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56645475 No.56645475 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things NPCs say

>The U.S dollar has value because the government says so.
>I chose my bank because it had a 4% interest rate.
>The reason for the inflation is because of [insert current u.s president that he does not like here].

>> No.56645512

No the current NPC is calling for collapse of the dollar, to buy gold, and to support Israel against hamas

>> No.56645571

There are multiple kinds of NPCs. You just described the "red team" variant in the US. The "blue team" is sucking Biden's flaccid cock pretending everything is perfect, has taken their latest up to date boosters, and thinks Orange Man is going to prison in 2 more weeks.

>> No.56645627

The blathering automatons running subconscious scripts known as NPCs are where the battle really is.

Does anyone give up to shaking them out of their stupor? Has anyone had success? Instead of merely shitposting about them let’s figure out a way to short circuit their programming and wake them up.

Any ideas welcome.

>> No.56645659

You have Herd NPCs who wholeheartedly believe the current social zeitgeist and will memoryhole ever believing the contrary
Then you have Reactionary NPCs who simply have the values script flipped so Current_Thing==Bad and Opposite_Current_Thing==Good

Actual sapient people decide what is good or bad by thinking about their long term consequences and fit ideas into a coherent worldview

>> No.56645675

Unfortunately, you cannot wake them up because they have no desire or even awareness of being programmed. Ultimately, any and all changes to a person’s mental state has to happen by them really willfully doing it themselves

>> No.56645680

The reason for the inflation is because of Biden the defecating piece of shit who started a war that cannot afford and he's losing

>> No.56645681

>Shorts never closed
>GameStop is going to make me a billionaire

>> No.56645706

> who started a war that cannot afford and he's losing
Are you retarded? The U.S. is barely doing anything in either conflict and is just fencesitting like the europoors wailing on each other as if it were 1914

>> No.56645744

>I can't do X until I get paid on Friday
lmao do poorfags even

>> No.56645770

>im an incel

>> No.56645802

That's a biz thing

>> No.56645812

maybe if i work late tonight my boss will reward me

>> No.56645905

The NPC on inflation actually pulls this
>Accccctually inflation doesn’t mean prices going up…Believe it or not, no one actually knows what inflation really is! Can you believe it haha? The Science is still being settled. What is settled though is inflation is actually a great and good and beautiful thing and it benefits everyone and I love it so much!
Shit is like clockwork. It’s like the people who show up to defend the skyrocketing cancer rate of people in their 20s and 30s.
>Acccctually, contrary to what common sense would tell you, skyrocketing cancer rates are actually a sign of how good things are! Haha, can you believe it?! It’s because our cancer detection methods are better than ever! And because people are living longer than ever! Things really are better than ever!

>> No.56645924

Disconnect them from the internet and force them to study classical logic and mathematics in a monastery until they can pass a test. If they refuse, strip them of personhood and allow the rest of us to purchase permits to hunt them like game animals.

>> No.56646087

>crypto? so, gambling?
>you're not losing money at a casino. you're paying for entertainment
>did you see [non-profit sports organization] last night? [millionaire athlete] did something with the ball
>hey, you know, they can continue to pursue [degenerate behavior]. as long as they're not hurting anybody
>I saw on the the news last night...
>I don't watch the news, I just follow [internet grifter]

>> No.56646947

90%here are npcs

>> No.56646957

>if you want to make change, you should vote

>> No.56646984

What a fucking retard.

>> No.56647033

>home prices will never go down because they just can't

>> No.56647040

I dislike this NPC more because I can't stand the hypocrisies. I remember when I asked him what policies of Trumps make him hate him so much. He actually had to stop and think, because nobody actually ever asked him that, and I guess he himself never thought about it. He ended up saying the 1 trillion dollar handout that he did when the economy was already doing well. Alright, fair. Not even close to warrant the endless seething against Trump, but it was at least something.

Now 1 tillion is a fucking laughable amount only a single term later. NOTHING negative said about Biden, ever. Not a single damned thing. Jesus he STILL fucking seethes about trump.

He also says housing will go up forever and rates will go back down by this time next year, so I think it's pretty good indicator that housing will crash soon from higher interest rates.

>> No.56647143

>If i use greentext i will not look like an NPC
>TKD, TND yada yada

>> No.56647162
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