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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 134 KB, 1144x864, IMG_20231114_014805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56655582 No.56655582 [Reply] [Original]

These nerds don't understand that no normal user can figure out the difference between Avax A, B, C, X, D, AE or 20 different Eth bridges rollups L2s.

They just want one f'ing coin on one network that they can use and don't have to worry about. That's why they're going Solana, and only Solana. This other garbage is totally unfit for mass adoption.

>> No.56655618

Oh look another employed jew shilling SOL the Sam bankman fraud coin . Didn’t get enough exit liquidity for a new iron dome yet moshe ?

>> No.56655640
File: 460 KB, 750x929, IMG_2782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting jews

>> No.56655716

How is a coin with 420 million outstanding coins worth $50+? What a joke you Jews are -

That’s 20x more coin supply than BSV- which can’t go above $50 for some (((reason))) reason

You jews are digging your own collective graves at this point

>> No.56655739

>Avax A, B, C, X, D, AE or 20 different Eth bridges rollups L2s
You can add infinite Cosmos hubs and zones and Polkadot parachains to that mess

>> No.56655812

>no normal user can figure out the difference between Avax A, B, C, X, D, AE

They wouldn't need to, Wrap Massaging allow seamless native transaction between subnets. You're thinking in terms of 2021 Avalanche, Since then it made lots of efforts to make the protocol complete.

>> No.56656065
File: 48 KB, 662x244, 70-of-solana-tvl-fake-Google-Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% of TPS fake (mostly consensus messages)
>70% of TVL fake (fake DeFi, see pic)
>shit uptime, dozens of network wide crashes at peak use
it's running on VC shekel fumes, one last exit pump before they abandon this shitshow for greener pastures.

>> No.56656107

solana doesn't work though.. it's a one way peg to a completely centralized computer with no nodes...