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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56710009 No.56710009 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56710012

>Oct 26, 2021

>> No.56710018

Well I mean, if Janet does it she gets her head chopped off by financially ruined mobs of people. No way it would pass.

>> No.56710019

Who? Anyway, it's not going to happen and if it did it would just mean you'll sell whatever % of your total stack once a year

>> No.56710030
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what kind of surname is this?

>> No.56710052

This is something that has been repeatedly proposed by leftists politicians to attracts voters that have no understanding of finance.
Of course it's impossible to put in place so there's no need to lose sleep over this.
As for Yellen who knows why she indulged in this, maybe she wanted to please some leftist goon.

>> No.56710063

Yeah tons of people would actually kill her 100% guarantee. Basically all of us on this board would try to go after her and kill her too. So yeah she would 100% die from being killed as soon as this ever happened.

>> No.56710066

janet yellens only job is to support donating trillions of dollars to the zionist agenda at any cost to the united states

>> No.56710078

those zionists are proposing stuff every day
post about it when it really happens

>> No.56710084

You wouldn't do shit.

>> No.56710098
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won't pass
>obligatory "why"
because they would have to deal with it too, and would be liable for lawsuits if they didn't.

>> No.56710104

>You wouldn't do shit.
I wouldnt because Im not American. I live in a world where capital gains tax doesnt exist.

>> No.56710122

They do this for real estate. You Kay property tax on the ‘value’ of your home every year even though you can’t actually say what the value is because it hasn’t hit market and you’ve made no profit.

>> No.56710134

People would find out real fast that billionaires aren’t Scrooge ms duck billionaires with piles of cash in a vault somewhere. Billionaires would be fucked because they wouldn’t have the cash to cover their taxes on investments kek

>> No.56710150

No, they wouldn't. People eat shit and say thank you, including you.

>> No.56710151

What kind of mental illness taxes imaginary gains? Why not just tax real money? This means that if your shitcoin hits $500k for a milisecond then goes back to $1, your life is now ruined

>> No.56710157

Fucking sell enough to pay your tax then

>but muh HODL

This tax is aimed directly at you perma hold speculators

>> No.56710170

Troll tweet, back it up with evidence.
Taxing money you never made is an illegal practice. It's literally the same as theft.

>> No.56710180

You know the country is fucked when they are desperately trying to generate more tax revenue and this is the plan they’re left with.

>> No.56710185

This is a product of 20 years of media putting in people's mind that billionaires don't pay taxes because they don't have to pay 30% of the valuation increase of their company.

>> No.56710198

even if this passed- how would this conceptually work. It would make paying calculating taxes so much more difficult. Seems impossible

>> No.56710205

It can't pass, it's an illegal practice.
You can arbitrarily say everyone has infinite unrealized gains and take everything they have.

>> No.56710230

For instance, If some stock goes up 55% you can arbitrarily increase the taxable amount by arguing the investor could have used leverage to increase capital gains.
It's a total nonsense law and I doubt this is real at all.
If it is real, it's a signal to GET OUT of the USA and get into China since the leadership in USA is going retarded.

>> No.56710250

a lot of people kill someone who ruins their life. if someone ruins your life and you have nothing left then tons of people will just say fuck it and kill whoever ruined their life. you live in la la fantasy tranny universe if you don't know this fact of life.

>> No.56710332

Please remember that this was posted in late 2021, inflation was a big looming problem, and taxes only exist as a form of capital destruction to reduce inflation (since government funds itself through money printing + deficit spending anyway). It's economics heebyjeeby mumbo jumbo to try to get a free lunch.

If you notice yourself getting emotional about blatant propaganda (ie, anything on a screen or that's source comes from a screen), please detach from the situation and refocus on what matters. Don't let "them" waste your precious time and life and emotional energy on nonsense. That's what "they" want.

>> No.56710343

This is what crashed the market btw. It wasn't even feasible. The point of holding assets longterm is to avoid short term capital gains. Taxpayers are rewarded for keeping money in the market. Her proposal would have eliminated this reward and ultimately wiped out all financial players. Everyone would have been forced to sell and the biggest holders would have gotten rekt. Surely blackrock and hedge funds would have been exempt though.

>> No.56710347

The American political system exists to satisfy shareholders. I would no more expect this to happen than North Korea building a statue of Barry Goldwater

>> No.56710356

>move entire networth to gold
>gold never goes up

>> No.56710413

This is it guys, the most Jewish of Jewish financial things that can ever be done. The reverse pinnacle of usury. Only good times ahead after this.

>> No.56710426
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>> No.56710427


This won't happen. JP Morgan, BlackRock, etc. would throw a massive fit.

>> No.56710431
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Sounds Central Asian, like Armenian.

>> No.56710459

oy vey, the chief jews would oppose this! we must not do this to our Hedge Fund friends!

>> No.56710465

Only dirt poor people form mobs and chop heads; middle class investors eat shit and take it.

>> No.56710471

A tax on unrealized capital gains should be fought back with violence.


>> No.56710474



>> No.56710507

When you think about how absurd it is, then consider that the leftists who support it undoubtedly paid a tax on the unrealized gains of what they assumed would be a livable income attained through a degree paid for by student loans, it actually makes sense. Liberal art degree student debt cucks literally pay a massive tax with interest via predatory loans for a product that has very little market value.

>> No.56710561
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>Let's arrest niggers for unrealized crime

Maybe she's got half of a point there

>> No.56710634

These are the words of a savage.
Please make a more intelligent post next time.

