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56688532 No.56688532 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56688550


>> No.56688558


>> No.56688580

>Israel has no right to exist
When they shill some made up crap they usually tend to stuff it with fancy graphics and completely retarded jargon that "looks like" right but it's not.
When you say "socially conscious", what do you mean? There can be many opinions.
ESG WEF kikes don't think so.
When you say "respect the environment" what do you mean? There can be many different, sometimes opposite options.
ESG WEF kikes don't think so.
When you say "Socially just" what do you mean? There can be many options.
ESG WEF kikes don't think so.

>> No.56688627
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>> No.56688636

Deciding what is moral and immoral is not the job of a central authority because power corrupts and all that. The central authority who came up with ESG used underhanded tactics to aquire their wealth in the first place and used this wealth to bribe/threaten everyone else into compliance with the ESG narrative, creating a feedback loop.


>> No.56688688
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>anyone who disagrees with me is a fascist / is a nazi / is mad / is a conspiracy theorist / is a Putin pawn / is supporting terrorism / is a climate change denier* / is a holocaust denier / is antisemite / must be deplatformed / must be banned / must be financially ruined

>> No.56688751

the only purpose of a business is to create profit for their shareholders (owners) everything else is secondary and viewed using this lens.
this does not accomplish that
any business which does not create profit dies.

>> No.56688765

To know if this is bad or good we first have to determine what constitutes as a “socially conscious” investment.

>> No.56690038

The attempt to create an alternative measure of value to money places immense responsibility and conflict of interest in the hands of those creating these new measures. Possible evidence of this conflict of interest and subsequent corruption is the fact big oil and energy companies like Enron have higher scores than Tesla, the biggest contemporary pioneer of EV's.
Another negative outworking of the current ESG implementation is onerous compliance overheads that favours the incumbent, large businesses and is too much for small businesses to keep pace with. This is acknowledged by those that push ESG's themselves, and they see the "future of humanity" as less people being self employed and more people working for large companies (with a bunch of humanistic-enterprise buzzwords thrown in to describe - collaboration etc).
ESG perhaps COULD work, but first we all need to acknowledge what it actually is - a regulation framework being applied to the free market(s) globally with massive disruptive potential.
Instead of acknowledging that, it's sneaking in by the back door, normies have no idea what it is and what the implications are. To do it properly, transparently, in a way that empowers all, does not strengthen the staus quo, it needs to be implemented more democratically and with more consultation than the current WEF and UN forms

>> No.56690056

Organizations are mechanisms built to implement strategies that address a general problem space that is highly targeted towards markets that can be leveraged. They exist to delegate responsibility away from consumers in the simplest and most convenient manner. You delegate tasks that are suboptimal uses of time and effort. Convenience and luxury, like driving a nice car that you don't have to maintain yourself liberate you to apply your skills and energy where they're needed. You have time to think about problems that you feel you're best able to solve.

ESG is the commoditization of caring, the act of creating real, fruitful relationships that create value on an individual basis. Personal values being delegated away from individuals leaves only a hollowed out commodity to be sold through a mechanism that was never designed for such a thing. The act of caring for others cannot be delegated without sacrificing the essence of its importance, the personal connection to society and others... It leaves greater distance between the people and the problems they're trying to solve, figuring what they actually care about solving in the first place and why.

>> No.56690057

it's like any other sector for investment, it tries to lump similar groups together.
is Amazon tech or retail? Who fucking knows, in one ETF they call it tech, in another they call it retail.
Now, I want to sell my ETF to people who "think" they want to invest their money ethically.
Step 1. Create "ethical" investment product
Step 2. Sell "ethical" investment product

What your criteria are for that and how you hold companies to it don't really matter, you're selling the feeling.

>> No.56690083

Where do you get the idea that some authority determines who is and isn't esg? They're simply a product group, made by a product selling company. The product is investments.

>> No.56690108

Those are a lot of cool and big words kiddo. Unfortunately they don’t mean what you think they do. Like the words all natural in food, they have a definition that doesn’t align with what you do.
We call them operational definitions and they’re meant to dissuade you from looking deeper into the truth while feeling morally correct.
Now let’s go make some ice cream from the cows in our pasture.