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File: 99 KB, 957x850, B096259A-29ED-42B1-8E0B-9921325AD49D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56649869 No.56649869 [Reply] [Original]

As a european I don't get these threads (which are almost all made by amerimuttito gonzalez posters).
Cars are dangerous soulless metal goyboxes why the fuck would you still want to be in one after making it?

I don't get it

>> No.56649889

make car = 2004 (or prior) honda / toyota.

>> No.56649904

I don’t understand the question. Are you asking why people drive cars after they become financially stable?

>> No.56649911

im a white amerigolem and i agree with you. only mulattoe teenagers and other mystery meat retards idolize cars. i drive a 10 year old economy car and i'm fine with it, although i might trade it in for a 10-15 year old small truck (ford ranger.)

>> No.56649914

Yes, I am also asking why would anyone in their right mind spend money on them after making it

>> No.56649931

Because jetpacks haven’t been perfected yet

>> No.56650048

America is a very different place than the Europoors home. We don't have a train infrastructure like the poors. We don't need to cattleize ourselves into a tight box quarters with other smelly retards to travel. We can drive on the open road and take as many stops and turns as we want. We are the land of the free that attracts people who want to be free. The commies have always been on the doorsteps though, and they would love to take our freedoms from us. This is precisely the main reason we have guns. To protect ourselves from the communists. A train is communist. A car is freedom.

>> No.56650066

>goymobile utterly reliant on public roads to function

>> No.56650084

You dumbfucks still don't understand population density do you?

>> No.56650101

They are the first level retard trap. Nobody cares about your car as much as you think they do, and the payment + insurance can literally prohibit you from building wealth.

>> No.56650111

>As a european
speak for yourself, cars are based
also europe is not a country

>> No.56650117

bmw m340i

>> No.56650125

Ask me how I know you're a pole or another eastern european amerimutt cock sucker

>> No.56650146

There are many Americans who spend nearly as much of their waking hours in their car than they do their home.

Growing up, my dad used to leave for work at 6:30, drive 1.5 hours to work, work for 10 hours, then drive 1.5 hours back arriving home around 7:30 pm. Then he’d go to sleep around 9:30.

I personally think a commute that long is stupid, but many Americans have commutes longer than an hour

>> No.56650148

I can't build a car so I really don't get it either. They should go on /o/

>> No.56650154

>make it car = seat ibiza 1998
>It makes 2km with 1lt gasoline
>you can pollute like 10 new cars with this

>> No.56650168

> be an American goy
> spend money on a useless car
> spend money on gas
> spend money on insurance
> being fined every 10 miles by a pig
> having his car carjacked every 2 years
> insurance doesn't refund
>"Buy another car goy"
> Repeat

>> No.56650180

What kind of pidgin English is this? Parlez vous a humma humma?

>> No.56650210

Ask me how I know you're a 55kg Dutch yuppie who likes to take it in the ass?

>> No.56650260
File: 880 KB, 1600x1200, honda_civic_type-r_66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urbanite onions faggot detected. Literally everyone in Europe who doesn't live in some pozzed city hellhole owns a car.
I'm European and cars are based, stick to your public transport that you share with all the pakis and niggers while I travel in comfort and on my own schedule.

>> No.56650285
File: 10 KB, 275x183, cymn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they are cool and you don't depend on gay infrastructure to get from A to B (no problem for you since you are a basement dwelling faggot). That said I use public transport too because I'm also an eurofag and I don't have a family. If I was rich I would get one of these and maybe a land cruiser as a utility car. Not too flashy, not boring, decently usable nimble little car. Owning a car can be cool if it's not out of necessity and it doesn't significantly impact your budget.

>> No.56650349

Didn't see it's a picture for ants

>> No.56650368

This brings up an interesting question: does America use cars because of low population density, or does America have low population density because it uses cars? I mean, before suburbanization most American cities were pretty dense, it was only until after WWII did vehicles become dominant.

>> No.56651450

You're not European Ivan

>> No.56651520

If people say europe they mean EU
The EU is a country by most definitions

>> No.56651583

The EU is a country in all but name
EU states have about as much sovereignty as US states

>> No.56651587
File: 351 KB, 1280x790, 1000025283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you make it, you'll need an armoured vehicle to go to your destination safely if you don't want to be assassinated.

Have you heard about the Russian presidential car, the Aurus Senat Limousine or even the cadillac of the US president named the beast




>> No.56651593

When you have your own car you can go anywhere.

>> No.56651602


That's right bitch, lower your standard of living.

You know what you'll do about it? That's right. You won't do shit, just like the single mom that raised you.

>> No.56651614


This screws cope. I mean really, have you tried not being poor? A warranty and good lawyer takes care of a lot of that. Sad.

>> No.56651623
File: 25 KB, 429x268, make it car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the honda odyssey is the true make it car. prove me wrong (protip: you can't).

>> No.56651640


Roastie hands and her simp typed this.

>> No.56651652

>family car
>roastie hands typed this

>> No.56651679


Imagine being this out of touch. Clearly you've never been around the poors and the dumb bitches, besides your mom, that has 8 kids and five baby daddies. Try being around those you subsidize through your taxes you sheltered faggot.