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File: 586 KB, 1041x1077, BOBOFUCKEDINTHEASS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56648816 No.56648816 [Reply] [Original]

Is the land of the free about to dump on us?

>> No.56649691

Americhads dumping on europoors, a tale as old as time.

>> No.56649792

It's absolutely insane how much amerimuttitos are obsessed with Europeans on this board.
I can guaranfuckingtee you no one in Europe gives a fuck about your shithole

>> No.56649843

Other way around cuck boy, every thread about America gets pissed off europoors in it, just like this one.

>> No.56649880

never happened, Europeans don't think about americans near as much as you whining fat faggots obsess about us.

>> No.56649926
File: 113 KB, 750x887, d7424ecd8cc59e70623bdea69a34c114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of the threads on here are "do Americans really do X"? Nobody posts about yurop except to remind them that they're a vassal state of the US and would be speaking Russian without their military technology and forces.