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56633426 No.56633426 [Reply] [Original]

Is this what it was like in 2020 when link solo pumped? Do you think it's about to happen again?

>> No.56633439

but Link isn't solo pumping. it did, however, start pumping before everything else. good thing they pumped the rest of them to obfuscate this fact. he he he he. the line will either go up or down, but will definitely move from left to right. good luck and Godspeed

>> No.56633474

It’s unironically a man. Look at the hands

>> No.56633476

i need a black queen so much

>> No.56633522

b-black girls look LIKE THS???

>> No.56633530

No you don't. I was miserable while dating a big tittied black woman. She was a 30 year old roastie with lots of baggage though.

>> No.56633538

Owned Link since 2017.

Have over 20k link

The answer is yes.

>> No.56633564

but do you think link is still 1 year ahead of the rest of the market or does it feel like it's more synced than last time? people that sold their link for other coins at the 2020 top essentially caught 2 bull runs, i'm trying to get some of that action

>> No.56634039
File: 2.04 MB, 206x223, the final solution.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuine oldfag here. Bought link on etherdelta when it was still a few cents. Ive ridden through a lot of the ups and downs.
This time it feels genuinely different. All of the previous pumps felt like there was still a bit of mystique and a secret about this coin. Now everyone knows, and biz is flooded by link threads, now it's more along the lines of "ok, can't hide this shit anymore, let's get it over with and pump to $100".
I'm sure there will be a few bumps along the road, but it's pretty fking obvious now that link is the real deal and it solves a very big problem and it belongs well above all the other garbage at probably #3 or 2 marketcap position right next to eth and btc.
The secret is out and that's really the #1 thing that feels different about this pump.
gif unrelated

>> No.56634102

not only is it at least 1 year ahead of everyone, there are now shitcoin copycats that are popping up. I'm not going to give names or even the coins bc I don't want to dox anyone, but a friend of a friend is a lawyer that helps review and prepare whitepapers for certain projects. We were talking and he started going on about a certain shitcoin team he's been advising for. I started watching some of their videos, read their papers and anon.....it's complete fucking dogshit. Not only was it dogshit, but the two lead developers couldn't help but keep comparing and relating themselves to chainlink at just about every opportunity.
The point is this; not only is Chainlink well ahead, but there are now shitcoin COPYCATS popping up DESPERATELY trying to get in on the action they see is coming.
If that doesn't make you bullish for chainlink, I don't know what will.

>> No.56634138

its even better

>> No.56634155

I don't feel shit before $50

>> No.56634527


>> No.56634534

>he doesn't chart in hebrew

>> No.56634550

Story time

>> No.56634594

Would actually be 10/10 if she just got her teeth fixed

>> No.56634657

2020 was way more exciting.

>> No.56634667
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>> No.56634686

Link $2k eoy

>> No.56634744

Yep, I would BLEACH all of her holes if you catch my drift

>> No.56634760

We dated for 2 years but it mostly sucked because she made shit money at her job, never wanted to pay for anything when we went out, always ordered takeout when she stayed at my house instead of us cooking together, and always trashed my house when she stayed over every other weekend. And she annoyed me always talking shit about men, racist white people, and the United States (even though she gets a monthly "disability" check from the military). Marriage to me was her #1 priority which we argued about one night, and I told her straight up that I don't see that happening anytime soon because of the reasons I listed above. But I learned a lot about myself in that relationship. In the future, any black woman I get with has to be college educated, African, and not have a bunch of strong opinions on stupid shit.

>> No.56634799

basically all in since 17' and agreed. This time really does feel different, there is just too much bullish potential with it now. I tried to get a few friends into link before and it wasn't near as easy for them to learn about it and become interested. Recently I have done the same and they have become incredibly bullish quite easily.
Definitely going to be some bumps but I don't think its going to play out like 2020 where it shoots up than lags compared to rest of the market.

>> No.56634823

i dated a black girl in my teens and she was a scene girl (am oldfag). came from a wealthy family so well spoken and fit. it was the only time in my life as a blue eye white male that i experienced overt public racism (from streetmonkey niggers). while hating on white people has gained popularity and social acceptance nowadays at the time i thought it was weird.

>> No.56634827

Who cares? It's a nigger.