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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56663489 No.56663489 [Reply] [Original]

im hoping its dogseason again, love thos hecking cute doggerinos and /bizan/

>> No.56663517


>> No.56663536

halving coins, whats that?

>> No.56663568
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increasing in manuacturing farming and education. New quality homes created with a frugal mindset. Increased international trade. decreased banking regulation. New tax revenues, New president, A new start.

to celebrate the soft landing, I'm changing my persona to that of a male to reflect my biological gender. We're taking it back to the oldschool, bitcoin halvening will cause btc to climb past 100k, but it won't go full speculative frenzy nightmare like you know when.

>> No.56663619

are you both retarded, narratives mean what kind of coins will pump

>> No.56663771

It's ordinals and brc20 coins but we're not allowed to make threads about it

>> No.56663794

Because they’re scams


>> No.56663817

I swear, there's bots that scan for the word ordinal just to post retarded comments like these.

>> No.56663829
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We are making inroads with mesh network and are trying to create a disrupted grass roots version of the internet that is publicly owned and free. This will lead to the creation of new ways of collaborating and transfering resources on the blockchain, which will give rise to new legal "utility" services in the crypto community. More small business owners are accepting btc and monero. And there will be new advanced ways to store create, and transfer crypto. This cycle could be the biggest one yet. Chainlink and ETH/SOL are struggling to stay relevant, but making steady gains. It seems they're around to stay. There are other coins I don't know about like xrp ripple and others but I'm still on the lookout for new technology. What do you mean by "narritive" by the way?

>> No.56663834

Another post about why you’re a street shitter


>> No.56663863

Poisoning the well again. There was a thread yesterday where half a dozen of you all came out at once to REEE about it.

>> No.56663876

Probably coins marketed as anti-inflationary. It's a hot topic even among finicially retarded people these days feeling burnt by the government. Bitcoin will lead this hard but other new / old coins will also follow the trend and moon harder than coins with staking / inflationary tokenomics.

>> No.56663877

>says the street shitter advertising a scam
Yeah it’s well poisoning because I don’t want people scammed by your poop ordinals. You’re a disingenuous semite fuck. I hope you get the rope or die in a migrant crossing to Europe.

>> No.56663912

Coins with real fundamentals will be the coins to moon this time. No more bullshit trends getting hyped

>> No.56663919

me and 3 other anons shilled a project back in the summer about a project that proceeded to go up 30000% in November. jannies deleted our threads and banned us for weeks
no we’re not the disgusting pajeet shilling fucking ordi (your shilling is really obvious) it’s a different project

>> No.56664089

WW3 hedge. It can't be AI and normies are twice burned on crypto now. As tensions mount in the meatspace, every pajeet and subhuman will conclude "The elites are inching towards ww3", as many have already. BTC as a store of value will drive this bullrun in a high inflation environment IMO.

Could also just be halving also.

>> No.56664160

and no it’s not pepe whatever nigger shit (I just checked the archives)

>> No.56664462

gonna be gaming? layer 2´s? Ai coins? NFT? memecoins? all of em

>> No.56664481

*or all of em

so layer 2´s? things like chainlink and the likes?

>> No.56664774

I've got 3 verticals identified:
>real yield [i.e. DEX perps]

>> No.56664791

post tg for alpha. fuck jannies.

>> No.56664797

>Whats the crypto narrative of 2024?
"Just buy the coins dude don't be a faggot"