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File: 129 KB, 1006x930, F_Ml4IMXQAA2j0O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56702610 No.56702610 [Reply] [Original]

If you were a multi millionaire what's your excuse for not getting an hair transplant? Or just own it and go bald. But this, is unacceptable if you are into business and finance and are rich.

>> No.56702618
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I'm a multi millionaire and I'm balding and not getting a hair transplant and I'm not shaving it off.

>> No.56702627

Based. Fuck the haters. Make pattern baldness is for alpha chads only.

>> No.56702632

based. men used to go bald naturally.

>> No.56702638

I actually trust this guy more than jumpy turtleneck Sam. Doesn't care about faking a smile and your stupid aesthetics. Just your casual former soviet scientist talking about atoms while drinking vodka.

>> No.56702657

I got on finasteride like three weeks ago and I feel totally normal. Take the fin pill guys.

>> No.56702701

This, watch Sam talk for a few minutes and you can't help but distrust him.

>> No.56702710

he could at least shave the front

>> No.56702737

With that mouth and chin, hair isn’t going to make much of a difference. The fucked up hairline actually helps him.

>> No.56702740

And now you have a useless perma-soft appendix between your legs.

>> No.56702788
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Hair is life though,

>> No.56702801

I think you meant appendage, but that’s definitely not how finasteride works. Sexual sides subside after you stoping using, if you even get any sexual side-effects, which are very rare. To be fair, I wouldn’t recommend finasteride to anyone who doesn’t have a fit body. Skinnyfat people and obese people are automatically more likely to get sides because their bodies are compromised.

>> No.56702820
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2024 is my last chance to make it before it gets too far.

>> No.56702845
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I'm a chronic masturbator and fap at least 5 times every day for the past 10-20 years I forgot.

Do you think taking fin can helps me with that? Reducing the urge to fap too much while helping me with balding is a win win win for me

>> No.56702853

It would definitely reduce your sexual drive, but not to the point of impotence. I’ve heard of people with the same problem benefitting from enhanced focus by using fin since they’re not obsessing over sex.

>> No.56702854

Fin doesn't do shit for ED. Its just a bunch of middle aged men who want to blame their ED on something. I've been taking fin for like 10 years now I get morning wood, random boners throughout the day, diamond hard during sex. I'm a stable norwood 2 while my brother who is 7 years younger and started balding around the same age is a 4-5 at least because he was scared of sides but he all sorts of stupid shit on his head that probably absorb anyway.

>> No.56702862

I’d rather use fin than minoxidil. Systematic minoxidil sides are worse.

>> No.56702863

I'm fit and have uniquely above average masculine facial traits, beautiful eyes and am athletic. I care a lot about my health and I am balding just like my dad and grandpa. I will never get a hair transplant or take dht blockers. I think you were looking for /lgbtq/, faggot

>> No.56702867

>Sexual side effects are rare
>It will definitely reduce your sex drive
You are a faggot and these pills are for dumb faggots and cuckolds

>> No.56702873

Yes, it will reduce your sex drive. I’m talking about serious side effects like impotence and not being able to get an erection.

>> No.56702887

anyone on fin should get a script for tadalafil.
in the first couple weeks of taking it I was actually MAJORLY SUPER DUPER OBSESSIVE horny, like, highschool-puberty-level horny. some say that happens like a rubberband and then your body adjusts and you cool down, which is probably true. but I still get horny, and hard, and jerk it, and fuck. seriously though if you get on fin just get generic cialis (it's cheap, for real) and if you're ever gonna fuck take like 2.5-5mg to be sure. Without it my dick probably doesn't get quite as hard as consistently as it did pre-fin, and I do miss having aesthetically thick ropes (100% certainty that fin will turn your loads watery) but on a little tadalafil I'm hard as a rock and the girlies love it.

>> No.56702889

the whole point of having hair is to have sex idiot

>> No.56702901

No, it’s definitely not. Having hair on your head makes you look more attractive (for most people). It makes you look more trustworthy. There are career oriented benefits to having hair, not just social.

But anyway, I already said it’s not going to stop you from having sex. You might just be less distracted by intrusive thoughts about sex.

>> No.56702910

I'm on fin for about a year now and literally just texted a girl who is out of town when she's getting back because I miss her throat. if my main girl isn't able to hang this morning I'm going to hit up the art student across town because I know she's jonesing for it.

finasteride has nothing to do with it. gooners gonna goon.

