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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 275 KB, 898x874, Screenshot 2023-11-13 081843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56647741 No.56647741 [Reply] [Original]

A whooping sum of 27m stolen from a wallet. Does security even exist in crypto? Don't tell me shit about self-custody cos this is a hot wallet.

>> No.56647763

That was probably part of the piloniex hack

>> No.56647775


>> No.56647793

gonna be a hell of a party. Id get Angelina Jolie over

>> No.56647795

Looks like a personal wallet. A lot of hacks to be scared of this clown called web3.

>> No.56647806

Hacker chilling in Maldives with some side chicks

>> No.56647846

$27m not on ledger, multi-sig or a private wallet. That fucktard doesn't know the meaning of security.

>> No.56647951
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RAIL should be prioritised after seeing how it is championing privacy on Ethereum and other EVMs.

>> No.56647960

yep, iv seen some crypto gambling sites do this, like faucetpay, hashdice, pasino

>> No.56648084

So are the funds untraceable after the bridge?

>> No.56648110

The best option would be to
>> Use a private wallet
>> Use a hardware wallet

I'm not a moron to keep $27m in one wallet no matter how secure it might be.

>> No.56648166

Everything is traceable unless it's going through a private wallet.

>> No.56648178

Went to the club, got so high, gave my girlfriend my phone, 2 days later my wallet was hacked.

>> No.56648193

Just like Railway wallet that provides self-custody as well as privacy features.

>> No.56648266

XRP - 10%
INJ - 40%
ARB - 30%
MATIC - 20%
Splitted my networth into crypto and dumped them on Railway wallet. No worries at all.

>> No.56648340

>all funds exited to btc via thor....
based bitcoin maxi.
no matter what you think, zeroing out shitcoiners of their shitcoins and transferring everything to bitcoin is a huge win for humanity and the only ethical solution

>> No.56648370

One of the many shit that happens in crypto. Wake me up wen regulation hits.

>> No.56648394

>boomers can write words on paper that will stop this computer code from executing
t. euro-tard

>> No.56648447

fucktard. when did regulation ever became a solution to anything? govt waiting to steal users privacy and limit them is what you call a solution? always know biz is full of pee-brained normies.

>> No.56648474

Learn to protect your asset everyone as we gon' be seeing more of these hacks normies.
>> Don't tell me shit about self-custody cos this is a hot wallet
Get some extra layer of security with private wallets. Self-custody still remains a thing.

>> No.56648504


>> No.56648547

A hot wallet with no option of making private transactions.

>> No.56648559

Don't care about regulation. zk-complaint privacy protocols will be helpful to keep my wallet private. Go expose yourself to the government.

>> No.56648575

ethereum can't do multisig, you have to trust third party developers to get a feature bitcoin's had since 2009.

>> No.56648623

>another spam thread for more backdoored "privacy" protocols

its standard procedure for black money and it makes monero bagholders seethe like nothing else.

everything either through tornado cash first or straight into thor's bridge. no other flawed privacy coins, tokens, or contracts needed. bitcoin mixers push more volume than monero's entire volume.

>> No.56648628

It's most likey a dust attack, you just need to hide your address while transacting.

>> No.56648637

Probably moved through some mixing service, likely XMR. This is why there needs to be some regulatory oversight.

>> No.56648652

It's best to combine the two. Hardware wallet for long term hodl, privacy wallet for frequent transactions and to connect to defi sites.

>> No.56648654
File: 38 KB, 833x838, 1674766070362182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Monero.

>> No.56648676

Fuck no

>> No.56648678
File: 6 KB, 242x250, 1692794939524253s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a perfect solution to the compliance and privacy delimma, thanks to Railgun.

>> No.56648716

Why? Whereas privacy protocol that enhances privacy on Ethereum and allows for anonymous txns while preserving transparency is what we need now.

>> No.56648729

>2024 - 1.5 months
>poojeets still haven't been range banned

>> No.56648734

there's no such thing as a dust attack.

only small time criminals use monero, it's not viable for any real money laundering operation.

>> No.56648741

Stolen how, though.
Not crypto's fault that people are retarded. You wouldn't leave your wallet in the middle of the street with a couple bills showing for a couple hours and then come back expecting it to still be there, would you?
If anything, crypto shows that people have turned into massive retards retards when it comes to self-custody thanks to banks.

>> No.56648779

Safe is a multi-sig walllet and it supports Ethereum anon. Go learn self-custody.

>> No.56648784

Monero got hacked recently. I can't help it but think itself is under attack.

>> No.56648788

just use qredo wallet, literally better than a cold wallet
not your keys not your coin

>> No.56648820

it's a third party product and wildly overcomplicated for what it does
at the very least there should have been a native multisignature contract standardized and put into default clients by 2015.

>> No.56648824

>immediately swapped to ETH

>> No.56648854

Still the best even as a third party product and since there's not any directly on ethereum if only people can stick with private smart contracts since that's the best to stay secured on ethereum.

