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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56635141 No.56635141 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think...

>> No.56635236

Grow or die.
He can enjoy his worthless lazy life all he wants but the rich man's fleet of boats will crowd out and outcompete him before long. Maybe if he's lucky he'll be able to work for him and not just starve.

>> No.56635274

sounds like the rich man is just some evil bastard who destroys other lives out of envy and greed
would rather be a poor good man than have a heart of tar

>> No.56635291

>He can enjoy his worthless lazy life
Gaslighting is low IQ
>but the rich man's fleet of boats will crowd out and outcompete him before long
Not how it works. If it did, every industry would only have one business per industry
>Maybe if he's lucky he'll be able to work for him and not just starve.
Read above. You got fucked

>> No.56635294

>Grow or die.
This is the ideology of cancer.

>> No.56635300

It really doesn't do, does it.
Doesn't apply to our society where you need money for anything, you're basically offering me to be a homeless bum or a nomad self surviving

>> No.56635305
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you literally cannot make me think

>> No.56635313

Rich do obsess over monopolies. That much is true. They ass fucked the real estate market beyond belief which in turn is what caused 95% of the issues in society (real estate being monopolized and trading in an uptrend aka outperforms income increases poverty rates, homelessness rates, crime rates, divorce rates, mental health illness rates, drug addiction rates aka more customers for cartels aka more human trafficking, etc. Worse than niggers basically).

>> No.56635316

If he has a passion of catching fish, he's not very elaborate, his taste and contribution to humanity is as basic as it gets

>> No.56635337

Just like all life

Cells consume, that's it

>> No.56635350

t. hylic

>> No.56635353

Cells don't just randomly reproduce, retard. The ones that do are called tumors

>> No.56635366

When delivered right, this story is much more powerful and enlightening. There are part missing.

For example, the original version goes something like this:

Industrialist: Do you work hard? Do you work a lot?

Fisherman: Yes, I do. I go out fishing like two to three hours every day.

Industrialist: And what do you do the rest of the day?

Fisherman: I go home, take the kids to school, then I go back home and have lunch, after that I take a nap, and in the afternoon I go out to hang out with my friends and drink beer.

Industrialist (very astonished): But why? Why don’t you work more hours and catch more fish?

Fisherman: why?

Industrialist: because yada yada, you’ll end up being rich after your company goes to Wall Street.

Fisherman: what’s the point of all of that? What will Indo then?

Industrialist: well, you can come back home and relax, hang out with your friends and drink beers.

>> No.56635383

That ending makes no sense, lol. The whole point was basically that working non-stop = living to work, not working to live which is a fucking trash life.

And if we zoom in to the real world, best vehicle to actually escape early is crypto anyways. Not working hard. The only reason anyone with a brain should work hard in the short term is to grab bigger bags before alt season

>> No.56635397

And just to add I know that story ends with "eventually later on you will be able to retire sooner and not have to work at all" which is fucking retarded. The average workaholic pulling 60+ hrs a week is not going to retire early.
Being smart with investments is the only actual way to retire fast. Not this whole "blindly work hard" horseshit

>> No.56635432

>Industrialist: well, you can come back home and relax, hang out with your friends and drink beers.
The problem is that this is the wrong answer. True industrialists like Henry Ford didn't do it to "kick back and drink beers." These men had grand visions to impose upon the world, they wanted to build nations for their generations and their people and they did. Stuff most people literally cannot project their sights far enough to even care about. Plus you can't really do that in today's world where capital has specialised to the point where individuals can only really build small wealth on any meaningful level and in developed nations, by virtue of being developed, even actual billionaires like Zuckerberg and Musk have only a fraction of the influence and raw power early 20th century industrialists had.

>> No.56635485

Then you don’t know how to read. lol. The industrialist tells him that he should work extra hard to get rich so that he can end up doing the things he’s already doing later in life. Biz IQ going down the drain most def.

>> No.56635492

You fucking low IQ nigger. Read the very next post: >>56635397

>> No.56635519

It really doesn’t matter. That’s the story. And not everyone has the same drive and ambition (and genius) that people like Ford or Rockefeller had. Different people measure success and happiness in different ways

>> No.56635532

I read it. You were right on that one. Still low IQ though, cause only low IQ neets are as dumb and triggered as you are

>> No.56635563

You read it yet posted your retarded shit anyways. As for my temper, angry =\= low IQ, you ape. It just means I have too much testosterone. You wouldn't get it. I understand.

>> No.56635681

The rich man's fishing enterprise will feed more in a day than the fisherman will in his lifetime. Growth is progress and benefits all, even the poorest of us will enjoy greater access to cheaper resources when we pursue abundance instead of just enough to get by, as the fisherman does.

>> No.56635792

i wonder if aliens do the same in their worlds
do they just work all their life to make their bosses richer?

>> No.56636039

>Not how it works. If it did, every industry would only have one business per industry
That's exactly how it works. It takes government to break up the monopoly.

>> No.56636082

>Alt season
Omg you're actually under age, aren't you? You have to to believe there are easily predictable crypto "seasons" or "cycles".

