's teeth.
And here we are.

>> No.56735359

Just 17 million excess deaths worldwide from the vax. Not a big deal

>> No.56735378

>How do I profit of this comedy gold mine?
not even 4chan can do that...

>> No.56735419

I don't know if it's been overtaken by bots. But /pol/is stupider and more schizophrenic than ever. In a sense, they are way less dangerous politically now, because theyre all caught up in irrelevant garbage.

>> No.56735451

You are retarded. They don't oppose brushing teeth but visiting Jewish dentists

>> No.56735464

Pol is funny af. Skitzos with a platform. However I went to a dentist, teeth xray, had to do 4 fillings, opted not to. Switched my toothbrush to ultra soft and stopped using fluoride toothpaste. Went back 2 years later as couldnt afford at the time as i was busy DCA( pain had stopped when using soft brush). No fillings needed, lol wut?

>> No.56735704

idk what the fuck a vitamin K is and where you can get it

>> No.56735738
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Why did the vaccine mindbreak them so hard? Two years later and they're still crying about it. The moment anyone gets sick, they're blaming the vaccine.

>> No.56735756

this thread proved this board is full normies and redditors

>> No.56735769


>> No.56735802

>jews are bringing muslims to Europe to replace white people
>muslims are the biggest enemies of jews meanwhile whites guarantee the existence of israel

I point this out to /pol/tards and I hear the most retarded answers

>> No.56735813

the seatbelt thing is true

>> No.56735828

the same people who post on pol post here so expect some truly retarded responses

>> No.56735858


>> No.56735863

Fine, use your own toothpaste with baking soda and mint leaves and whatever. Fucking sheep beleiveing everything retards post online.

>> No.56735879

t. naive goy

>> No.56735887

why is everyone on /pol/ such an angry incel? Low t?

>> No.56735943

A thread full of vaxxies. Yuck. Stay away from me you diseased freaks with your persistent colds, sneezing fits and incredibly low IQs.

>> No.56735950

2 more weeks

>> No.56736122

Jews have no allegiance to the nations in which they operate. Muslims and niggers are just tools to be used to destroy white demographics and culture.

>> No.56736175

Coordinated astroturfing efforts + influx of redditors and normies.

>> No.56736188

pol is full of shitskins, hope they all get killed

>> No.56736243

you vaxxoid freaks were calling for pureblood GODS to be destroyed, have their lives ruined, have their bank accounts frozen, have their families taken away. do you really think we'd just let that shit slide? i am dedicating the rest of my life to destabilizing this country until civil war kicks off just so i can kill you in particular

>> No.56736265


>> No.56736300
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>> No.56736356

Too obvious

>> No.56736392

you can brush your teeth still. vitamins like that do strengthen your bones, nails, and teeth

>> No.56736501

And that’s not enough

>> No.56736515
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>> No.56736569

i was being hyperbolic but also 100% sincere. the level of vaxxie animosity levied towards me and mine has left a wound that will take generations to heal

>> No.56736973

Wow out of how many people vaxxed? That's insane, two more weeks!

>> No.56737135

Nobody died from the vax alone. If they died after taking it, they must have already fucked up their bodies in other ways.

>> No.56737360

>come to biz
>bed bath beyond general
>gamestop general
>10 threads with trannies
>Internet Computer

>> No.56737804
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Its just looks like a lot of people full of cognitive dissonance or just batshit insane. This thing occurs in crypto as well, when people were deluded into old shartcoins in 2021 while there were full scale dogshit run. I was into lowtier DeFi shit until April 21, only when I understood how much I could've made if I got into "schizosonicharrypotter"-inu series earlier. Still made it thanks to second peak and luck.
Damn, when I came here I even took the "le silver kills the fed" bait. Its just when you started spiraling into schizo theories you should get awaken before becoming total schizo. I even nearly took the bait that there's some form of WEF ultra government that wants to kill everyone via vaxx and reduce population to 1B. Something like "government is full of jewish sionist retards" is fine, but then you start to think that "they are akshually smart and wants to make their Zion on Earth" and get so on until it's seatbelts and brushing are jewish psyop. I do believe that vaxies are overrated, but the government was stupid and scared as always. Even WHO didn't suggested people to wear masks first (except sick), its the goy cattle itself took the "LE FLU" bait and started wearing the fucking masks even outside.

These fellas aren't different than /pol/ unfortunately for them. GME times were true exception and really over. Except maybe iced piss it can shot itself in next bullrun, I think it's extremely oversold but not as much as my arbi bags, sorry.

Just eat healthy, diverse food, try mediterranian diet not your mcshit burger. The body will consoom the vitamins from food not your overpriced CA drug. And brush the teeth.

>> No.56737879

>how do I profit off of /pol/
create $POL and sell it

>> No.56737902

I havent been on 4chan all year until now and for once I think I'm finally done with it. Its not even fun anymore.

There used to be some good calls here too buts thats also long dead

>> No.56737910

sell them trump merch
sell them NFTs of some rando right winger

>> No.56738262
File: 516 KB, 617x400, Screen Shot 2023-11-21 at 6.11.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon!!!! Hehe, nice haircut

What have you been up to lately??

You just invested all of your money into.. Link-what? What's what??

>> No.56738292

you're being obtuse for the sake of trying to discredit others
fluoride IS poison
there are already toothpastes that do not use fluoride and they're the absolute best ones in the market

but go ahead and cry "le conspiracy theory" like a good goy instead of realizing that scientific advancement also means you can refine a product to no longer give you collateral damage
or do you think lead poisoning is just "le conspiracy!!!!!!"

>> No.56738395
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>now this is glow posting

>> No.56738597

This should be a lesson for what happens when you bring in normalfags. /pol/ was actually usable prior to 2016 and now it's just boomer shit, schizos and christfags

>> No.56738611

Cavities is true. Jews just take your money off shit like cavities and cancer which are both self healing

>> No.56738622
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/pol/ thread

>> No.56738633

they also kept thinking Trump would somehow be reinstated

absolute tards

>> No.56738641
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It's PTSD from the lockdowns which causes heart problems and other health issues that lead to early death. It's why the unvaxxed also "die suddenly." We all have untreated PTSD now and it's affecting some worse than others.

>> No.56738757

Only glowies sspreaded this
Well a few factors, taking this gene therapy was obviously dumb....but then they selectively pushed bad news about it, hoping the takers get punished. Then somebody run a ful psyop that everybody will die and they felt for it, i was considering it, but then we say it wasnt THAT bad, so i adjusted my position. But many of them are extremely bad at adjusting their view
Yes crazy shit
Still the red deer shit was a psyop

>> No.56738772

brushing lighting with baking soda after every meal will prevent cavities along with not snacking on carbs.

>> No.56738783

it doesn't change the fact that k2/nattokinese/d3 still works regardless of your diet. and you can still brush your teeth

>> No.56738788

vitamin k2 is unironically really useful for healing cavities, i've experienced it myself

>> No.56738789

There’s flouride in toothpaste. Brushing your teeth is what sheep do

>> No.56738849
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>How do I profit of this comedy gold mine?
Self-improvement was the latest grift

>> No.56738881

I got chased out of my job over that.

>> No.56738888

i wish my car had a 5 point harness to keep me in the seat when i'm pulling 2 Gs around a turn. you drive like a bitch don't you?

>> No.56738918

also, i think people miss that your body is regenerating cells of most of the body within a week to 3 years. So whatever bad the vaccine may have had, it would have been cycled out of the body by now, unless they really filled it with nanomachines...