>> No.56648865

I used this the early days it got launched and had some qrdo, got some good security features.

>> No.56648915

Would not happen in web 2. lot of bad actors in crypto and you blame is on the users.

>> No.56648990

>lot of bad actors in crypto and you blame is on the users
Lot of bad actors in the entire history of humanity before crypto was a thing. Interesting how you have a problem specifically with crypto though, huh?

>> No.56649031

Use private wallets to mask your wallet info and portfolio. No one steals what they don't see

>> No.56649046

>pls more authority, plx more gubermans, plx im dumb pussy faggot plx more state sanctioned anythings
serves you right for being a dumb niggerfaggot doing dumb niggerfaggot things and having a dumb niggerfaggot whore gf

>> No.56649096
File: 12 KB, 702x446, FB_IMG_1691676498190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ensuring users' privacy and anonymity using zk proof is the game-changer.

>> No.56649111
File: 3 KB, 104x130, 94794738493420hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most normies from web2 think crypto is all scam and gamble. can't wait for mass adoption and people get to see the through meaning of decentralization.

>> No.56649121

what is a 'dust attack'? how does someone 'hide their address while transacting'?

no one will even pretend to answer these questions lol

>> No.56649125

Regulation is the enemy of crypto privacy. The IRS and the feds will continue to shit on privacy projects

>> No.56649184

Railway wallet >>>>>>>

>> No.56649200

Monero wallet got hacked, bruh. It ain't just some self custody issue. Devs be pulling shady backdoor shit in dApps, too many hacks for this to be a hoax.

>> No.56649205

Regulation can't kill privacy still. Privacy with compliance is a welcomed development.

>> No.56649225

It's clearly a self-custody issue. only rich plebs keep $27m in a hot wallet.

>> No.56649241


its not going to happen until the government says crypto is approved and safe.

Normies don't care about anything unless the government says it's safe and required.

>> No.56649258

Beginning of the end. Hope to make shitload of money and get out before that happens.

>> No.56649269
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, kek.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dust attack is just a fishing scam where you create a dapp and website, mint tokens, send the tokens to every wallet you find.

Then when people see the tokens in their wallet, the hope is that they go to your website and connect their wallet to redeem the tokens, but instead the code drains their wallet and sends everything to your wallet.

>> No.56649281

How does someone get hacked by a dust attack?

All you have to do is ignore them.

>> No.56649310

you sound like a jew like what a jew would say about anything jews and israel related
the real root of any problem
the solution is to kill all normies

>> No.56649343

No shit will happen zk proof is used to ensure the anonymity and privacy of its users.

>> No.56649399

>the solution is to kill all normies
You want to end the human race?

>> No.56649433

wow a real answer, thanks bro. this is a very old trick i didnt know what it was called

>> No.56649441

That's where I get my assets safe and shielded from prying eyes.

>> No.56649665

Self-custody =/= responsibility over your own security
Most people holding crypto in self-custody are severely irresponsible. Like you say, this was a hot wallet. Who the fuck keeps 27M in a hot wallet? That's like leaving diamonds, unattended and on public display, on your car's passenger seat, then crying when some nigger breaks in and steals them.

To someone who doesn't understand cryptographic security "Self custody" is often far less safe than leaving it with daddy CZ or the baldyman from coinbase.

>> No.56649747

how could anyone be stupid enough to fall for this without checking what these mystery coins that appeared in your wallet are?

>> No.56649813

Well, we won't lose privacy since there's the Private Proofs of Innocence fucking euro-tard.

>> No.56649827

Stashh wallet

Railway wallet. you are welcome

>> No.56649833

What's the flaw with Railgun, Secret Network and Oasis?

>> No.56649850


>> No.56649858

The protocol itself wasn't hacked pajeet. Besides, the drain was most likely by an insider.

>> No.56649905

Rose is not a privacy coin like monero.. its about data sharing across smart contracts, transaction itself arent anonymous or try to

>> No.56650002

no self custody, no thanks

>> No.56650283

Railgun bodies that piece of crap Rose with no working product. Just a shitty whitepaper hosted on aws

>> No.56650310

wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.56650459

>i want government to wipe my ass for me
i guess you dont realize nearly all the people who made billions for their generational wealth made it in the time with no regulations. now that we have the most regulations it is the hardest to make such sums of money. but yeah good luck with your upvotes on redit!

>> No.56650514

Fact! why leave 27m in a hot wallet? what happens to a cold wallet, or better still, private wallet. Street shitters be coming to biz after getting hacked.

>> No.56650559

lol, so it's like any other attack. Nothing burger

>> No.56650673


Fucking retard.

>> No.56650697

Exactly the point. All targeted attacks are off the table. pushing attacks are still possible.

>> No.56650800
File: 54 KB, 500x360, 6cd2ac0e7b6f8e3d082bed5641b14219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had found dozens of tokens in my wallet which I had not transferred myself.

Fortunately I researched each one to find out they were scams.