>> No.56636105

I've been in crypto since 2018 :)
I know what I'm talking about, newfag

>> No.56636117

Also "alt season" is a well known term here. Nice job outing yourself as a newfag

>> No.56636120

> what do you think I’m doing right now
Resting after slaving away from manual labor for an entire day before aging to do it again tomorrow. I’d hardly call that enjoying life.

>> No.56636326

You missed the part where the businessman notices the resources are not being exploited to their full potential and calls a couple of his friends to start a fishing company, obliterating the fish count and making the fisherman having to get a job at a factory. The fisherman starts hating life and slowly turns into a violent alcoholic, pushing friends and family alike away. The fisherman starts hitting his wife and she leaves him for the kind businessman that owns the huge fishing company.

Many such cases, this has been discussed at length by philosophers. If everyone was like the fisherman life would work perfectly, but psychos will take advantage of these situations so you can’t allow yourself to get taken advantage of. Sad.

>> No.56636561

If you thing this is "deep and meaningful", you unironically need to kill yourself and return to the deep and meaningful simplicity of inorganic matter.

>> No.56636625

Maybe people should be more self sufficient instead of reliant on others.

>> No.56636663


>> No.56636679

>Fishing every day is le bad

>> No.56636876

And so the rich industrialist spoke
This is the story of a fisherman
Who cried a river and drowned the whole world
And while he looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love him
When he smiles

>> No.56637091

An "industrialist" is not everyone, it's a very special sort of person.
>That’s the story
And it's a retarded story that misses the point completely.

>> No.56637129

Early 20th century industrialists still has no real power compared to bankers.

>> No.56637157

The point of the story is that ambition is le bad and dumb but it can only do that by making the characters retarded parodies written in an overly clever journalistic style. Everybody knows you don't need to do anything if your greatest aspirations are to chill and drink beer. Which I'm not even saying is bad. But that's not why people build things.

>> No.56637640

>infinite progress believer
>in anno domini MMXXIII

>> No.56637662
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This is the truth. But I don't want to enjoy life. I want to influence other people to become better humans and think like I do. I want to impose the will of god onto them, and I need more money to do that. I need to spread the word of God, and do it in a cool and modern way.


>> No.56637671


>> No.56637694
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>works 3 hours a day
>boat, wife, kids

>> No.56637742

Industrialist: I enjoy life building an IRL Factorio game

>> No.56638917

Hfsp. This is why all welfare should be cut.

>> No.56638956

He may be happy for now but the capitalist is bothered by this and will do everything in his power to ruin this utopia. Soon the fish in his area will be overfished by the capitalist's goons. The fisherman will be forced to buy his fish from some place else and in return now has the choice of either being an employee somewhere or opening a business himself. Now it just so happens that the industrialist is still in need for more fishermen. And thus the once happy fisherman is now forced to work for the man that has destroyed his existance. He has longer work times, his pay is minimal and there is no welfare program.
Modern day industries are a rat race and if you are trying to enjoy yourself, someone else will take the opportunit to screw you over

>> No.56638981

>Implying you can raise a family by going fishing for a few hours per day

>> No.56638988

Normalniggers will seethe about his lack of PRODUCTIVITY

>> No.56639052
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Paid content

>> No.56639295

kikepitalism is a cancer as is this endless growth economy retards who have no understanding of simple physics get taught at universities

>> No.56639568
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thats the gayest thing ive read all day, congratulations

>> No.56639600

the fisherman is litterally me
except im all in chainlink

>> No.56639958

And this is how rich but poor in life begins

Money is the tool, but if the tool is not needed, then the money is not a good tool.

>> No.56640031
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I doubt that the motivation behind industrailising is generally to "sit back and enjoy life" it's a tool to outcompete your adversaries so you can force your ideals on them, if you want your culture, faith, ideology to prevail over others then you'll need resources

>> No.56640275

You three are missing the point in a way that's funny to me
You're getting so wrapped up in the specifics that you fail to realize you're still operating within the frame in question
Allow me to illustrate

[Frame 3: The nature of being attached to outcomes vs the nature of being able to be ok wherever you are; irrespective of what you choose to make your aim in life.

...{Frame 2: (You) are here. "NOOOO that's not how it actually works!! There's all these factors and complications and motivations to things!"

......((Frame 1: silly story about a fisherman and a businessman. ))



>But.. but... MY worldly attachments are IMPORTANT and URGENT to me!!!
Yes, we get it, that's the nature of being attached to something

>> No.56640282

>Not how it works. If it did, every industry would only have one business per industry
Lol, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.56640285

In the modern society the industrialist would get free money from his cousin at the bank, schlomo shekelberg, and then put the fisherman out of business. Then when quality of fish collapsed due to hiring low IQ third worlders to do it, starvation would spike and the industrialist would claim he dindu nuffins.

>> No.56640306

In modern society, I can Uber Eats decent sushi sourced from halfway across the planet to my door in 25 minutes without having to interact with a smelly fishmonger. Thank god capitalism won.

>> No.56640347

>Not how it works. If it did, every industry would only have one business per industry
Lol boy do I have news for you.