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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56725618 No.56725618 [Reply] [Original]

Instead of bitching about >le joos all day you should all study and learn from them so you can be successful at business too.

Be humble and learn from the masters

>> No.56725636

jews are retarded and have weaponized the entire world against them.

>> No.56725703

Usury is immoral. Inflation is theft. Cash is trash.

We're reaching levels of kvetching you never thoguht possible, and you're only just beginning to reap what you hath sown

>> No.56725774

can't learn from them if they just keep all the wisdom to themselves

>> No.56725806

Without the US they really would be in serious danger, WE isn't willing or capable of defending them anymore due to internal conflict and political/cultural shifts. AUS, CAN, NZ are the same. The "Western world" which kept Israel/Jews aloft for so long has all but dissipated and much of that is the result of a Jewish intellectual and financial elite who fed "progressive" propaganda into the minds of successive generations.

>> No.56725831

Which makes me wonder if Jews are really intelligent or simply benefiting from an invulnerability due to the post-WWII narrative and an incredibly insulated culture. They even failed to play Schrodinger's Whites properly and placed themselves firmly outside of both "white" and "ethnic" as their own distinct entity.

>> No.56726240

Keep coping, brokeboys.
You have to be a student of the game in order to win at it. Once you stop allowing your emotions to cloud your judgment like the little bitches that you are; then you will start making a lot more money.

>> No.56726387

The problem is that they're collectivized and are already disproportionately represented in the highest positions of finance, tech, and media. There's awesome Jews out there who are genuinely great people and as a whole they're alright, but their most wealthy and prominent are not immune to nepotism.

As individual goyim, what are you even supposed to counter that with? White nationalist bankers and media moguls? Come on. Sigma grindset mentality? Great. So you become financially literate and very prosperous, wonderful. Loose knit cabals of Jews will continue to run things until their off spring finally all start having Downs.

They need to be named and shamed. Calling them out for what they are should be normalized again.

>> No.56726412

The only thing to learn from Jews is to treat existence as if we are in an all out war against every living thing that is not of our race and to practice extreme nepotism and do everything in our power to subvert the those not of our race to turn them into retard slave mutts that are not a threat to us.

Pretty much if we play by the tactics of the Jews then the number one commandment would be destroy all Jews because they are our number one existential threat.

>> No.56726535

justs create a company like openAI and try to achieve what they did then

>> No.56726553
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>you should all study and learn from them so you can be successful at business too.

Great advice! Thank you!!

*studies Talmud*

Ok so I learned that Jewish success requires a strict "in-group" preference and viewing "out-groups" as subhuman. I also learned that being part of the Jewish in-group is determined by your mother's mitochondrial DNA, and has nothing to do with your skill or aptitude.

How do I implement this strategy without being ostracized as an ethnic supremacist? Important fact: my ethnicity was not targeted during the Holocaust.

Please advise.

Thank you.

>> No.56726563

Weakmind little bitches detected

>> No.56726572
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I read George Soro's book Alchemy of Finance.

>> No.56726619

No I think I'm just going to be a broke lazy neet sitting on my couch all day instead of slaving away for Mr. Sheckleberg. That'll show them greedy jews. HA take that jews!!
>wait what do you mean third worlders are filling all the jobs? No Mr. Sheckelberg please take me back. You need me to make your buisness run. Please I can't afford food now.

>> No.56726648

Anything insightful in it?

>> No.56726713
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I've been a XOR glowie for at least a year and nobody bats an eye but when xor suddenly goes up 80% everyone wants the XOR card

>> No.56726715

>you should all study and learn from them so you can be successful at business too.

Where can i study to control the porn industry, media, education system, banking, war and big pharma industries?

>> No.56726719
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>Transmitting anti semitism across thousands of miles
>For no reason at all

>> No.56726774

stop watching
stop watching
study from books not pozzed professors. Homeschool your children
don't be an americuck
eat clean and exercise

Stop bitching and start being the change you wanna see.

>> No.56726904

As individuals, you can. Society won't. Society needs to be red pilled into buck breaking their masters.

>> No.56726961

OP hyper based. I don't understand why you retards keep whining as well. If they are so good, why not just learn from them.

They have survived 3000 years at least with their homogenous culture, scattered all around the world and succeeding at every industry.

>> No.56726976

Don't take fucking loans you can't pay back you retarded troglodyte

>> No.56726986

>learn to be an incessant victim.
>learn to rip off everyone in your vicinity
>learn to cut your own child's dick at birth

How about, no.