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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56703242 No.56703242 [Reply] [Original]

It isn't looking for 2024 folks. The S&P 500...just recently...showed signs that it'll crash 50% alongside houses crashing 75%!!!!!!!!! Not good folks, not good. And another thing, this house right here, just got listed on the MLS for $1.8 million, but the owner even after he...um...made renovations, had to relist for sale at $1.6 million! A $200k loss!!!!!

>> No.56703281

Just two more weeks until the mother of all crashes

>> No.56703311
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>> No.56703330
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>> No.56703336
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>> No.56703351
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>> No.56703361
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>> No.56703391
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>> No.56703439

Cope seethe and dilate loser, housing can ONLY go up

>> No.56703451

He’s right you know. Rentoids btfo

>> No.56703735

hoomers getting nervous. these youtubers are grifters, but i sincerely hope no one fomo'd into an overvalued house (without inspection) in the past 18 months. people were buying 1200 sq ft homes at $700k when they were sold for $200k in 2018. people like that will get wiped out. no amount of pressure is going to get people back into buying anything again to keep the quick flipping money printer keep going.

>> No.56703908
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It's bad isn't it? Even the rentoid trolling is half hearted

>> No.56704695

I don't think you understand supply and demand. If people can't afford a mortgage they will rent. The proportion of houses going up for rent is increasing. If retail can't afford mortagages those properties will be bought up by institutional money and rented out. There isn't going to be a housing price crash, that is pure cope. There will be a house ownership crash.

>> No.56704729

I'm kind of freaking out. Just bought in July at 7% interest. Our home price has been pretty stagnant. I can afford it for now but my wife is pregnant now and won't be able to work soon. I don't know how I'm going to afford this shit. Something's gotta be done. It's not fair at all. Fed should cut rates. I would refinance and be in a good position. This is fucking bullshit

>> No.56705054
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>> No.56705332

I’m really sorry about your poor financial planning but you are in for a rough time. If you think your wife not working is going to take a toll wait till you see what childcare costs if she were to keep working.

>> No.56706636

powell will likely raise rates at least one more time in the next 2 years...imo if he does it too soon that's when it happens

>> No.56706802
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You merely adopted the housing crisis. I was born in it, moulded by it.

>> No.56706823

>slicked back hair
>white wifebeater
>mirror glasses
>COLOURED mirror glasses
Yanks will 10/10 trust this guy

>> No.56707591

Bubbles pop and markets correct. All things work towards balance.

>> No.56707803

I keep hearing nonstop about house prices crashing and the market value of everything has come down, but all of the realtors I work with are telling us that every house is still selling well above market value and everything gets grabbed instantly. People with money are still buying houses like candy. The only people getting fucked are the middle class people that are being forced to get high interest loans.

>> No.56708317
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I find it amusing posting a bunch of charts without comment triggers people. What I see in all the data I've looked at is were getting stagflation. Have fun with that.

>> No.56708531

>but all of the realtors I work with are telling us that every house is still selling well above market value and everything gets grabbed instantly.
Of course they're saying that. they are trying to pressure people to buy. Realtors aren't making money any more. Mortgage applications and home purchases are at 20-30 year lows. Believe it if you want I guess, but you can easily look this shit up.

>> No.56709182

A few basics around housing.

> You are a sitting duck target for government taxes, which can change at a penstroke in a 25 year timeframe.

> Your housing value is not really determined by location, but by the tax system of the day and zoning.

> The age reverse pyramid is real, japan no longer sells akiya but givers them away in ghost towns, this will spread to other countries because no one is fucking and making babies except niggers.

> Your neighbours, even for investments, more often than not, will be total cunts- especially in housing associations/owners corps.

> The benefit of easy leveraged money from RE assets has failed to compete with the incredible global gains from cryptos, something which boomers still don't grasp.

> Inflation of labour and materials and services strips away too much profit from RE meaning you have to rely on the tax system for depreciation like a fucking hotel! GAY!

> AI will absolutely fucking slaughter the global RE market before your mortgage is paid off, if the impending collapse of US Commercial RE doesn't first.

>Crypto is the ONLY answer for any serious forward thinking person right now.

