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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56667277 No.56667277 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56667337


>> No.56667344

>lightly sprinkles rain
>car tires slip like crazy.

Great design faggot.

>> No.56667400

Just put them over warehouses and parking lots, you’ll solve a lot more headaches that way

>> No.56667428


>> No.56667715
File: 213 KB, 645x973, soyoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56667726

Shitlibs are so stupid. You can tell that no one involved has any concept of road maintence.

>> No.56667761

At this point anyone engaging with it is blatantly either grossly incompetent or involved in financial misconduct; polite way of saying, theft.

How about covering the pavements with solar awnings and solar covered cycle paths. I can drive. I also walk and cycle a lot. Electric bikes are tits. The only drawback to both is when the weather gets shitty.

>> No.56667769

These guys were Republicans, anon
Are there liberal Republicans now? I always wanted to what a right wing lib party would look like in US

>> No.56667775
File: 155 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b273cd7d9cceed215d9cad958fd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.56667786

Republicans and Conservatives are Liberals, yes. Sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.56667910

this please

>> No.56667914
File: 45 KB, 500x500, scammerdiesofunrelatedheartattack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who came up with this idea?????????????????

>> No.56667974

so reddit it hurts

>> No.56668247

This has nothing to do with Chainlink.

>> No.56668253

sirfaggot niggerov will die of a heart attack :))))

>> No.56668262

They are still retarded, efficiency and maintainence are shit.

>> No.56668396

the problem of solar is 100% always about storage / transmission.
dc sucks for transmission and it becomes very wasteful to convert into high voltage ac.

unironically btc solves this

>> No.56668547

Let us take inefficient tech with 10% of efficiency at 45% angle and make it more inefficient by laying it flat while overengineering and putting extra layer of glass that is capable of holding trucks.

>> No.56669239
File: 218 KB, 541x550, IMG_2060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s actually happening?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.56669960

"btc" doesn't solve anything.

>> No.56670015

yes it does midwit as it removes the batteries / transmission issues for 99% of remote solar projects.
>put solar panels on roads
>put miners every 1m
>miners transfer btc
>roads paid for by the sun
try to keep up jamal.

>> No.56670019

what exactly is the difference between republicucks and demonrats? both worship jews, gays and want to genocide white people, they pretend to bicker about worthless unimportant shit like tax cuts for the rich (like it matters since they all tax evade anyways) and abortion (like anyone gives a fuck if a fat nigger shits out one more niglet or not)

>> No.56670188

How about we just start by not having cities littered with syringes and human feces from all of the feral homeless niggers wandering about? Oh we can't even do that? Because we live in a corrupt and dying empire? Right.

>> No.56670222

>not having cities filled human feces from all of the feral homeless niggers
SF just proved that can all literally be cleaned up in a weekend if the right chink visits...

just a sign of how much they hate you that they allow the cities to continue like this....

>> No.56670297

you don't get it, the "grungy" feeling of the suburbs with drug addict niggers and homeless makes the hipster rich american kids feel like they're hardasses who grew up in the "ghetto" (just outside of the gated suburs where they actually live) the victim olympic props had to be put away because daddy's business partner came to visit though

>> No.56670328

how do you plow these safely

>> No.56671979

Hasn't this been proposed 100 times before with the conclusion always being it makes more sense just to put normal solar panels on the sides of the road?

>> No.56672002

this is the 60 iq answer but is actually the 1000 iq answer at the same time anon.

You are right.

>> No.56672044

It's all the same shit, retard.

>> No.56672048
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 1697294414199252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This idea was absolutely retarded on every single level. You'd have to have zero knowledge of science/engineering to think solar powered roadways would be a good idea. All my libtard coworkers got so excited when the kickstarter campaign first came out because "yaaay we're going to have Tron roads!" Fucking idiots
>Verification not required

>> No.56672049

If you have no morals whatsoever and want to get rich you can pretty much just throw renewable/green energy on anything and get paid. Even local/regional governments will diarrhea you with money for useless projects that go nowhere because they have to spend their budget on something to get a bigger one next year (and increase your taxes)

>> No.56673306


>> No.56673351

Classic midwit idea.
Overthought, over engineered. More problems introduced than solved. All solved by someone else.

>> No.56674552


Both parties are just playing you, they actually work together to scam everyone else.

None of them have any concept of road maintenance because they are all grifters who scammed their way into authority positions.