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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 1551x264, Just a Cohencidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56657851 No.56657851 [Reply] [Original]

Largest bank on the planet (ICBC), 4th largest automaker on the planet (Stelantis), 3rd largest law firm on the planet(A&O Shearman), largest mortgage broker in the US(Mr Cooper), and Boeing(Defense Contractor) ALL "hacked" within days of each other!

>Mr. Cooper was "hacked" https://archive.is/SXtpC
>Meridian Capital Raided by Feds https://archive.is/MdiR2
>US30Y Auction Fails https://archive.is/pxTIO
>A&O Shearman "hacked" https://archive.is/vjOow
>Largest Bank in world taken down by "hackers" https://archive.is/3BmOw
>ICBC forced to trade and settle deals with USB sticks https://archive.is/8vfHV
>50% of Australia's Ports Taken Down due to "hack" https://archive.is/8Cu45
>ICBC pays Trillion $ Ransom to "hackers" https://archive.is/cceHL
>Stelantis production hampered by "ack" https://archive.is/e1ek6

>DTCC Doubles Margin Requirements for Mortgage Backed Securities (sound familiar?) https://archive.is/x5Hs8
>South Korea bans all short selling until June 2024 https://archive.is/vHEno
>Governor of Federal Reserve Lisa Cook warns of the dangers and imminent disaster in real estate https://archive.is/jSkLW
>WeWork declares bankruptcy on Nov 6th. https://archive.is/VQQ7W
>ACH Outage first week of November (still affecting some people) https://archive.is/qVybU
>Bank of Japan Outage in October 80B+ $ affected in accounts https://archive.is/VrA83
>More borrowed from FHLB than in 2008 mortgage crisis! https://archive.is/V4AU3
>JPM, Citibank, BoA close thousands of accounts https://archive.is/rreKc
>Boeing "Hacked" Files Leaked Online https://archive.is/0m7W3

>> No.56657991

what does it mean? what do they not want us to notice about this fiasco, William?

>> No.56658010

I dunno Bruce... I just don't know anymore.

>> No.56658025

They’re either trying to prevent the crash or prevent people from stopping the melt up. Either way, they don’t want the prices to go down… yet…

>> No.56658033

My CRWD be doin' a lil sum sum rn

>> No.56658039

My CRWD doin' a lil sum sum rn

>> No.56658044

Double posting phonefag

>> No.56658247

what is actually happening is that hackers found 0day vulnerabilities in high profile software and hardware used by almost every single medium/big sized company

>> No.56658267

this was the thread that killed the chan, bump

>> No.56658567

Agreed, the timing is uncanny. Don't let this get memoeryholed, /pol/b/ro/pony/s/!

>> No.56658595


>> No.56658700

4chan crashed when you posted this

>> No.56658748

All these hacks are not done randomly... They are false flagging all kinds of industries and making them highly volatile so that when they flip the switch on the banking rails and restructure company equity to blockchain, it will be easier. Got to lubricate the process with perceived cyber challenges.

Checkmate bitches.

>> No.56658762

Na, hackers are smart and would of found the vulnerabilities years ago.

>> No.56658805
File: 234 KB, 1554x836, 1696999263331106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre missing so many recent ones

>> No.56658821
File: 104 KB, 742x376, bank depos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hits never end

>> No.56658925

Bump wagmi schizobros

>> No.56659295
File: 39 KB, 900x816, Coof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyber Pandemic. There is a coof on the blockchain.

>> No.56659314

yeah, that's how it works

>> No.56659904

Justification for switching legacy architecture to a smart-contract based system. Although I don't know why you would need to false flag these hacks, smart contracts simply work better than what we've been doing for the past 40 years. Just makes sense to upgrade, for everyone involved.

>> No.56659998

My nibba in Christ, a staking platform gets hacked every day, a stablecoin depegs, crashes and burns every fortnight and an exchange gets hacked every month.

>> No.56660154

you may not believe it but this hacks are ALL financed and coordinated by sergay

you thought gold man sergay was a mere meme ? it's the future

CBDCs are the future, CCIP is the future

>> No.56660177

How is this related to link?

>> No.56660234

grug too lazy to change. grug need deppstate to provocation.

>> No.56660401

How this shit could be avoided using a real time notice and wallet tracker as beoble?

>> No.56660641

Ripple will have a large part to play in the CBDC system.

>> No.56660713

can hacks actually be avoided with something like that?

>> No.56660722

Look, you fucking illiterate nigger FUD, nobody will believe you, you can shit on link as much as you want but truly, nobody will believe you

>> No.56660726

>Sees wallet
>No transactions
>No holdings
>Realizes it's a Poomar
Simple as, faggot

>> No.56660738

I'm sure they still proceed to ignore it

>> No.56660741

Let's restart it kek
>this is a solana reference

>> No.56660788

how is this related to ObamaCumSushi tokens?

>> No.56660876

I just want to stop waiting for link. I want to go back to school, I was hoping link would give me that option. Instead I'm desperately waging just trying to scrape by. I unironically wish I'd sold in 2021.

>> No.56661081

*exploits your smart contract written by pajeets*
nothing personal kid

>> No.56661869

These are baked in exploits by grifters who designed these systems to "fail". We're approaching an era where smart contracts can be responsibly audited and transparently implemented so they can achieve their purpose. The advantage of smart contracts isnt that they're totally retard proof, it's that when implemented properly they can't be fucked with. We just need to build these systems, and once this system is built and proven absolutely everything changes, because there is no reason to use anything else. Grifters grift until then. Call me crazy but it's coming, I have no sources but the quivering in my balls.

>> No.56661894

I’m the dollar world order, wealth is zero sum. That isn’t to say the pie can’t grow or shrink in size, but rather that the dollar penetrates everything of value in the world. It makes everything fungible, it makes everything have a price (in dollars), and since that is the case the people controlling the dollar system are able to distribute the slices as they find convenient. If you go along with that for the sake of argument, then there are some obvious implications such as that for new wealth to arise old wealth must shrink. Since it’s zero sum, even if the new wealth reaches parity with old wealth, old wealth has shrunk relatively. So what does this imply for crypto? We don’t really care if cryptos nominal wealth increases while its relative wealth remains the same, that’s just inflation. We want wealth as a proxy for power. And to have that occur in a zero sum environment means we need old wealth to collapse. So what would we expect to see if that were true? We’d see important financial instruments like stocks and bonds and even currencies start to fail. The institutions that rely on these instruments would also start to fail. Some of these institutions would look for a lifeboat for their wealth. They’d want to get into the new wealth scheme as whole as possible. So they’d first create plausibly deniable ways in which to secretly move their money into crypto. Fake hacks could do that. Then they’d openly rush into crypto. But they’d want to maintain their advantage in society. Someone has to be left holding the bag. So they’d begin dumping their toxic assets into retail holdings like the pension and 401k and mutual funds they control. They’d make it harder or even illegal for retail to dump their bags by locking out exchanges or even putting a hold on forex or comex. We might see massive influxes of dollar printing that would go into buying the new wealth system while simultaneously devaluing the old wealth system.

>> No.56661943

>go back to school
