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56668377 No.56668377 [Reply] [Original]

both in less dumping, and more pumping

what is the upside of LINK?

>> No.56668380

Checked and you're unironically right it hurts so bad
Don't fall for the LINK meme bros.

>> No.56668385

Doesn't mean LINK are even bad per se. but everything else is better

>> No.56668391

I am off 6 pills and I don't even feel sleepy bouta have a tbone steak delivered to my house and bunch of other stuff and I also have a nice bed and I like to fuck and I have a slurpie from 711 coming too so basiclly I never bought link

>> No.56668395
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Clearly linkies enjoy suffering

>> No.56668397

I wish I had a cig.....

>> No.56668403 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Sol > LINK

>> No.56668417

They didnt outperform link, their worth/value in FIAT outperformed link. When it comes to actual performance of the coin link outperforms most of them, thats why its safe to assume that it sooner or later will have its golden hour (and it seems like were about to get there in this bullrun).
the thing is, there are an infinite number of bad performing coins, why do you ask this question about link? why is link in everyones mind? because link is link. Everyone knows link and link will have its time

>> No.56668428

but nobody fucking knows link lol just us, just a collective of insiders who thought they could use this board to launch their subversive shit .. I could kick sirfaggot niggerovs shit I wish that bitch would fucking come to 353 e thomas road and get his lights knocked out.

>> No.56668447

Bro LINK is shit for what it is and I'm tired of hearing that it'll have its time to shine "Le 1k eoy". Shitcoins, memes and garbage normie coins pump harder than LINK. I want tio believe Chainlink summer of dreams will happen next year for real

>> No.56668510

LINK outperformed all of crypto from 2018-2020.

>> No.56668552

not HEX or BNB or SOL

now read my thread again

>> No.56668641

The upside of link has been discussed on this board for literally half a decade. We are done discussing it, there is nothing left to argue or consider. All it comes down to is if your willing to wait for generational wealth or not.

>> No.56668785

compared to other things of course

>> No.56668922

Link is a high iq coin. I've been in Link since ICO in 2017 and I'm never selling. Still, every cycle I'm buying hyped up garbage like Solana and Matic because I know they'll pump the hardest in a bullrun.
t. 50/50 fundamentals/pumpamentals master race

>> No.56668938

I added 8k link to my stack in the last 2 years

>> No.56669891
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high iq

low gains

>> No.56669922

Why do you have that picture saved on your computer

>> No.56670161

and yet, in present day 2023 Link is about to breach the top 10 again. Well how do ya like that??

>> No.56670423


>somewhat passable tranny
>bogs himself into oblivion

many such cases

>> No.56670577

link brought me from 5 figures to 7 in one pump. Better coins? sure, but I wont bite the hand that feeds.

>> No.56670765

I dumped that shit for RIDE when I had the time

>> No.56671208
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LINK will moon

>> No.56671503

I think you made the best decision of your life

>> No.56671532

LINK is the best performer in the top 50 in the past year except Solana and OKB