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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56679868 No.56679868 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine buying a coin made by jews in 2023 after every single jew scam project

Azero is the white man’s project

>> No.56679871

I bough this shit back in 2021 already retard

>> No.56679894

kek I misread I thought this was a fud thread

>> No.56679903

also meant to say 2022

sorry lost track of time

>> No.56679915

sorry i trust the jews to make me money. every inch of hate you have on them will only make them want to earn more money to dunk on you

>t. kyspa holder

>> No.56679961
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>> No.56679967

fuck off scammers

this is a legit project not a pump and dump shit that gets 2934927834982 posts on /biz/ everyday

>> No.56679978
File: 5 KB, 235x164, IMG_20230328_072737_429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are starting to boil kek They are creating topics about their projects with Kaspas fud bait or they are taking advantage of Kaspas topics to talk about their projects. This is all so positive.

>> No.56679987

What are you on about? This thread is about a different project. Why the fuck are you here posting about something unrelated?

>> No.56679990
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>> No.56679993

go offtopic shit somewhere else

>> No.56680002
File: 68 KB, 900x504, IMG_20231104_200740_701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine buying a coin made by jews in 2023 after every single jew scam project

>> No.56680008

first letter of the hebrew alphabet

>> No.56680015

cant wait for the inevitable dump

>> No.56680021

kek. they're projecting so hard while their *white* overlords continue dumping on them

>> No.56680027

Reply to your next post: I've been in crypto and on /biz/ long enough to recognize such obvious shilling. Wow totally organic. Yes this shit is surely going to the top #10 and it isn't gonna be the rug of a lifetime. When a coin gets shilled in every fucking thread, even threads that go about a totally different project, this is obviously so organic and bullish!

Retard scammers

>> No.56680036
File: 52 KB, 1080x887, IMG_20231116_001033_371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kaspa dump
>Aug 2022

>> No.56680039

of course it'll dump. nothing goes up forever. jews have infinite fiat to buy dips though. wonder why

>> No.56680045
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>Kaspa dump
>double top

>> No.56680051

so organic, only logical we have 2000 posts about this on /biz/ !

>> No.56680053
File: 55 KB, 1080x881, IMG_20231116_001151_444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dump kaspa

>> No.56680057
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>dunp kaspa

>> No.56680061

Slow and steady wins the race

just look at chainlink, same type of shill behaviour

whenever they spam about a coin on /biz/ this is your top signal

whenever a coin is never mentioned here (like OP) then you know you have possibly struck gold in the long run

do with this info as you please, this thread is ruined now anyway

>> No.56680069
File: 147 KB, 720x1038, IMG_20230925_093446_172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is you?

>> No.56680084

No, I have absolutely 0 desire to buy that shit or have I ever wanted to buy it except to dump on other losers

>> No.56680110

Friend, there is no winner or loser. I believe in Kaspa, INJ, Azero, Memes. We will all emerge winners.

>> No.56680147

You have to be mentally retarded to think trusting jewish projects is a good idea, you’ll be shitting up /biz/ for years with another bagholder general soon

>> No.56680155

>mutt education
it originated in Egypt, saying aleph is hebrew is like saying alpha is hebrew

>> No.56680477

>non EVM
Good luck finding devs willing to jump through your idiotic hoops.

>> No.56681576

eth is yahoo

>> No.56681631

kyspa scam

>> No.56681920

>mutt education
The name "alef" comes from the Hebrew word "aleph," which means "ox" in ancient Hebrew. The letter originates from the Egyptian hieroglyph of an ox's head, but in Egyptian, it was not called "aleph" or "alef," as you prefer.

and I am Jew btw.


Barukh haShem!

>> No.56681981

One thing is for certain is that jews will do their best to make money. Either you ride the wave and not be a retard when they signal that they will rug this.

>> No.56682520

>when they signal
did sbf signal when he stole your money last time?
>cites Wikipedia
>aleph is a hebrew word
I guess alpha comes from hebrew too huh? Or is it the other way round and aleph comes from Greek?

Aleph is as much hebrew as epic of Gilgamesh and the book of dead are historically illiterate retard

>> No.56684213

imagine buying dax8800 on ethereum

>> No.56684264

What makes azero good? I have a bag of this and I can’t remember why I bought it in the first place