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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56664370 No.56664370 [Reply] [Original]

You WILL live in a car.

>> No.56664390
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I'm about to do this for a year. Taking a job somewhere else that gives me 3k housing allowance a month. buying a house back home and renting it out. will just pocket the 3k and shower at the gym

>> No.56664401

fairly certain that's illegal goy

>> No.56664405
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Pic unrelated

>> No.56664415

people were saying the market will crash the entire time too

>> No.56664439

walmart has allowed this for many years.

>> No.56664448

>walmart has allowed this for many years.
walmart has not allowed this for many years

>> No.56664456

The duality of man

>> No.56664466

>if you made $93,000/yr in 2020 you would need to make $200,000/yr today just to maintain your purchasing power
Just kill me now sempai

>> No.56664504
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Only reason it's illegal is because there is no property tax on cars yet. Once that happens they'll happily let you live in your car.

>> No.56664534
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>richest country that ever existed
>too goddamn stupid, greedy and evil to have housing for every citizen

>> No.56664597

There actually is property tax on cars in some states and it's based off the market value and billed annually.

Also the penalty for not paying your federal income tax on time is only 20% which is still less than our (real) annual inflation the past few years, so technically you could save some purchasing power by not filing or paying rn.

>> No.56664599

>tfw lived in my car for the past year

>> No.56664638

people could live in a house if they leave the cities
but they don't want to, they want to stay close to drugs, alcohol, easy sex with whores, junk food, degeneracy
in rural places you have to behave, most people don't want that

>> No.56664662

That’s also where all the jobs are. You’re pretty capped out on max income by moving to rural areas. I would live in a LCOL rural area if they had investment banks there sure

>> No.56664688

>they want to stay close to drugs, alcohol, easy sex with whores, junk food, degeneracy

I think you mean "jobs". There used to be work in the country, but that was when it took actual manpower to run farms. Now a couple imported Mexicans can run a 10,000 acre farm by punching some buttons on a control panel.

>> No.56664696
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>sellers panic
>prices fall
>interest rates rise
>buyers can't afford
>sellers underwater
>seller underwater + buyer can't afford
and that's it. that's the end of the system
you can't loan money into a system like that
the buyer can't afford a loan at current prices
the seller can't refinance at current rates
so guess what? there's nobody paying the bank.
That's all. Goodbye.

>> No.56664705

you don't need that money
you want that money for the faggotry city life related stuff
that's what you want
you have to be willing to say no to that

>> No.56664712

fucking comfy.

>> No.56664728

it's more that in rural places
>there is no goddamn work
>cities fundamentally horde wealth and consolidate industries
>tech and many other industries with faggot anti-WFH rules to prop up dual citizen bosses so the real estate bubble doesn't pop
Among many other factors. Many people want to just live in rural America anon even Europeans want to still. I was pleasantly surprised visiting my family this year how much more wealth and young families are living in this once dying town far away from any big city, this wasn't the case even three years ago.

We could create affordable housing but the same spiritual kikes that want to destroy rural Americans (more so the white ones) also want the cities to be like this, unlivable and overpriced junkie-hobo paradiso and full of malleable retards and feral gay niggers.

>> No.56664730

she ain't missing no meals

>> No.56664737

Why don't Dems give gibs to the middle class? They'd win every damn election, I'd vote fro them.

>> No.56664749

If you're not working on a farm you have no business being outside a city. Cities are the efficient way to maintain goyim.

>> No.56664776
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I WILL own a ranch
I WILL eat ze beef
I WILL shoot at trespassers
I WILL evade taxes through owning small businesses

>> No.56664795

I was a trucker and lived in the birther in my 20s. It gets old after a while. Became a security guard at my local airport (not TSA) supervising mechanics while they work. It’s a sweet gig and all I have to do is watch them and report on a tablet if they’re doing anything wrong so there’s no altercations. Only pays 60K but with the OT/DT it comes out to like mid 80s, plus benefits and a pension plan since it’s through the city. I couldn’t believe when I found out that they make just a little more than me, breaking their backs. I’m literally working right now while watching movies and shitposting. Seriously look into the public sector. It’s like welfare on steroids. Easy shit and I work with guys that sleep during their whole shift, have been caught, and still don’t get fired because there’s no one to replace them.

>> No.56664810

Public sector what? Security ?

>> No.56664844

this is the problem with modern fags
the only way they would live city homo life style is if they could live like kings(so they could do also whaever they want over there)
so that means never leaving the homo modern lifesltyle
that's why you can't leave the city
you want easy access to stuff

>> No.56664846

unironically how do we make sure trump wins this time?