>> No.56709802
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No, I dont think YOU understand supply and demand. Fuck all that nonsense you just said about jewish money magic.

There is a surplus of houses and a shortage of american citizens. (I would know, I build them every day). If I build houses every single day, the prices of homes should go down because theres more and more of them. I should be paying more and more and more to live in a rotting duplex when we keep building more and more and more homes. It doesnt make sense. When the supply and demand begin to match, THEN I will buy a home. Until then, its the stupidest thing you can do. Because I actually do understand supply and demand (unlike you).
If the prices of homes keep going up despite the supply going up and people going down, it can only mean we are a victim of jewish money tricks and the only logical thing to do is resist them.

>> No.56709807

>Should not be paying
I really should start proofreading

>> No.56709960

I feel personally attacked by this post.

>> No.56709982

rentoid cope is delicious
i am buying my house
cash, no mortgage
from a bankrupted normie
if the seller doesn't close the deal i take 10% of the value of the house from him

>> No.56710002

>My wife is pregnant
Kek serves you well breeder tard

>> No.56710016

buying a house is the worst investment you can make:
1. Property taxes
2. Maintenance cost
3. If you have tenants, you have to deal with them
4. You can't know for sure if the house will appreciate in value because a bunch of niggers and browns can move into your neighborhood in the future (see detroit, johannesburg, etc)

>> No.56710022

>he doesn’t live in a nice neighborhood filled with mostly white families
The only thing better would be to own some land

>> No.56711061

>low interest rates fuel real estate pump
>low interest rates go away
>people stop buying
>prices still go up

>> No.56711697

I couldn’t understand a word of this wall of text, I guess this is what blue collar jobs do to you lol

>> No.56711811

Yeah can’t wait to move into my ai house

>> No.56711928
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>> No.56711967

I don't get it. You bought it with the knowledge that interest was 7%. How is that not fair? You didn't have to buy.

>> No.56712457

It's a renter LARPing

>> No.56712847

>Crypto is the ONLY answer
stop falling for get rich quick schemes, keep your money and do something productive for society zoomer

financial opinion discarded

>> No.56713359
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>People invested in the price going up tell me that everything is OK

>> No.56713443

There stagnate, markets are local too, on a whole deals are around 35% down prices are down slightly maybe 8%.

Market is sort of frozen between high prices and intrest rates and low inventory.

Prices won't come down unless jobs and the economy start to stumble.

I sold my 2 houses in 2022 so im.ok with a decline or stagnation

>> No.56713445

Interests rates have already topped out. Housing prices have already bottomed. We're fucked.. Only thig that will bring prices down is a nasty recession.

>> No.56713466

Until they go down,

>> No.56714466

Based YouTube economist

FinanceBros, the self appointed Sultans of the crypto pits

>> No.56714900

Yes it is
Middle class Boomers are buyers, they have to continue they are too heavily invested to let their equity burn- pro-tip it will.
Relatively good points
Correct. US has the same problem as China when it comes to oversupply.
Land has its own separate list of issues.
I think he’s talking about the effect on financial markets generally
The bag holders in property are boomers, ignore their shilling
>topped out
No they haven’t in fact there is still a potential the US will have multiple rises not just one more like the Fed have stated, nasty recession isn’t even touching the sides, 401ks may be wiped out.
Look at areas of the rust belt where the housing has dilapidated to such a point many lots have reverted back to greenfield. More of that is incoming.

>> No.56715361

No. There is a 12 to 18 month lag time for interest rates. We have not seen the full effects yet.

>> No.56715834

Good goy.

>> No.56716158

Land needs to have utility to be worth anything long term.

>> No.56716604

This entire business are a bunch of zoomers living in a delusion. Invest in my business: FOOD. Boomers don’t tell you what they were eating back in the old days, do you?

>> No.56716717

My parents just sold. I think I fudded them out of their real estate bags. They still have some commercial property and their personal home. They sold 23 acres to a contractor and honestly the guy is probably overestimating the demand for housing in a location so far outside of town. Guy took a 100% financing rural development loan to buy. He put nothing down and is just gonna build a few houses and try to sell them, presumably to people who live off disability.