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56720377 No.56720377 [Reply] [Original]

every time you post a thread about Trump:
>Trannies start seething and spamming fake news copypasted by r/wehatedonaldtrump
>Jidf start seething and spamming pictures with Trump+jews
>Glowies start seething and spamming about "Trump was against crypto" or "Trump was for vaxes"
>they all mass report the thread until a tranny janny comes to prune it
This is so fucking funny

>> No.56720450

How hard is it to understand that nobody gives a fuck about American politics? Shit. I'd elect Jpow into power just because he is the based fed man of pumps and dumps. Trump? Dont give a fuck.

>> No.56720716

american politics is the reason why your cuck continent is eating shit now, Francois