>> No.56710651

I unironically would murder her in Minecraft. But it would never happen, it would be a boston tea party

>> No.56711020

>believing that america would ever do something that would hurt rich people, or even mildly inconvenience rich people

lel, lmao even

>> No.56711080

Scared little faggot man who can’t embrace the current momentum and pendulum swing.

You’ll be he first we annihilate should the non factor law pass.

>> No.56711177

precisely no one on this board cares what's real or what's not, who said what when, or really any kind of details

bot posts
bot responds

>> No.56711181

Whats next, you gonna say Garrus Vakarian isnt a real name too?

>> No.56711216

How is this a bad thing? At least this way people will sell once they are in profit and not hold until they lose all their money like this board. This is also healthy for the economy as less people will hoard and more will sell which means more expendable income hence more purchases, more jobs, etc. The only ones against this proposal are greedy jews like the ones on this board.

>> No.56711278

This has already happened to me in EU. Paid 1k on gains i never cashed out. But it would actually be worse if they tax realized profits. That would seriously put a huge dent in my crypto profits.

>> No.56711279 [DELETED] 

I would, I'm American and have that right, and the tools.

>> No.56711290
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>> No.56711803

you are correct!

>> No.56712055
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>I shouldnt pay tax on my unearned income!
>I'm exempt from having to do real work to live, despite promoting natinal socialism where speculators like myself would be culled mercilessly
>I scream about Jews all day despite being indistinguishable from the no-value-providing money-peddling jew

>> No.56712075

the correct answer to this is:
Fuck off my money you cunts. I know the whle economy WILL BE WRECKED if my special way of getting money would be curtailed BUT I DONT GIVE A SHIT.

>> No.56712090

lmao this can't be real

>> No.56712101

why are people responding to a screenshot of a tweet from 2021? this place is utterly broken

>> No.56712115

Oh you're so clever, thinking that time exists and the universe doesn't revisit previous times to change the present into the future wherein we avoid the apocalypse yet somehow end up worse.

>> No.56712167

Unearned gains - unearned losses = 0.

>> No.56712179

>not understanding that we are all well aware of the fact this is an old tweet and continue discussing it anyway because you can always learn something new or see things in a slightly different light as a result of said discussion

Answer me this: If you DID have breakfast this morning, how would you NOT feel? I think this should be a little easier for you to solve.

>> No.56712187

Old news that will never go anywhere.

>> No.56712236
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>Tweet from over two years ago
>First post points it out
>Still gets over 50 responses with most people believing it
Is /biz/ unironically the most retarded board on 4chan

>> No.56712242

Never forgive these boomer fucks and never forget what they took from you.

>> No.56712258

You're right politicians would never allow something illegal to happen

>> No.56712264
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>> No.56712366


>> No.56712436
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Everyone who replied in this thread has brain cancer. Yes, this type of legislation would be retarded, but at least acknowledge that this was aimed at BILLIONAIRES, not any of you greasy fucking peasants. None of you cancerous shitstains would ever be affected by this EVER. Sage and sneed faggots

>> No.56712478
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ftfy (apply seasoning)

>> No.56712481

If this becomes a thing people will just sell their investments before the end of every tax year. Holding will become a thing of the past

>> No.56712496

Armenian. Phonetically, all their surnames end in 'yan'

>> No.56712562

Fucken one comment only one that gets it this place has gone to shit

>> No.56712588

Imagine if somebody that owned a trillion tokens of a shitcoin with almost zero liquidity that had a 100 trillion dollar supply for $1,000 making him on paper having 1 quadrillion dollars profits of unrealized gains and the government asking him to pay up 500 trillion dollars in taxes from his unrealized gains.

I have a feeling market manipulators that work for the government would do shit like this to maximize unrealized gains on people right as the tax year ends and then as soon as new tax year starts dumps everything so people don’t have the money to pay the taxes on the unrealized gains

>> No.56712614
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jews always do this. First the release some bombastic concepts like this one and then they implement a toned down version of it so goyim will say ' phew,it could've been worse ' . And everyone will accept it

>> No.56712616

Yellen? Fuck jews fuck israel

>> No.56712668

Ain't that just some fuck shit?

>> No.56712680

What’s the toned down version? Unrealized gains for gains above one million dollars?

>> No.56712683

I would be for this for liquid assets like public stocks and bonds, but only if I could do my entire tax based on net change in portfolio value and not have to do any cost basis tracking.

We also need to get rid of the coporate tax and just tax capital gains the same as ordinary income, but with 0% corporate tax.

>> No.56712691

nobody cares about people who have unrealized gains, neither anyone should

>> No.56712728

Guillotine soon

>> No.56712743
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Get the fuck out of the west as soon as possible. This is your final warning.

>> No.56713379

works if the underlying stock cannot be traded anymore. You’re basically a shorter if you continue to hold.

>> No.56713419

Shut up Japan

>> No.56713599

I think I remember reading about some county that tried this. TLDR it crashed real estate because all investors exited.

>> No.56713615

>tax dumb people that never sell
This should be applied to crypto and maybe you retard would make it.

>> No.56713621
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>Early life and education
>Yellen was born on August 13, 1946,[4] to a family of Polish Jewish[5] ancestry

>> No.56713694
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>scam exchange wicks your shitcoin from $1 to $9999999999
>that'll be $4,206,969 in unrealized gains tax please lol

Janet Yellen is a retarded bag of hot air who's in her position because of Jewish nepotism, and that's literally it

>> No.56713768

Janet also said we can afford 2 wars to defend illegitimate kike states

>> No.56713832
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>2 years ago

>> No.56714525

This op is a fag, that got shot down so fast. The play is to disguise their move like they're going after the billionaires like the 80k irs workers, but in reality those irs agents are just going after 500 dollar pokemon card eBay sales