>> No.56702916

No self respecting man or woman would ever touch such a substance, get bent faggot
Shut up faggot, kys go shill hormone blockers somewhere else, fin shills here daily now really makes you think. You're either a literal shill or trying to make yourself feel better. Hair doesn't replace confidence, charisma or skill which is what success and women are actually attracted by.

>> No.56702943

Its all psychological. Fin will barely affect your overall hormone levels, prevents a few % of your test from being converted to dht. It will not affect sex drive or ED. There are so many otc medicines that have effects way worse than that which people don't obsess over.

Its just that ED and low sex drive in non-elderly people is usually is entirely psychological. You could give someone with psychogenic ED a sugar pill and it will cause them more ED problems because they will think its affecting them. It will give them more performance anxiety in sex and affect their sex drive. Just sugar pills if they think it might affect them.

>> No.56703000

It's not all about the erection. Libido is even more important and cialis can't fix this. Life without sex drive is just grey and boring.

>> No.56703005

I’m not trying to make myself feel better. I don’t even use fin or any anti-androgens. I have a full head of hair. The reason I’ve educated myself on such therapies is so that in the event I needed them, I would be prepared.

Yes, sexual sides are overblown.

>> No.56703016

probably mostly that. when I got on it I remember attributing my horniness to the fact that I was unbothered by what had been a major insecurity. it was way too soon for there to be any real results, but mentally, I thought "I'm doing something about it". Seeing hairs come loose no longer meant "one more hair I'll never have again", it meant "the fin is working". So I felt invigorated.
And it's similar for dick pills. I don't need them as often as I take them, but I have a whole lot of them because they're cheap, so I'll usually take at least half of one if I'm anticipating having sex, and it's like insurance against performance-anxiety.

got nothing to worry about on the libido front.

>> No.56703021

Just get regular head massages to improve the blood flow to your head to prevent from hair loss. Same with ED it's a blood flow issue. "But no it's hormones" Yeah but what's the hormones job, Einstein?

>> No.56703106
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70s were the most kino balding era

>> No.56703112

Not a larp every person I know in real life who went on fin became either gay or a tranny
Hope it was worth it anon

>> No.56703113

idk anon I'm very bald and women fling themselves at me especially after they find out I'm married and have a baby

>> No.56703167

Proven genes. Same reason guys that still look youthful in their 40's or older guys with money are more attractive than younger guys with money.

>> No.56703654

Unless you already secured a wife and children then fine, but if you are still in the dating market you literally need hair. Not having hair 100% prices you out

>> No.56703676
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>> No.56703804

Bald with a beard can look good if you've got some muscle and also don't have a dysgenic skull structure.

>> No.56703837

He honestly wouldn't look bad if he at least buzzed it

>> No.56703932

based. the "shave it off" meme was invented by vain lady-men who care deeply about their appearance and about looking fashionable. Real men dgaf.

>> No.56703946

Dht is important for a lot more than hair interactions. You are a retard, faggot shill
>I'm shilling dht blockers for no particular reason
Kys faggot
I have a giant neanderthal skull and I will break your nose and eye socket with a single headbutt, the we will see who has "dysgenic bones", you cum guzzling faggot

>> No.56703974

Based. Let nature take care of your hair, while you keep making money and drowning in pussy. Imagine going full Shaolin or having an glorified toupee attached to your head so you pretend you're not bald, holy kek

>> No.56704221

>Dht is important for a lot more than hair interactions
name one past 25 years old

>> No.56704228

There are none. That guy is a typical bald man.

>> No.56704265

>wanting a partner so you can get fucked over even more by taxes (and possibly asset splitting / alimony)

>> No.56704365

Gonna be funny when all the beta fags on dht blockers for decades realize they nuked their long term health for vanity

>> No.56704723

Fascinating how you rationalize the fact that you poison yourself for a head full of hair.
Personally I would never play with hormones. Anyone doing it, be it for muscles, hair growth or becoming a woman has to suffer consequences down the line. You may convince yourself that you will be part of the few people that will get away with it but the truth is that you don't know that, and the risks you're taking are enormous, for comparatively little reward, since it's only about your physical appearance.

>> No.56705892
File: 34 KB, 495x619, 20231118_222938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ilya is bald bald. He'll never win

>> No.56706040

many people with prostate issues have take 5x more fin than those who get prescribed for their hair. we already know it's safe from decades of data

>> No.56706049

LMAO I was literally about to make this exact same thread after I saw that pic. That hair is embarassing

>> No.56706110
File: 227 KB, 1080x1423, weakmeanhardtimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair plugs are for pussies, and woman can smell weakness. Real men just shave it off.

