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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56699222 No.56699222 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Sergey Nazarov,

This is your chance to hire Sam Altman and elevate the AI capabilities of Chainlink.
I can't think of anyone else more suitable to help make Chainlink one and only working gurdrails for AI than the main man behind LLVM.

Yours sincerely,
Anons of /biz/

>> No.56699316
File: 269 KB, 1588x600, eric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. That's far-fetched but imagine the pump...

>> No.56699352

Kek chainshitters are so fucking deluded it's unreal

Sam Altman can buy Chainlink if he wants, not the opposite

>> No.56699367

He’s probably getting fielded by hundreds of top tier companies right now. He and Sergey have history though, I give it a non zero but highly unlikely chance.

>> No.56699427
File: 812 KB, 1617x1759, serg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric is richer than Sam and he's working for Chainlink.

Yup, I agree. Reckon Elon hires him at xAI?

>> No.56699513

Sergey can hire Sam Altman, but he will have to market sell 100m LINK to raise the money to pay him. It will crash the price down to $3.

He's thinking about it.

>> No.56699676
File: 128 KB, 800x800, Eric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric works for LPL cringe chad

pools closed

>> No.56699741

Gm LPL kiddo how you doing kiddos? Pool's closed!

>> No.56699762

Based kiddo how you doing based kiddo?LPL? Pools closed!

Fomo not needed!

>> No.56699876

based LPL retardos how you drooling retardos?

>> No.56699905

I have never had a twitter account. So I've only ever read serg's posts as they're posted on /biz/, but I've never seen these. He's such a good forward thinker, I love it

>> No.56700039

>kiddo how you doing kiddos
This meme fucking blows.

>> No.56700458

Pools closed based kiddo

>no pooleriod chad alert
Pools closed chad! how you doing kiddo?

miss out did cha chaddie???

pools closed!

>> No.56700480

Sam Altman is a scammer.

>> No.56700551


>> No.56700625

He's got his own coin, buy that instead if you like the guy so much.

>> No.56700692

what history?

>> No.56701053

Its called x boomer

>> No.56701152

Linkies are retards for worshiping this guy. Total deep state stooge always parroting whatever the establishment opinion is at the time.

>> No.56701195

Holy checked

>> No.56701199

Sergey tweeted at him a few times. Unclear if Sam ever acknowledged him or was in the same room as him.

>> No.56701208


But you’re a fool, SN and AJ got him fired in the first place.

>> No.56701233

What the fuck all you (((anons))) don’t know this Sam guy was doing his own jew sister ? He lost his job too

>> No.56701260

Imagine from being the CEO of the biggest and most advanced AI on the entire planet to working for Sergay lmaoooooooooooo

>> No.56701271

Am I going back to the Rape Hatch Hotel, which is basically the Bates Motel when Bates' arm isn't strong enough to lift a knife?

>> No.56702764

you keep getting funnier guys, stay at it

>> No.56702805

>[Eric] he's working for Chainlink.
anon i.....

>> No.56702831

That’s why chainlink should hire him!

Schmidt was the CEO of google and now he’s working for Sergey, sooo…

You’re fucking retarded nigger

>> No.56702938

He has to be aware of what Eric Schmidt and Kemal Tensorflow. Altaman seems split on whether AI should be open source, but maybe crypto is the perfect middle ground. Everyone has access in theory, albeit too expensive for most, the users can be sensored and other types of guardrails (tm) can be put in place. Now that I thought it true let's call it confirmed. Welcome to the Marines Sam

>> No.56702951

Chainlink has a lot of prestige among the top tech people. Probably the only job where Sam would have to go through rounds of interviews and screenings, just like Kemal and Malkhi had to

>> No.56704254
File: 353 KB, 656x874, 1690525126997736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56704272

Did this jew do anything for AI other than monetize it?

>> No.56704351
File: 227 KB, 886x718, jeffrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink only hires the best of the best.

>> No.56704860

it would be a perfect fit. chainlink is a safe haven for tech has-beens, where they get retail money and the attention they so desperately crave. a wfh secretary is probably copying an invitation from chatgpt as we speak

>> No.56705888

Schmidt works for Sergey and you think they would kneel to Altman? Insanity

>> No.56705979
File: 283 KB, 870x495, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based full house poster