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56656582 No.56656582 [Reply] [Original]

>buy ROSE
>transfer to oasis official wallet and stake all of it
>don't sell until it's a top 10 coin and its 400x'ed

>> No.56656698

>official science man says
>funded by .gov
So it's a scam.
>inb4 muh science denier

>> No.56656789

just bought a bag of rose what am i in for?

>> No.56656952

Stake it don't sell til 10b market cap

>> No.56657687

>he doesn't know Ari Juels

>> No.56657740
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>as long as rose remains a worthless shitcoin it's cheap to do stuff on the network!

>> No.56657760

Its already at 350m market cap and 600m fully diluted. So 30x would put it at 10b mc, not 400x
You fags never even explain wtf rose is or why people should buy.

>> No.56657819

Because normies on here don't understand even when it's explained to them. If you have a technical background and understanding on what historically drives bullruns in crypto you'll already have a bag of ROSE.

>> No.56657861

I have a bag of the 2 most important cryptos, BTC and LINK. To receive any of my precious money that could go towards LINK or BTC a project has to be worthy. Now shill me ROSE and tell me why its worth 10b+ and explain it to me like im 5 and have fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.56658146

10b wont be top 10 in the bullrun smoothbrain

>> No.56658240

I did this, but the problem is, I did it when ROSE was ten cents. 9,900 initially staked, 10480 staked currently.

Also, you CAN stake ROSE using a ledger. You have to install the Oasis app and stake through the native staking protocol, but you can secure it w/ ledger.

>> No.56658387

kek baggies. you're never seeing 50c again.

>> No.56658919

why do you street shitters keep shilling this piece of shit across biz?
pooprose is only a shitty whitepaper hosted on aws.
>Only Monero and Railgun make the cut in PriFi

>> No.56659775
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Hey there, I appreciate everyone's right to discuss different topics, but could we please ease up on the ROSE token promotions? It's great to have diverse conversations, and I'm sure many here would prefer a variety of topics. Let's keep it chill and explore different interests together. Thanks for understanding!

>> No.56659924

You think it's going to $140billion market cap? kek
Now as requested above, explain WHY I should buy, or WHAT this project even does. Nobody ever seems to answer, they just say "buy it". People can explain bitcoin and link and they can go on hour long rants about what they're doing, what their longterm goals are, who's building it, why it justifies a higher price, what sets it apart, etc... But Rose? Nope.

>> No.56660610

>Other people have to do the research and spoonfeed me, in order for me to buy $500 worth of their coins

>> No.56661637

i dont need you to buy, just told you what op meant with top 10 and 400x. Go do the work yourself, or just go into the old rose threads

>> No.56662146

Because had you swapped LINK for ROSE you wouldn't be 10% down since this post.

>> No.56662174

Shit tokenomics will kill the coin before it does anything else.

>> No.56662393

Nah its a bad team and bad marketing that kills it, none cares about the unlocks and they never had any effect on price

If you care so much about token distribution ask sir gay betray

>> No.56662616
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they need to announce new projects now or else wait until the real bullrun. It's eventually going to happen if you've been following Oasis for a while. Where it will land is the only question.

>> No.56663151

ROSE was probably one of the strongest coins through the bear market

>> No.56663217

it's a mature level 1 that hasn't had a serious poomp yet, that's literally the only reason to buy it. there are midwits like >>56657819 that "are in it for the tech" that will not make any money off of it

>> No.56663458

anal without lube, I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.56664503

>rose top to bottom: -94%
>link top to bottom: -91%
it's the same with pretty much every other coin. rose went down the most in the bear market. if you think otherwise then tell me a coin that went down more than 94% excluding coins that deathspiraled like lunc.

>> No.56665707

I don't buy pleb stacks and with 1000's of cryptos out there I can't possibly research them all. Bitcoin maxi's and Link marines have no problem shilling and explaining their thesis, and if it's compelling I do research beyond the opening sales pitch. Imagine going to a car dealership and you ask them why you should buy their car and they say "You should do your own research". If you can't give a simple paragraph or 2 answer as to why someone should buy, then I doubt you even know why you bought it in the first place and you're likely bagholding.

>> No.56667484

Just read this thread:


>> No.56667577
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>> No.56667642

I don't have twatter. Spoonfeed pls.

>> No.56667670

the DeFi sector is growing rapidly, and ROSE is one of the leading protocols in this space. And a blockchain focused on privacy. Second, ROSE has a strong team and a well-defined roadmap. Thirdly, it's just a bag that all oldfags hold a sui stack of and it's probably as best of a chance you're ever going to get to grab a bag and begin staking it longterm.

>> No.56667735

Prolapsed anus. It's the logo after all.