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File: 611 KB, 1877x1051, 1699686890051875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56630012 No.56630012 [Reply] [Original]

How would you monetize this?

>> No.56630141

>there are women who are dating the same man

>> No.56630165

the natural state of man is to have harems. the atomic family unit is unnatural, foisted upon the world by abrahamic cults

>> No.56630166

Tinder is already emptying single men's pockets. You're too late on this one.

>> No.56630172
File: 15 KB, 302x360, Chudmaxxer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chudmaxxing in the current year is the way to go:
>ignore women
>death to the family unit
>maximum isolation

>> No.56630173

now that women have had a taste of the carousel, they will never go back to being forced to marry dwight schrute

>> No.56630181

Those Abrahamic cults gave birth to the the modern world. Be careful what you wish for

>> No.56630188

god died in the 1800s. thats why they invented marxism

>> No.56630192

I’m single
I have several fwb, a couple of which I let believe we are dating
A consistent trend for women is asking “what can HE do for me?” instead of “what do I bring to a relationship?”
It’s just hilarious to me how they complain to me about modern dating and 30 seconds later I’m fucking their faces

>> No.56630193

It really is. Mouse Utopia is real. Become a beautiful one

>> No.56630201

And now we see the effects happening right now

>> No.56630206


>> No.56630209
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>Good AI hasn’t even been out for a year yet
posted from my iPhone

>> No.56630220

goyims dont care abt the truth, they just want a narration

>> No.56630240

Who are those 29% of women dating...?

>> No.56630256

So 66% of women are dating 37% of men
Most innane thread of the day OP well done, give us some more pointless daytime tv headlines tomorrow

>> No.56630265

>Etruscans, Greeks, romans, Babylonians were all infected with the Jewish monogamy meme retrocausily
Monogamy was implemented throughout civilizations because widespread harems naturally create a class of discontented incels which will wreck havoc on everything around. Harems aren’t widespread outside the highest classes or tribes because it’s highly unstable for large population societies

>> No.56630266


The top 10% of men are fucking the top 80% of women.

The bottom 90% of men are stuck fighting over the bottom 20% of women.

The amount of Normie - Chad men I see dating sub-5 fat, ugly hoes is mind boggling.

>> No.56630283

How? By producing companion bots and biogynoids

>> No.56630300

It says single, it doesn't say men/women who are having casual sex, that's not dating.

>> No.56630309
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Chad has about 1.85 girlfriends on average

>> No.56630323

Atomic families were a post industrial invention. Extended families / clans are the natural order

>> No.56630325
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>AI girlfriends are ruining a generation of men
>no women for them to date though
>you should just chase the pussy, okay?
Boomers losing it.

>> No.56630327


Men can fuck 1,000 women and remain single. A woman fucking 1,000 men is dating all 1,000. Possibly married to 10 of them.

>> No.56630337

You joke but when I'm out in public and women just randomly lock eyes with my face and start smiling what do they want me to do? Chat them up? Fuck you I have things to do and my money is all tied up in investments.

>> No.56630347

Anything to shit on zillennials. Oddly no one brings up the fact that 49% of men aged 30 are also single and living at home.

>> No.56630361

>63+34 = 97
where are the other 3%?

>> No.56630404


>> No.56630413
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>> No.56630496

>The top 10% of men are fucking the top 80% of women.

>The bottom 90% of men are stuck fighting over the bottom 20% of women.

>The amount of Normie - Chad men I see dating sub-5 fat, ugly hoes is mind boggling.
This was all basically explained in the mice utopian experiment and it parallels us.
>Top ten percent of gigachad rats fucking all the women
>male rats that don’t get any begin to literally spaz out and lash out at everything periodically
>female rats who don’t get any bundle up together like a group

>> No.56630592
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It's skewed because women are less likely to admit they are single, even on an anonymous test.
It doesn't bother men to admit they are single.

Same with being fat. Women won't admit it, men will. So it looks like there is a higher portion of men fat than women, even though we walk around and see a similar ratio.

>> No.56630607

It's the opposite. Women hide being with men and men inflate how much they're with women.
So if anything reality is even worse than that.

>> No.56630637

7% margin of error

>> No.56630666

A decent number of women think they're in an exclusive relationship with a man, when in fact, they are one of several women who all think identically about THEIR relationship with said man.

>> No.56630874

very based
t. John B. Calhoun

>> No.56630893

Why are mice like people

>> No.56630924

Girls date older guys with careers. Im a doctor and used to date 3 girls each in a different city at one time. Guys who are 30+ and don't have anything to show are truly in hell though.

>> No.56630973

yes, my 19yo zoomer sport uni chad flatmate brought some girl the other day and when we talked I told him it's okay if he sometimes brings his gf over to which he replied 'I don't have a gf'

>> No.56631027

Key word is relationships

>> No.56631043

This is also true. Look back on your high-school years and realize that your 16 year old self was competing with 25+ year Olds with cars

>> No.56631045

so is this a good thing or a bad thing, and to whom?

>> No.56631048

The best thing about women is despite me getting older they all stay the same age.

