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56707116 No.56707116 [Reply] [Original]

It appears to me, that human's greatest concern is survival, with a curse of innovation perpetually nagging at the back of our minds. To craft a world in witch is better than the one before. Our high intelligence has allowed us to conquer the entirety of the globe, and are currently in the process of linking it all together through metals and fiber optic cables that connect our consciousness's together. The problem is who controls the connections, the ones with their fingers on the flow of information, are the ones with ultimate power. These people, running organizations, have the ability to transform society while disregarding the opinions and wants of the society they are treating like clay. Push too much, the masses will become restless. Push a little, they will conform. I'm tired of pretending it's not like this. I've see innovations be stolen from the poorer masses. I've seen monopolistic practices be unpunished, stifling wealth generation and flying flat in the face of the "goal" of a neo-liberal society. I've seen men be convinced that their plot of clay is theirs be mascaraed by a far off organization for simply disagreeing that everyone must connect to a centralized system. Those in power have their power by stepping on everyone else. And I refuse to believe that the ultra wealthy did not have to step on hundreds, thousands, or more likely, millions of people to get to their status.

>> No.56707267

stopped reading after all this shit. You can't think. You can't spell. You sound like a teenager. Everything you said was embarrassing.

>> No.56707364
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>criticizing spelling and grammar
You have to go back. Fuck spelling and grammar, they are meaningless to the point I am making on wealth. You are pic rel.
Sound like a teenager? "I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king. I've been up and down, and over and out and I know one thing. Each time I find myself flat on my face, I pick myself up and get back in the race." - Frank Sinatra That's Life. I have been through many different stages of my life and have experienced all sides of wealth. I've felt on top when things are good, and hungry when things are bad. I only recently realized what "The race" is in the song, and op was regarding that race.
How is it embarrassing?