>> No.56664935

great meme war II

>> No.56665085
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Yeah there’s tons of security jobs in the public sector. I was going to be a cop but broke my ankle when I fell off a ladder. I was almost an LA County Sheriff’s Security Guard, but LAX offered to pay more and with the Sheriff’s dept I would’ve been put on public transit checking tickets and dealing with the public…not that I don’t get pulled out of my comfy post, looking at security cameras all night just to deal with the occasional Karen starting shit with a traffic officer (also a public sector job btw, but all they do is write tickets). But it’s pretty chill and A LOT of tourists don’t know the difference between a real cop and me, so there’s the badge bunny benefit as well…although I will say, because I deal with police constantly, I would just go ahead go with being a legitimately deputized policeman. Better pay, and pension. More bullshit though, but as a peace officer you can get some pretty sweet high paying security jobs when you’re off duty. Know a guy that makes $100/hr working at a Rolex store on his days off….and he can barely speak English. A literal retard could get this job, in fact I’ve noticed they like to hire dumb people. I myself have to dumb it up to fit in. Check it out.

>> No.56665148

No one wants to be poor you retard

>> No.56665152

election boogaloo

>> No.56665276
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>affordable housing
>isn't actually a house
Honk honk.

>> No.56665313
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>> No.56665325

Did they Photoshop a fucking shit bull into back seat of an obese goblina's car? Lmao

>> No.56665344

Is this Brandon's Greatest Economy Ever they've been telling me about?

>> No.56665458

>they didn’t get digits
It’s over

>> No.56665506

>this is how LA glows do their recruiting drives now

>> No.56665512

i don't qualify for a mortgage because i couldnt live with my parents and my credit is awful, i buy crypto instead of paying anything off because my overhead is so high

living in a rural area would save me maybe 300 max on rent a month

>> No.56665547

>That's where all the jobs are
Work from home killed that. I'm amazed that people still haven't figured this out yet.

>> No.56665597

>Land of the free

>> No.56665623

What's up Rockingham County NC.

>> No.56665716

Sure, the green line went up but were all more poor.

>> No.56665741

All the meme vets from mw1 moved to twitter

>> No.56665795

>drugs, alcohol, easy sex with whores, junk food, degeneracy
And jobs. You fogot the fucking jobs that everyone wants to stay near, retarded moralfag. The whole country can't be farmers, pastors, and methheads. Fucking retard townie faggot.

>> No.56665807
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Because every job is work from home, right?

>> No.56665824

Self employed people pay more tax, idiot. How do you townie retards have computers with internet connections but obviously have no education system?

>> No.56665892

Went through LAX 3 times this year. I would not be able to stand hearing those announcements over and over "will illegal immigrant Cortez de La Ocasio Hernandez report to the gate, your flight is leaving back to Mexico" (along with a deep breath followed by a list of 100 other Spanish sounding names). Kek, they got on a plane to come here. They're not going

>> No.56665931

Zion Don wrote checks to everyone. This was massively inflationary you retard. Brandon is no better. I guess the question is, who inflates less.

>> No.56666172

>a bunch of fat mexicans living in 2009 camaros

>> No.56666176

There is property tax on cars where I live.

>> No.56666212

>the only way they would live city homo life style is if they could live like kings(so they could do also whaever they want over there)
200% of /biz/ and 4chan earn over 200k (only 1% of salaried workers earn over 200k, the majority of people with an income over 200k are business owners).

>> No.56666330
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But what you’re missing is that people are still buying. There’s a huge wealth differential in this country - some are poorer and less mobile than ever before while others, more wealthy and with more upward mobility than before. There’s a lot of money out there… The Jews printed a centuries worth within a decade.

>> No.56666437
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Then don't sleep in the car. Sleep in a tent next to the car. The police will never bother or fine you.

>> No.56666465
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>> No.56666767

You genuinely have no idea how the financial system works.

>> No.56666810

It’s actually not illegal to sleep in your car if you affirm that you’re doing so because you have a headache and don’t feel fit to drive. Some cities even have literal laws that allow you to sleep in your car, van, rv, at night as long as you’re 500ft away from schools and not consuming illegal substances. Some businesses will also let you sleep on their property as long as you keep an eye on things.

Honestly, if you tint your windows and exercise caution, no one’s gonna give you trouble. There’s a guy on our block that sleeps in his car and he sweeps the sidewalks and everyone loves him.