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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 1020x420, ebay_2017_color_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5664978 No.5664978 [Reply] [Original]

How can I make money on Ebay? Do I just buy stuff from Alibaba and shill it there?

>> No.5665162

yes if you can find a good product, although many people are already doing this and pricing is super competitive and quick to drop

have to get on very early, watch instagram, other social medias etc. for new products appearing and then buy copies

keep in mind safety issues with shitty alibaba products may come back to you

>> No.5665255

Would I be at risk legally if I was selling a knockoff brand of another?

>> No.5665285

FUD, Priced in

>> No.5665317
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Wtf this is not crypto related. OUT

>> No.5665348

I knew a chick who made a few hundred a month selling used clothes on ebay. If you have a good eye and know your market you can easily make some money

>> No.5665398

Buy broken or as is shit, especially lab equipment. Usually it's just a femuse cause they don't look at it. Learn how to fix stuff. Fix stuff. Resell for 70% of new. I'm about 80% successful with this, the other stuff I use for parts. You can also return almost anything if you take shit up with eBay.

Source: 200buys/sells in 2017

>> No.5665402
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>> No.5665407

just make your own coin.
ill buy 1k

>> No.5665455

nice just bought 100k

>> No.5665479

if you are breaching ip laws yes, so check for the product first. just because other sellers are doing it doesn't always mean you can, as they are probably china based (despite their ebay location maybe saying otherwise). if they are paying out all their profits and holding nothing in the company they will likely get away with it because chinese legislation doesn't always agree with US

im assuming you aren't in a developing country, if you are you will probably be okay

>> No.5665543


You're better off doing retail arbitrage until Amazon becomes the only store in the world.

>> No.5665550

Thrift stores
Vinyl, clothes, etc...
Know the Market

>> No.5665587


What kind of a shitcoin is this? is it even on any markets? binance? looked up ebay on the gdax but no dice

>> No.5666161

i filed for a business license with my state and now i can just email wholesalers and buy things for cheap prices. this is how i get things for my ebay store. pretty cozy occupation desu
retail arbitrage and alibaba are memes.

>> No.5666296

For me it was buying and selling stuff that I already knew about. Find something you are interested in and start there. I sell old electronics and niche hobby stuff that I source from estate sales, but I'm lucky enough to live in an area that has ten or so sales every weekend. December was a good month; made $1000 profit doing something I like, and it helps support my hobby.

>> No.5666489
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Buy fake magic cards from aliexpress and sell as real on ebay. Only sell cards that are <$100. I had 100% positive feedback doing this and never had issues, but stopped because I made enough crypto gains that I wasn't willing to take the risk and stress anymore. It's good for an easy extra $100 or so a week though

>> No.5666595


I bought $4k worth of ebaycoins. am I going to make it guys?

>> No.5666742

Nah, man. You're a failure >;^)