The boomers are massive cunts anyhow, just throwing this in here. They are responsible for the normie scam culture that's been growing over the past 30 years. It's what they wanted for this generation, squeeze the economy dry, jack of the prices of rent, real estate and over all goods, lower the wages, create legislation that would tax new businesses into being unable to operate with any profit.

They wanted to create a generation of desperate, poor criminals so they could have an excuse to increase state and police infrastructure while maintaining the highest wealth and authority positions. It's the same story over and over again, Egypt, Rome and so on.

I once saw an older lady drop several dollars on the ground, I put my foot over one dollar, then picked it up when she left, people around me saw me do this and no one said anything. I kept the dollar.

I really urge everyone to give up your scamming, lying, cheating, stealing habits. It's not worth the grief and unfortunate happenings you will bring upon yourselves.

>> No.56650845

That's not a dust attack.

>> No.56650894

What's the mcap and where is it trading?

>> No.56650903

This is exactly why I only use hot wallets that hide my address.

>> No.56650908

What is a dust attack?

>> No.56650927



>> No.56650946
File: 1.14 MB, 1293x767, Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 09-50-22 Netbus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it sure is, i know about most of the attacks, I'v been around using computers since windows 3.11


Instead of trying to fit in with the cult, go and tell people about the truth.

I news for you, none of you 4chan anons will ever dine with "elite" they will do you the same way they did Sam Bankman. When it comes to the gang, there are no "new leaders" or "passing off the torch", it's all a scam perpetuated by the previous generation in authority.

>> No.56650989

Its price action is trash and it's shilled by bots a lot here, but has some very talented professionals working for it.

I wouldn't personally invest in it though.

>> No.56651008


Exactly, these are not "hacks" it's just people scamming and thieving.

> we got hacked, we can't tell you how, but it was an exploit in the bridge.

kek, they use the bridge to shift the direction of blame away from home.

>> No.56651017

>Not only criminals use crypto privacy
>Not only criminals use crypto privacy
>Not only criminals use crypto privacy
>Not only criminals use crypto privacy

>> No.56651025


There are other options better than rail gun, I won't say but research and you will find them.

>> No.56651038

Dust attack is when someone sends tiny amounts of blacklisted outputs to poison other wallets in the eyes of exchanges and the law.

>go and tell people about the truth.
That's probably just another job the elite want us to do. We get advanced information by 5-10 years and help create the organic spread of ideas to everyone else.

>> No.56651115

I'm intimately acquainted with that corner of the industry.

You're only really going to find VC scams and shitcoins as is the case with most of the industry, but there's a decent number of pre-ICO projects to keep an eye on.

I've mostly bowed out of the investing game though.

>> No.56651127

Ok senator warren

>> No.56651479 [DELETED] 

Low cap is around $16M

>> No.56651637

I don't care about your options, if it ain't ZKP complaint protocol like Railgun, kick that ass out.

>> No.56651662

Regulations, surveillance will kill crypto, chads need privacy. The essence of decentralization is freedom cum privacy

>> No.56651678

Based. Its Proof of innocence compliance tools is melting faces

>> No.56651689

>Dust attack is when someone sends tiny amounts of blacklisted outputs to poison other wallets in the eyes of exchanges and the law.
To what end? if not what anon described? fucking retard.

>> No.56651740

Sounds like a gem

crypto without privacy is garbage.

>> No.56651751

the amount of brown-stench posting in this thread is either a false flag or the worst piece of long-term spam for anything ive seen on this board

>> No.56651843 [DELETED] 

Prioritizing your data security is a sure way to prevent scammers from targeting you. With projects like Railgun, you get to keep your crypto activities on Ethereum private and secure.

>> No.56651896

That's a smart contract privacy project for DeFi. $17m mcap, but way huge TVL and protocol volume. You sleep on it, you lose.

>> No.56652012

Prioritizing your data security is a sure way to prevent scammers from targeting you. With projects like Railgun, you get to keep your crypto activities on Ethereum private and secure.

>> No.56652440

I'm good to go with Railway wallet as it gives freedom of decentralization, allowing normies to be discreet with their transaction.

>> No.56652471

Fuck Rose, plenty of projects are already dishing out that sweet privacy sauce on Ethereum, anon. Railgun and Aztek? They're the real MVPs in this game, no doubt.

>> No.56652537

Smart choice tho, Its privacy system is built directly on-chain to ensure complete privacy without relying on separate L2 validators or custodial bridges which is significant.

>> No.56652590

>store of value

>> No.56653097

Morons won't want to diversify their funds into different wallets. Not even one ledger is sufficient.

>> No.56653116

The mcap is around $17m and it's purchasable on DeFi exchanges like Uniswap.

>> No.56653125

No self-cusotdy with a private wallet? plebs don't know what self-custody entails.

>> No.56653214

Strengthen your wallet security with Railgun smart contract system and get your ass covered.

>> No.56653544

why do they always move it to some other public chain instead of just going into xmr. are they realy that dumb