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56666487 No.56666487 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't elections held with the help of blockchain technology

>> No.56666510

schizo answer: it would make them too hard to rig
actual answer: tens of thousands of fat black women would lose their jobs

>> No.56666517

Why arent they just held on paper with a chain of custody?

>> No.56666536
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Because then ((((they)))) couldn't steal the elections so easily

>> No.56666538

Because token not needed

>> No.56666543

Can someone just post the Chainlink and AP shit already and end this quasi shill

>> No.56667327

Creating an inclusive voting software is the hurdle. And by inclusive I mean one that allows voter id to be ignored.

>> No.56667352

paper and ink are expensive. Pixels on screen only require electricity. But like others have said,they[the old crooks still in control] would never do it since they can't control it. Wait for younger generations to take control [10 more years]

>> No.56667364

Once everyone has a digital id they will.

>> No.56668456

Nice try glowie
They would never put elections on a blockchain because it would show their fraud
Acting differently here gives you away officer
Go back to Facebook

>> No.56668469
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If something isn't needlessly complex and expensive, no one will believe in its security.

>> No.56668515

Transparency builds more confidence

>> No.56669007
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To you and I, anon, obviously... but we're talking about normies, here.
Even most politicians see "free" as a note of bad quality, rather than liberation.

>> No.56669068

Because transparent immutability is racist, sexual, and transphobic.

>> No.56669073

based and adult-pilled

>> No.56669080

It's new

>> No.56669100

Don’t forget, VERY antisemitism as well.

>> No.56669103

>non meme answer
its a tougher question than it initially appears. there are multiple avenues in how elections can be corrupted and its hard to design a system that is resistant to all methods.
case in point:
* "total transparency" - will just give rise to massive vote buying and political retribution
* "total anonymity" - will just give rise to fake votes
so ultimately you need a scheme that mandates that voters are registered, id verified, and certified that they voted - however their actual votes need to be anonymous.
its hard to imagine how doing this digitally would improve upon simple paper ballot.