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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56671651 No.56671651 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for suggestions on altcoins with strong use cases or real-world applications. Long-term hold.

>> No.56671662

Monero, no guarantee the price ever goes up though kek

>> No.56671685
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The first ERC20 token you should actually care about is $U, a uranium-backed token (uranium3o8.com). If you don't understand why this is huge, then you haven't been paying attention.

>> No.56671702

No one uses any of this shit. Blockchains do not have real world adoption outside of buying drugs on TOR which is the only thing they do that can't be done better by a SQL database or a payment processor.

>> No.56671743
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>> No.56671802
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>he fell for the utility meme
did you learn nothing from charles hoskinson and richard heart last time around? in a bull run you invest in whoever is going balls deep in marketing. fuck the tech.

>> No.56672104

buy real-world pegged assets i guess

>> No.56672124

>long term hold
Lel, have you niggers ever heard of a mutual fund?