>> No.56631182

now say it in persian

>> No.56632192

they're dating men age 0-17 or more realistically 30-40

>> No.56632210

total chud victory

beautiful one victory

>> No.56632236
File: 280 KB, 1170x766, IMG_2902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are 30 year old Hispanic men taking all the women?

>> No.56632266

that doesn't explain why 64% of men are now single compared to 10-20% in the past

>> No.56632298

yet another 1pbtid doompost by the cabal of balding discord trannies who, in between grooming underage boys on discord, terrorize this board for their own grotesque pleasure

>> No.56632301

that was before the digital era. now discontents can be placated with digital replicas/dolls/drugs
harems will only increase and become more visible from here

>> No.56632323

>Blame men for the quality of women being terrible

>> No.56632501

>brings his girl over
>it's ok if you do that, sometimes

>> No.56632524

Not in this case.
Women in their 20s are just dating guys in their 30s and 40s.

>> No.56632561

>widespread harems
tell us a civ that had this
sounding a lot like goystory
>"le ancient civilizations"
yea right

>> No.56632578

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.56632581

>chad flatmate
you don't understand the chad meme, sweety

>> No.56632599

Sell AI gf as a service subscription obviously

>> No.56632634

Only person in this thread actually answering the question, which is a good one: there's going to be a gigantic market of single men in the future. "Who is going to profit from this, and how" is a legitimate question. Man, most of you fuckers are morons.

>> No.56632690

>in the future
men are becoming happy being single. women, and society as we know it, are collapsing.

>> No.56632729

Okay, great. How do you tap into that market? What service are single men going to be happy to pay for, what products will be in high demand? What will the future hobbies of these single men be, and/or how do you create a market based upon their commonalities?

>> No.56632741

>Monogamy was implemented throughout civilizations because widespread harems naturally create a class of discontented incels which will wreck havoc on everything around. Harems aren’t widespread outside the highest classes or tribes because it’s highly unstable for large population societies

Sounds like incels are even more dangerous than we thought. What should we do about them? Could we castrate them, redirect or control their male drive?

>> No.56632769

In the same sense that civilization is unnatural, yes. You wont have hunter gatherer style harems with industrial style civilization.

>> No.56632908

To become successful the man simply has to survive his 20s without dying in a war or killing himself. At 30 plus he becomes more attractive while women want/need to settle down

>> No.56632916

you incels want some advice?

work on yourself and date 20yr olds once youre 30

good luck

>> No.56632920

>just settle down with a roastie bro, trust me

>> No.56632931

im 34 and I have 3 girlfriends

>> No.56633034

gym equipment
ammo manufacturing

>> No.56633109

not even remotely true, but all sane civilizations have practiced arranged marriages

>> No.56633129

>he thinks incels work out, read books and know how to use an assault rifle

touch grass timmy

>> No.56633132

you will get your head chopped off by a jihadist

>> No.56633140

Civilization emerges as a result of women's sexual preferences. Here is how it happens...Women are completely and utterly happy fucking one guy in a cum soaked cave. They're pregnant on repeat, die, and the cycle keeps going. But women are completely happy just getting railed in the woods and creampied...HOWEVER this excludes quite a few men and so what do those men do??? They build civilization. They sharpen sticks, they learn metal working, they build shit. They aren't invited to the cum soaked cave anyway, so they need to get creative.

Sure they might do a little raping, but the big thing they do is they form up and they march. They go from one cum soaked cave to the next with weapons made of stone, metal, projectiles, and so on. They kill the male and take the women. Eventually they bump into other males that have done and are doing the same thing and they either fight or they join the forces, but eventually the world has a lot less cum soaked caves as women are dragged kicking and screaming out of them and have civilization thrust upon them. But women don't actually care about civilization. They are always trying to get back to the cum soaked cave.

The positive take away here is that even though you might feel civilization is ending and you may be right, civilization is inevitable because the sexual preferences of women are necessarily exclusionary and those remaining males at times will be profoundly dangerous, maybe not because they're 6'8, but because they realize they can work as a team and take over everything and distribute the women among themselves. That is the essence of civilization. It's also why women have such a sweet spot for natives and stone age civilizations that were conquered through imperialism. A lot of women were dragged out of their cum soaked caves by men on boats, had their Chads killed and enslaved, and had medicine, technology, industry, education, and all those gross, unfun, things forced on them.

>> No.56633182 [DELETED] 

Jews love taking credit for things they stole, hell, they're still doing it to this day. Hell, the current jews of today are even larping as the same jews of old who larped as the creators of history and god's chosen people.

>> No.56633208

seems like you are projecting faggot

you probably should get HIV tested

>> No.56633212

Sounds like you should go get your sex change operation because spiritually you're a woman. Doesn't matter if you have dick between those legs, you are a vaginal being.

>> No.56633228
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how fuck prostitute make money?

>> No.56633255
File: 2.85 MB, 2000x1200, the-youth-of-bacchus-1884-william-adolphe-bouguereau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those Abrahamic cults gave birth to the the modern world.
True, but I long for the Ancient world.

