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56630343 No.56630343 [Reply] [Original]

>hear dad walk up the stairs
>mood ruined

>> No.56630369

its ok ur probably a faggot anyway

>> No.56630415

I remember that feel. Move out as soon as you can.

>> No.56630484

If you’re from smg he’s probably just protecting your sister. He still loves you.

>> No.56630550

This. Living with boomer parents as an adult is a nightmare and it took me way too long to realize it.

>> No.56630569

>You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.56630692

This anon has it right unfortunately. If you're feeling this way it means your relationship with your dad is permanently and irretrievably fucked. This is almost certainly no fault of your own but that's some cold comfort.

It's going to get worse from here on out and at some point soon he will demand that you move out so it's better to beat him to the punch. Your revenge will come 10 years from now when he asks to see his grandkids and you tell him to fuck off and die.

>> No.56630716

But I'm saving tons of monies on rent, utilities and food. Putting it all into investments, so that I can buy some land one day.

>> No.56630744

>anon hears his dad walking up the stairs
>his mood is ruined

my father died from cancer when I was 4 and he was a mega chad with a lot of friends and left me a massive inheritance yet I would give everything to hug him and tell him I love you

I'm crying now, strange

>> No.56630747

Dam op I feel u. I'm 38 live with my dad and help take care of 150 cows. The old man is 62 but works like an overpaid Japanese salary man on Crack. NO wèekends are safe for taking it easy and he'll bust down my door at like 4 in the morning just go do busywork shit.. I hate being a farmfag and don't wanna tell him I hate it. Gotta make it this bullrun bros or it gets worse.

>> No.56630760

Wow its almost like some people are different or something

>> No.56630776

people who grew up with a father figure have no excuse to fail at life, you had it easy

>> No.56630781

>This anon has it right unfortunately. If you're feeling this way it means your relationship with your dad is permanently and irretrievably fucked.
Not true

>> No.56630786

I will never go fishing with my dad
He will never bring me to soccer
I will never hug him as a kid and tell him i love him
He will never give me career ideas
I will never make people comfortable when they try to know me and ask about my dad
"He died when I was 4..."
"Oh I'm sorry anon"
mood ruined

>> No.56630791

Most fathers aren’t even a father figure in a meaningful way retard. Why do you think kids are fat and stupid now

>> No.56630799

Same thing happened to my friend Trevor exactly except add 17 years. My condolences genuinely.

>> No.56630821

if you are fat stop eating and go outside to walk

Trevor was close with his father?

>> No.56630872

Yeah could be true, sounds like an emotianally abusive parent. If you dont demand complete repentance and that they go into therapy you are doing self-harm by accepting them in your life as if nothing happened

>> No.56630916

>Your revenge will come 10 years from now when he asks to see his grandkids and you tell him to fuck off and die.
I think you might have mental health issues anon

>> No.56630985

OP is feeling like a hostage in his own home, which is something born from years of abuse and neglect. People who treat their kids that way don't just change because their kids forgive them and ask to start over. Not that they deserve forgiveness in the first place. I'm happy you came from a normal non-abusive home, I really am. But you're not doing OP any favors by feeding him happy lies about his dad. All that will do is make the abuse last longer with the same inevitable outcome.

>> No.56630992

Could be dad is interrupting his gooning sesh to ask what he wants to eat for lunch.

>> No.56631067

I moved back in with my father and man, society genuinely is fucked when I mean things have changed permanently. I'm 25 and he instantly tried sticking things on me that didn't make sense. When I cleaned and reorganized his kitchen while he was at work he bitched and moaned that I was messing around things. Didn't think that I had any skill with cooking or taking care of myself in the slightest. His house had bedbugs and I was sleeping on a deflated air mattress because buying a mattress would get it ruined by him. I even have a sofa that I decided to leave behind because realistically you can't get rid of bed bugs. He still lives in that kind of squalor to this day. Fun fact the same laundry detergent he uses can be used to clean floors as well.

I can't say for sure but after college he took a year off from working and was essentially depressed. He received a healthy life insurance policy 6+ figures and his late father's F250 in nearly mint condition. The rest of his life is sorted out for him and he essentially won't have to worry about many things now, which in that case that's as much as you can ask from a Boomer/GenX adult that lived in rural South Dakota.

Before I moved out from my boomer father's place there were a few outbursts that led me to in a very autistic way to punch holes in his wall. No kid or parent is perfect but genuinely boomers and Generation X can go fuck themselves while they're trying to bootstrap themselves out of a bronze bull.

>> No.56631084

Hey we're all sad about your gay dad dying when you were four and your toddler like idealization of him is admirable but shut the fuck up retard

>> No.56631091

My dad would always talk about dick and balls, and shit, and fucking. Beyond blue collar level, just kind of creepy and weird, always talking about gross shit, still does it to this day. When I was a kid (only child) I thought this was normal and alienated myself from my peers for a long time.

In public he puts on this really feminine submissive and polite personality, behind closed doors he puts all of us down at every opportunity. He has a gluttonous relationship with food and keeps eating child food (big bowl of frosted flakes and caffeinated soda less than 5 minutes before he lays down before bed) all despite being diabetic. He threatens my little brothers with violence constantly over nothing, really loudly, always yelling

If you do something you're embarrassed about he'll think it's funny to bring up in front of other people for years after and never say sorry, or if he does, he'll never mean it. If I tell him a story, he won't listen, if it's meant to be lighthearted, he'll take it super serious and use it as a way to make a judgement against me. Despite being really fat and socially oblivious, he will cling to random things to feel superior. My mother had friends over and he told a 15 minute long story about smelling shit, having no idea where the shit was, looking for shit, "and then it turns out i stepped in shit and the shit was all caked on my boot!"

It makes a mockery of all family time eternally when he uses every occasion to put others down and pretend he's smart, despite being diabetic and never cracking 6 fig income, will never retire, my mother will never retire. Really it's all forgivable but my relationship with the extended family is tainted by my youth of thinking being like this narcissist type nigga was normal and that's what hurts the most.

I could have had a normal dad who engages with the community, lives healthy and is happy. The kind of guy my dad calls gay while alone eating ice cream and watching fox news.

>> No.56631094

He needs my money too much to ask me to move out. I WISH he would give me the excuse to move out guilt-free.

>> No.56631125

>screamed at and beaten with household objects since I was 8 years old
>only consistent memory of my dad is dreading the time when he gets home
>whole family is scared of him
>mom was like a hostage, pretending nothing is wrong
>unceremoniously booted out of the house at 18
>he retired early, sold the family home and bought an RV. proudly plans to spend every penny before he dies and leave nothing to his kids
I don't have mental problems, I think my hatred of that fat abusive fuck is entirely justified.

>> No.56631160

This. Dads been on a meth-coke-fentanyl-mdma-viagra induced gooning sess to blacked and gaped.com for a week nonstop and wants to check in on his son. Can’t a dad care about his son once in a while.