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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 532 KB, 1079x1313, FuckingBASED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56718594 No.56718594 [Reply] [Original]

Our guy just fucking won

>> No.56718602
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oh nonono

>> No.56718603
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dump it

>> No.56718611

can he actually do it or what

>> No.56718621
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holy shit jewbros we eating good

>> No.56718623

he can probably make it easier to do everything in usd but I doubt they'd let him delete the currency

>> No.56718625

Based, their central bank has to be punished. They've fucking done nothing to help Argentina for decades. The central bank gets what it deserves

>> No.56718628


he got the baby back
he did it
why though

>> No.56718638

Never before
never again
they lie they always lie
a month passes
the dream of a young moon
farcical laughter
blood pours from unending cups
the reign screams
at long last, the thrust punches through

>> No.56718645

isnt he jewish tho?

>> No.56718650

WON wan
no one
no won
won no
who did then
world hu
hu wyunb
I dont
no one

>> No.56718658

Therapy and meds

>> No.56718690

He is confirmed not jewish, but he makes statements like "I wish I was" and will wave an Israeli flag like a good goy so that they don't accuse him of being Hitler for wanting to kill the central bank.

>> No.56718693

This is a big nothingburger. Milei already promised not to change Argentina's socialist healthcare and education systems. Things would get interesting if he decides to break his promise now that he won the election though.

>> No.56718698

>replace one central bank with another

>> No.56718706

they did this in europe with the EUR so, yeah why not?

>> No.56718718
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>> No.56718720
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Their current one is obviously failing to meet any kind of basic standards and needs to be purged.

>> No.56718870

first he will destroy the Argentinian central bank, then he will adjust his missiles to J Pow

>> No.56719238

Is this real? Any money you have there now is 1/70th of what it used to be in 2014? What the shit?

>> No.56719605

What a resume.

>> No.56719622

Argentina will adopt Kaspa. kek.

>> No.56719642

100k btc confirmed.

>> No.56719688

How you gonna pay for those Bitcoins, with beef lol?

>> No.56719695

yeah sounds like the typical "right wing" controlled opposition zionist

>> No.56719699
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>> No.56719759

Id buy some beef for bitcoin...

>> No.56719764
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>> No.56719770

a glimpse at the future for every country in the world

>> No.56719788

nah we don't support him, he's a chud

>> No.56719805

Is he actually going to adopt Bitcoin? I see he's aiming for USD, though it's not mutually exclusive.

>> No.56719943

Having this clown be a fan of crypto reflects very poorly upon crypto.

>> No.56719959

How the fuck do you issue a foreign country's national currency to your country? Is that possible or even legal?

>> No.56719977

Panama dumbass.

>> No.56720382

/biz/raelis are ascended /pol/tards, if you can't beat the jew become one.

>> No.56720494

yes, there currency is a shitcoin

>> No.56720508

also Ecuador, Cambodia, Bahamas, etc

>> No.56720556

Menem did something akin to this in the past. Guess what happened. And guess who's are his economic advisors lmao

>> No.56720657

one thing to consider is that the us would be strongly behind him ditching the peso and adopting usd.
this provides numerous benefits to usa that they literally get for free

>> No.56720733

Argentina is one of the worst managed countries in the world. Just a few weeks ago the government announced that they were getting rid of taxes (replaced by money printer in a country that had 80% inflation last year) to try and bribe voters into voting for their incompetent asses.

>> No.56720913

he literally never talks about bitcoin, this headline was posted by bagholders

>> No.56721365
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back to /pol/ you go

>> No.56721384

Putin had a WEF profile too.

>> No.56721477

Yeah bro, i had 50k usd worth of money i got due to a job related accident in 2017. Left it in the bank, now 6 years forward that money it's only 1k usd worth. APR offered by banks does literally nothing to inflation and it's at 130% right now. That's what happen here if you hold ARS and don't buy USD

>> No.56721481

argentinean here, never heard milei saying anything about bitcoin ever, i can't even figurate what's his opinion about it

>> No.56721488

who will i buy my runescape gold from now?

>> No.56723070

>our aesthetics are better

>> No.56723413

shabbat shalom tranny

>> No.56723439
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>delete your own country currency and replace it with the fiats USD
yeah this guy doesnt glow at all

>> No.56724175

Holy fuck, how do I short this rugpull coin

>> No.56724285
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>> No.56724927
File: 561 KB, 580x594, 2022-12-06_122418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u ok anon?

