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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56676753 No.56676753 [Reply] [Original]

now on Uniswap, get in while its under $1

>> No.56676828
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>> No.56677314

SDL uses the same staking contracts as Chainlink Labs community pool, is Chainlink a scam?

>> No.56677324

im guessing youre smarter than this and trying to fud people out cause youre accumulating

>> No.56677375

>the staking service where you have to buy a token uses the same staking contracts as the native staking service where you don't have to buy an extra token, and the one with the extra token has a literal track record of rugpulling its holders
just fuck off you hopeless shills

>> No.56677390

wtf are you on about, bird brain detected

>> No.56677480

I bought all my lpl on uniswap though.

>> No.56677568

lpl was the last model(revenue share) which was no good going forward with all the new regulation coming in as crypto goes legit, SDL(liquid staking model) is very well thought out and is on a great path going forward being the Lido of Chainlink

>> No.56677610
File: 276 KB, 1080x1479, reeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a terrible idea. There's only 747k SDL on Sushi, and they're moving a "portion" to Uniswap. With this low liquidity it's going to pump. Nobody wants that.

>> No.56677611


>> No.56677641

more liquidity will get added as time goes on, it just went on uniswap today

>> No.56677730


>> No.56677750

can you point to a scenario where staking + low liquidity leads to major pumps? Ill wait.

>> No.56677758


>> No.56677817

Based LPL chuddie kiddo how you doing king cringeo kiddo?

>> No.56677827

Ok fine, but I haven't bought any since the lpl days. Where did you buy it if not uniswap?

>> No.56677836
File: 263 KB, 1080x1602, 76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

76k SDL. It's going to pump.

>> No.56677839

Oh sdl was only on sushi?
Shut the fuck up you brown nigger retard, it was never funny

>> No.56677898

and one sell will dump it

>> No.56677949

Gm LPL kiddo how you doing kiddos? Pool's closed!

>> No.56678106

wen moon

>> No.56678118

nobody buys on terribly low liquidity

>> No.56678137
File: 46 KB, 960x707, 1657140840036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the Jewish guy whose wife I was sleeping with for a few months before he threatened me because I didn't want to stick my dick in him doesn't wind up getting into crypto or SDL, I did shill LINK to him before the whole situation escalated.

>> No.56678327

No poolers are yeeting their severed heads into the bushes with seethe LMAO

pools closed!

Based LPL chuddie kiddo how going ya based kiddo??

pools closed!

>> No.56678863

reminder that all sdl fud is from the super sekret delphi discord, buy now and price them out >>56676828