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56717078 No.56717078 [Reply] [Original]

What's the easiest college major that provides a good amount of money to live on?

>> No.56717102

Nothing except medical school anymore. You might have a shot with programming, accounting (double major + CPA), and some traditional engineering types, or stats + ML + actuary exams.

No major is going to be all that hard. Accounting is the easiest of those listed, but it's so tedious that the other might actually be "easier" because you aren't memorizing completely pointless trash.

>> No.56717113

Also, don't think you will come out of school to a good job. It just doesn't happen unless you go to a known target school (aka top 5-10) or have TRUE connections (as in your dad is a director) or have a ton of projects / articles. 12 years of med school / residency is the only thing where you come out to a good job. Otherwise you just come out as trans. Verification not required.

>> No.56717144

nothing that is worth it in life is easy you lazy piece of shit.

>> No.56717147

Look at associate degrees like x-ray tech and respiratory therapist. Minimum 3 12 hour shifts with plenty of overtime.
Could be easy or hard depending what hospital you work at

>> No.56717172

Depending on your part of the country and how tough you are, firefighters are making bank right now because there aren't enough of them. There are multiple cities in my area where they pay $100k a year salaries for nine 24 hour shifts a month. Average salary in my state is about $50k for comparison.

Both fire and paramedic schools require a lot of dedication though, and you have to be (at least at the start) in really good shape and have good discipline for self learning. Pretty chad field too

>> No.56717174

Oh yea, this is true too. If you want to be a murse. Radiology and anesthesiology specifically. If you go this route, spend a ton of time googling highest paid jobs in mursing. It's complete shit, but it can pay over 100k. There is a good chance of shit hours too, even for the highly paid stuff. Also, there is quite a bit of pressure (which is why most nurses lose any sort of empathy and humanity)

>> No.56717337

Psychology and then get a data analyst job at a large corporation. Or statistics if you’re intelligent. I think some schools have data science or information systems programs, analytics is an easy career to coast into six figs and with the “AI” hype cycle we’re in you can land a good job by just knowing what ML means and impressing boomer middle managers with words they don’t know

>> No.56717371
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