>> No.56725016


>> No.56725132

think about it, is bitcoin ready for argentina? no too volatile currently, can the peso be saved? no, should you befriend the us and use their currency, while pretending they didn't expected it when the country or the dollar fails? that's their only chance given how fucked they are already

>> No.56725699
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x1024, 1696623771076009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milei starts buying bitcoin just like Bukele
>BTC's future is secured for a few more years + ETF's
>$IQT will have a healthy launch in a healthy environment
>Alts will grow
Best timeline. Get absolutely fucking fucked jews and libtards.

>> No.56726229

wouldn't it be better to place that thing sideways?

>> No.56726350

He Jewish though. Jews nkt to ever be trusted, they only care about Jewish supremacy and want white race to be extinct

>> No.56726362

How is showing how pro Jewish this kike is ,]make somebody a jewish shill? You have some serious cognitive dissonance

>> No.56726414

The other day you guys said he had no chance of winning :\

>> No.56726429

>/biz/raelis are ascended /pol/tards
Both are the byproducts of drug addicted women

>> No.56726472

considering this photoshpped image is only on a handful of social media accounts (most probably owned by you and your cell of kikes) it reeks of false flag

>> No.56726710

>A century in the making
The world honestly only needs one the central bank the federal reserve it would streamline things so much, it's similar to other countries speaking foreign languages just learn english

>> No.56726727

Does the federal reserve want him to do it is the more important question

>> No.56726733

fucking bots appear literally every time someone mentions the dollar. is this board full of bots?

>> No.56727110

it unironically works better for most latino countries. Having no control over the money supply helps governments behave down there similar to the principle of a currency board but even more extreme because once you get rid of the entire printing infrastructure it becomes harder to elect a populist to BRRR the currency to nothing.

>bbut the USA prints retarded amounts of money too
yeah but small countries who constantly default can't afford to do this. USA has never defaulted and has both massive tax revenues and the ability to raise significantly more than they do.

>> No.56727967
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>that’s for the Falklands and the Footy in ‘86 and ‘98

>> No.56728083

he can just get rid of any legal tender laws for public debt argentina might have later on. it doesn't really matter because in the short term it will be fine and give argentina more monetary stability than it has had. mandating use of bitcoin or some other crypto would be stupid. if he is genuinely an austrian economics guy like I've heard, then their position is just letting the market decide the currency.

In him leaving BRICS i think he's kinda relying on Trump getting back in office and being friendly though so Argentina isn't isolated? But I dunno about that part.

>> No.56728797
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>not so fast, bobo

>> No.56728806

jews are based (unironically)
if you disagree, well... stay poor

>> No.56728813

you don't, you simply import the currency by exporting goods and services through foreign exchange (likely with the US)

>> No.56728840

Everyone on this board is a jew.
Constantly only thinking about making money, shunned by society and willing to fuck over even each other to get more money.

>> No.56729004

give us 1 reason why

>> No.56729012

Isn't the federal reserve empty? And english is shit

>> No.56729241

literal white uncle tom, selling your race for some goyslop

>> No.56729244

delete this

>> No.56729281

Even Afghanistan and Iran officially use the USD. And they're either at war with or already won over the US. They're even being 'contained' by monthly dollar injections to buy the US gov some influence in the area.

For Argentina It's rather simple. You get entry to world markets and you gain a lot of upward social mobility that way. It's no damn near wonder Russia and China continues to get away with being the bad guy and their take will continue to grow exactly because social factors are rising because they continue to trade globally.

In a lot of ways we all would be better off with more fical competition, but if you're in terms of competition more or less forced to use it it's not evil to chose to survive first in order to thrive second. We badly need currencies that trancends nation states. Which is why bitcoin on a fundamental level already won and the elite is amassing it to the detriment of their old shitcoins.

>> No.56729286

>Gets rid of central bank shitcoin
>Adopts another central bank shitcoin

>> No.56729312
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>Does the federal reserve want him to do it is the more important question
>Does the federal reserve want more demand for their freely created currency?

>> No.56729406


>> No.56729761

retard alert