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56725743 No.56725743 [Reply] [Original]

>Do not buy a vehicle unless you have at least one million dollars in the bank.

>> No.56725764

Correct, poorfags, bike riders and diversity shouldn't be allowed to cause traffic.

>> No.56725767

You don't buy a vehicle until you can pay it with the monthly dividends from your investments.

That would be 10m$.

>> No.56725773

>Work 3 fast food jobs while attending college to buy an $800k starter home in cash.

>> No.56725793
File: 822 KB, 1653x1023, shrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate most bikers but this is for you

>> No.56725803

>Don't build up your credit so you can get a mortgage, instead rent one of my bags until you're 80 and have enough saved up to buy a house in cash

>> No.56725812
File: 2.88 MB, 1222x680, 1655943859976.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see, cope meme drawings or real violence against bike niggers.

>> No.56725822

Sound advice. Cars are a money pit and nobody needs to travel anymore anyway.

>> No.56725855

As i said, bikers like these are the worst.
I had bikers swear at me 2 times because i walked to block their way when they had red light...
Sweared back of course at least they were mad.
Also two times these crazy retards almost hitting me at the bike because they have to drive with 80 Km/h in the city
But well slowing wagies is based

>> No.56725870

sometimes I forget how out of touch with reality the 1% is and then i see these shit

>> No.56725949

I've keyed two dozen cars for parking in bike lanes

>> No.56726146

Keyed on what?

>> No.56726992

Cyclists are based, much better than the manchildren that drive around in their shitty toys that take up too much road space.

>Healthier than you
>In better shape than you
>Much more disciplined than you
>Less lazy

Even the niggers that drive around on those ebikes delivering food are better than people in cars.

>> No.56727449

a car can be a maximum of 10% of net worth

>> No.56727494

This is your mind on onions.

>> No.56727501

I like this rule, except for when the car is a flip. I've known a couple of guys who flipped their way to mid six figs on cars. The added benefit is you are always driving something g cool

>> No.56727516

New vehicle. He wants you to drive a shitbox until you’re 67, retired, and your dick no longer works.

>> No.56727557

New car just doesn't make sense unless you are a turbo normie. Just buy a 3-year-old car with low mileage, you are avoiding the most brutal part of the depreciation curve and still get to drive something fairly new.

>> No.56727572

Sure I was memeing

>> No.56727601

used cars with low miles are comparable in price to new cars. in some cases they're MORE expensive. stop giving boomer answers that reveal that your expectations are unrealistic and out of date.

>> No.56728178

Don't procreate until you can afford to cum inside and live with the consequences.

>> No.56728210
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Fuck around and find out bike fag

>> No.56728500

Why should new vehicles require maximum design safety and then bicycle faggots are allowed to pretend to be cars and clog the roads up? Inferior signaling, visibility, aren't required to have mirrors and they mostly disregard traffic signage. Get these niggers off my roads.

>> No.56728516

I'm spending 65k on a car with a 95k salary and there is nothing you slow faggots can do to stop me.

I'll have my bright lights on, in the left lane doing 5 under the speed limit. If you try to pass me I'll speed up. Your econo shitbox will do nothing to stop me. Oh you wanna get to your wagie job? Too bad. You're late.

>> No.56728548

Im 30 and my dick already doesnt work

>> No.56728900

bike on road, car on bikepath

>> No.56728925
File: 140 KB, 279x305, scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56728937

Absolutely based.
Except for the brights. Fuck you.

>> No.56728945

You carfag babies realize that bikes are supposed to be on roads right?

>> No.56729024
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x565, 1669172862659937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. We walking chads don't want vehicles, motorized or not, on our paths.

>> No.56730021

>Rice and Beans

>> No.56730042

passive aggressive female behavior

>> No.56730049

It is actively aggressive and objectively a victory for anon.

>> No.56730053

I need a truck for work. If I don't have a truck for work the millionaires won't be able to spend their money on the work I do. This will make millionaires effectively poor people, because their money will be worthless.