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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56717041 No.56717041 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I was born in hell honestly, right now with the current government I have to be a wage slave and barely get to live despite working 11 hours per day. I planned to get into university at march when the first quatrimester starts, now with the current elections of Milei I'm super afraid that not only the economy is going to get even worse but also probably he will privatize the education and healthcare. A lot of people tell me to become an onlyfan whore but honestly I'd rather die than that, I feel like I was born in a meme country and hate it. I don't even know what to do with my savings right now, my total savings are 450USD in crypto and 350USD from money I bought directly to save under mastress basically (I don't really trust the local banks at all), it's honestly over.

>> No.56717049

b b b but argentina is le epic white le spics th th th they cant fail to communism like the rest of spics too can they le bros?

>> No.56717438

saque una working holiday amig@, saludos de un chileno en canada

>> No.56717504

Stay out bud, we are fucking full

>> No.56717542

What’s your kik or snap?
If you’re cute I’ll get you outta there

>> No.56717588

I don't think I'm cute at all, I think I'm average at best.

>> No.56717606 [DELETED] 

Also I don't have snap or kik, I just use telegram and whatsapp

>> No.56717649

Also I don't have snap or kik, I just use telegram and whatsapp, my telegram is @Emi0206

>> No.56717726

Si quieres pasame tu dirección y te puedo matar a puro piedrazo, asi puedas salir de tu vida ruina

>> No.56717746

En realidad no suena mal la idea, es una forma facil de salir de una vida de trabajar, tener que hacer una carrera, buscar esposo crear una familia. Ufff me da miedo de nomas pensarlo, asco. Lo pudiera hacer de repente sin que te dieras cuenta, estilo fiesta de sorpresa, no suena mal. O si gustarías asta como forma dramática y cómica asi como las caricaturas de antes y lanzarte una roca gigante desde lo alto de un edificio.

>> No.56717780

Learn a trade or skill to get you paid more outside from schooling. Finance is something to learn so you can make the most out the money you have. Along with maybe a skilled trade. OF is a meme, it will just ruin your local job prospects and reputation.

>> No.56717846
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>I'm super afraid that not only the economy is going to get even worse
It's going to get a million times better. Every time these policies were tried it resulted in extreme economic growth.
> but also probably he will privatize the education and healthcar
GOOD, it will be cheaper over time and you will have less taxes.

>> No.56717862

just sell wow gold instead you pleb

>> No.56717872

you have access to the crypto markets . $450 can become a cool million in a short amount of time with the right approach

>> No.56717888


>> No.56717921
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Ecuadorean here
We’re going to visit, my friends and I are going to spend our US dollars at your top of the line restaurants and pay $100 for 5 star meals and $200 a night at 5 star hotels. It’s gonna be a blast, maybe I’ll export an argie qt and get her to earn some USD in Ecuador or perhaps take her to the US since I am also a US citizen.
I’m buying a house next year with my crypto gains and I was thinking of la mariscal in Ecuador which is a low crime developed city, or maybe consider getting an argie residence through and investment visa that I’m sure is right around the corner.

>> No.56717931
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whoa, bummer

t. American with visas

>> No.56717966

I love the internet because now I can link directly into the mind of a hopeless third worlder in a crumbling economy that still somehow learned fluent english

>> No.56717996
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>> No.56718002

Lol so you have $450 net worth and can't trust local banks and you are against the guy who runs vs the ruling party?

Cabeza de termo

>> No.56718009

Havent we already had this thread before

>> No.56718043

Lmao imagine being some poor third worlder struggling to make by and then some cheetos encrusted fat neckbeard posting anime girls says that "acshully you losing your last social benefits is a good thing!" Some people are so delusional it's close to psychopathy.

>> No.56718047

>Lmao imagine being some poor third worlder struggling to make by and then some cheetos encrusted fat neckbeard posting anime girls says that "acshully you losing your last social benefits is a good thing!"
They're right.
Imagine supporting your wages and savings being destroyed just to give you a tiny amount of gibs which are being destroyed with inflation anyway

>> No.56718056

Yeah, honestly hate when some first worlders tell me "chill it's not that bad"... they don't really know what they are talking about and arent aware how life is outside their bubble, it makes me mad

>> No.56718081

The delusion and rudeness of some people lmao

>> No.56718111

i'll give you some advice, start to learn some basic brasilian portugese and how to get into brazil for cheap. if you learn the language the goverment here is really chill with letting you stay, i have currently overstayed my visa by one year (have a EU passport though, but i'd reckon it will be the same for you since i have met many people from para/uruguay who done the same). start by trying your luck in florionapolis, how ever the cost of living is expensive there is expensive so dont spend more then some days unless you make great friend to live with. take the bus to sao paulo and try to meet cool people in liberdade to network with, if all this fails take the bus to the shoreline and try to find the hippie communities, i know there is a blooming comminty like this now in paraty (located middle between sao paulo and rio). there you can easily live in the nature and make 50 BRL reselling beer on the beach to american tourists. anyways this is just my two cents, i've made a decent sum of money over here in brazil once i realised you have 200 million goyms that have no sense of financial responsibility, they legit spend every cent they have as soon as they can. so, overstay your visa, make some bank, wait for the collapse of argentina and apply for permament residency.
protip: if you have a baby with a brasilian you automatically get a permament residency status, currently in the process to get mine now.