>> No.56706189

I’m 23 & I’m only thinning at the crown. I’ve already spoken to a doctor & he said finasteride (in a low dose) & minoxidil should work, but I’m scared, guys… I need my hair since I work in finance & I don’t have a girlfriend yet. I have enough for a hair transplant, but my doctor said it’s too soon for that. Should I just take minoxidil till my hair inevitably falls off & then get a hair transplant? Finasteride scares the shit out of me I don’t see a point in it if I still want my cock to work.

>> No.56706211

just try it for a month you pussy, only like 5% of men get negative sides. If you do get sides just stop taking it and embrace baldness.

>> No.56706776

>I have a giant neanderthal skull and I will break your nose and eye socket with a single headbutt, the we will see who has "dysgenic bones", you cum guzzling faggot
If your retard skull can't get you laid you're literally dysgenic

>> No.56706804

fin will kill you
this is coming from someone tricked by jews into taking fin
stop taking jewish pills

>> No.56706956
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Not that complicated!!

>> No.56707024

>DHT kills your hormones anon don’t do it
Just take topical fin/min on your scalp kek

>> No.56707055

its a flex

>> No.56707247

no. Ive been on fin for 15 years and its never affected my libido and I jerk off ay too much.

fin sexual sides dont really exist, even the people saying they are are just placebo-ing themselves

>> No.56707275

this unfortunately. Minox f3lt like it was actually giving me regrowth but I was getting heart palpitations. Even after 6 months on it I was still getting them, and when I stopped they stopped. Im talking oral min btw, I should have just stuck with topical

>> No.56707417

Seriously, this. The reason you fucks are balding is because of your SCALP dht.

Sure, fin stops test conversion to dht altogether, but topical fin stops DHT in the scalp. It’s limited to their, not your balls and prostate unlike oral.

Same with min, if you apply topically it won’t affect your HEART.

>Reddit spacing
Shut up faggot, I’m trying to help.

>> No.56708086

Nah, I've been on finasteride for 8 years and I coomed 5 times last night in like an hour and a half. >>56707247
13 in 1000 men experience sexual side effects from Finasteride. 15 in 100 men naturally experience ED or low libido when not treated with finasteride. The research actually suggests that it treats ED and low libido.

>> No.56708139

>The research actually suggests that it treats ED and low libido.
No it doesn't. You can reassure yourself with this cope but don't lie to other people.

>> No.56708224

25yo, got the transplant. Only got it two months ago so it still looks like shit. Kind of regret it so far but time will tell. Was tired of women not looking at me like they did in college.

>> No.56708774
File: 220 KB, 640x1148, 73c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off OP anyone in this thread who hasn't experienced severe hair loss or experimented with treatments: their advice is meaningless
I'm 27 and am already Norwood 6
Avoided fin/jew pills cause was scared of le side effects until it was too late
Shaved fully for a couple years "embracing it" but hated how I looked and my lack of pussy reflected that
Got a "hair system" a few months ago and my dating life/general life has improved a lot. Only cringe part was telling friends/family but everyone was supportive.

Tl;dr advice: no hair no life especially in 20s. Do what you can to keep it and worst case just get the hair system (ideally try and keep ur real hair tho much easier)

>> No.56708784

Also you can't listen to redditor or normies, this is one subject where the incel are right everyone else will gaslight you and tell you it doesn't matter but it fucking does. The way women treat me even casually has improved so much since I got hair back

>> No.56710093

If you are self confident with your look you don't need anything, only beta fags do hair trasplant

>> No.56710224

Im guessing he just doesn't care about his appearence. Some people are just like that.
Its the kind of people who spend their time posting frogs on chinese forums.

>> No.56710391

yeah. the focus is on work, not appearances. the worst example is sergey, just look at his high school prom suit, yet too lazy to not be fat

>> No.56710407

weak men apparently also can't save a jpg properly

>> No.56710418
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Keep your fuck ups a part of you or you'll forget you're not perfect.

>> No.56710422

I bet you shave your face, faggot.

>> No.56710481

Men taking finasteride for hairloss and for prostate have a combined 1.3% chance of experiencing ed. 15% of untreated men experience ed. This is relevant data and yes, researchers have suggested that the boost in free testosterone increases libido and improves ed. Ask chatgpt, that's where I got the information.

>> No.56710556

I'm poor (low 4figs), 34, former chainsmoker and alcoholic, but I Have great luscious hair. Zoomette girls love it.

>> No.56711273

Big yikes