>> No.56718124

indeed, they failed to capitalism

>> No.56718546

Or open up a multinational bank account & try to find a remote work job that pays USD or anything but ARS

>> No.56718562

Javier just won, faggot, read the news. Argentina is fucking saved

>> No.56718687

Fuck you
At least you guys won the World Cup

>> No.56718932

chill it's not that bad, Do you have Jews weaponizing all the millions of autistic kids into self replicating pedophiliac trannys in your country? I belive thats just a 1st world problem

>> No.56719159

Already told you to auction your hermaphrodite virginity starting at 100k you massive retard

>> No.56719820

Argentina is very tranny tolerant, but their trannies aren't like their first world ones for some reason, they tend to carry themselves more like women.

>> No.56719848

I sympathy with you anon. From my point of view, you either leave this godforsaken place called South America, aka Africa 2.0, or open some kind of online business targeted for europeans. Luxury shoes, bracelets, "aztec notepads" or some shit, I don't know, find it, do it, grow your capital

Forget "investing", "trading", these are for people who made it, do not spend a single minute on it anymore


>> No.56719889

Dame tu número de teléfono. Onions de Irlanda y si eres bella te salvaré

>> No.56720438

Buy pepes and hodl

>> No.56720442

Vente a chile. Acá puedes ganar plata diciendo que fuiste un gerente en Argentina y todos estos pelotudos te van a creer. Además, los venecos hijos de puta ya nos tienen hartos.

>> No.56720599

lmao you get what you deserve

>> No.56721097

>He hasn’t emigrationmaxxxed

>> No.56721123

you guys elected a literal fucking muppet, god bless you. Hopefully you can get out of there

>> No.56721155

If you had gone the Pinochet route and not Peron, with your vast resources and decent demographic makeup you'd be the kings of LatAm by a wide margin. It truly is tragic. Caught in a crony leftist/statist feedback loop.

>> No.56721274

Yeah I hope I can leave some day because it fucking sucks. I tried to get Italian cizienship through ancestry but there are a lot of bureaucratic issues, complicated enough that probably wont be able to get it without paying genealogists or agents, which are prohibitely expensive.
Who cares

>> No.56721888

>If you had gone the Pinochet route and not Peron, with your vast resources and decent demographic makeup you'd be the kings of LatAm by a wide margin
try reading a history book you nigger. perón made argentina great. argentinian pinochet types are US lovers who sold the country and are currently destroying it again.
do you think milei has no backers in the US embassy? he's yet another fucking glowie. retarded fucking TEENAGERS voted for him LMAO

>> No.56721957

>failed to capitalism
go back to /pol/ jew rat

>> No.56722180

I can get you into Europe if you have sex with me and bear my children.

>> No.56722318


>> No.56722335

at least you are world cup champions...


>> No.56722355

milei screams us-plant to me desu. im shocked that so many libtertarians, 4channers, etc. are acting like argentina dollarizing is a good thing.

>> No.56722376

your shithole has been in crisis since before world war 2 lmfao. how is this different?

>> No.56722468

Being a US dollar cuck is bad but preferable to the peso. Peso is literally a 3rd world Africa tier currency.

>> No.56722519

it's most pragmatic thing to do to get out of literal 3 digits % inflation.
(Sorry BTCucks, but your shitchain doesn't scale, and the rest doesn't have near enough liquidity)

>> No.56722603

import german men and tell them to run your country. you can pay them in pussy.

>> No.56722619

social benefits are meant for countries that can afford them, not thirdie shitholes with negative growth

>> No.56722644
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>grandpa never has any sort of social benefit, live through a world war
>faggot with an internet connection thinks it's over if they're taking away his minimum wage
But shitposting aside as a libertartarian myself i was wondering, if my system doesn't work what's the alternative? A misallocated shithole like a communist/fascist state where you spread your ass every time they ask you to no matter what kind of bullshit your government comes up with, or another mixed corporatocracy like every first world country slowly dying out of inflation as well?

We're stuck in hell forever, hoping the next economic policy we choose is the right one that brings our nations some wealth.

>> No.56722895

maybe you could farm for disco hats on runecraft and sell them for xbox controllers? i swear the venetians did something similar to this