>> No.56633258
File: 1.05 MB, 1512x2016, camphoto_1483920592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you incels thinking you can gang up and invade my cave are deluded as fuck

the law is protecting us from your chimpouts, it's a Chad king era

>> No.56633358

Look at this faggoy browsing normie social media

>> No.56633406

Side pieces to 40+ year old married men.

>> No.56633409

literally me. my girlfriends refer to my apartment as the fuckcave.

>> No.56633526

my brother <3
incels are watching cuck porn not ganging up kek

>> No.56633536

No need. Just acquire money.

>> No.56633580

Do you see young white dudes wreaking a lot of havoc? Or asians for that matter? Lmao. Incels don't do shit. Just take away their unemployment benefits so they don't leech of me while i'm getting my dick sucked and tit massaged 24/7 when i'm not working.

>> No.56633613

you're not fucking shit white knight simps

>> No.56633635

Porn, video games, internet shitposting. All are pretty saturated markets already.

>> No.56633950

Already building one

tech stack

ChatGPT Enterprise
Rest API to twillio
Discord API

Have to have text and formatting rules
Also believable ai Pics.

You can make a profit by doing what Andrew Tate did with his camgirls. But instead of camgirls it's AI chatbot

twillio is the text messaging part. Both as a means to get other girls off from texting the mark and to encourage a more human approach.

Randomizer of 1-7 days it might text back, random of 1-7 days it will send a discord message and a pic etc etc.

All functions, can create on a server to emulate gf.

hard part is Open aI shit for using guidelines. Will have to have fall back that if girl ai sees guidlines issue, else if. Generic respons like "k" than cold should function.

It's in my head. Costs will be like 10$ a week but like the AI is awlays asking for a quick snack or mcdonalds. Skip the dishes cucks/simps will do this.

Next is belirvablr pictures. Andrew tate would require his hoes to do video calls and have social media. Ai will just need template and default pics.

India first big market, then Japan and then the states. If you execute before me godspeed. I'm stopping now due to ethics.

>> No.56634455

why are you stopping, why contain it?
too busy lifting

>> No.56634700

It's currently being monetized by gacha games

>> No.56634820

They are dating older men which is why there is more young male singles. Conversely when women get older there is more single women.

Balance is always maintained

>> No.56634835

This is the redpill but Jews like to try and gaslight us that what’s happening now is a good thing and eugenic

>> No.56634841

> Could we castrate them

You mean like what Jews publicly announced they wanted to do to Germans after ww2?

>> No.56634904


>> No.56635198

In Rome, well-to-do men could have a wife of proper social standing and several slave girl mistresses. Similar pattern you can find across the ancient world since slavery was common and accepted practice everywhere.

>> No.56635234

>be nigger
>ayo whyte bitch com git sum dik
>fuk yo whyte boi bf
>wuz timmy gonn do
>gets shot

>> No.56635254

Redpilled, but how do you account for matriarchal societies that were prolific in Neolithic Europe and basically throughout Africa until modern times? Obviously patriarch outcompetes matriarchy in the long run since the Aryans did in fact mass genocide the Neolithic males and raped all the women in Europe, I'm just wondering how matriarchy could even be stable in the first place. Maybe just low population density, perhaps because there needs to be a critical mass of incels to overwhelm the chads + stacies?

>> No.56635283

Hunter gatherer tribes didn't have large harems. Maybe a chief could have 2 or 3 wives at most.
Agricultural societies created enough wealth disparity for harems to exist.

>> No.56635428

Ethics. You can do whatever you want with that idea but I don't want to get rich exploiting the loneliness of man.

I don't fuck with exploiting hard emotions like that. But I dare you to do it first and become rich. Guaranteed you will become rich, if money is all you care about.

>> No.56635451

>Women lie
Who knew.

>> No.56635469

It's men lying if anything. The numbers imply multiple women are getting played by the same men.

>> No.56635521

the women don't even care that they're part of chad's harem, and it's not like they're only in a single chad's harem at any time
everything you think you know about women is feminist bullshit fairytales
they aren't getting "played" except by their own innate inability to control their behavior

>> No.56635559

Abraham literally had 4 wives.

>> No.56635596

dating isn't a thing, you're either married or unmarried

>> No.56635628

> Become a beautiful one
but youre just a loser and full of yourself

>> No.56635635

Long fleshlights and long pet supplies.

>> No.56635672

I have had multiple women interested in me and have rejected them all

>> No.56635707

name one relevant matriarchal that ever existed

>> No.56635767
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marriage and pair bonding ended up being invented as something to stabilize society

in the beginning, all the chad shot callers of their own civilization or tribe had a gang of sluts they all fucked and didn't let any of the lower men in on the action
eventually, the lower men banded together and unleashed their rage upon the leaders.

so began the idea of marriage. where each man had one women so their society would remain stable instead of an endless cycle of violence and killing because the chads didn't want to share.

and that's how it's been, until now, where women can lie/manipulate/be a completely different person in a different city. they just run away and restart their lives if they have ever been slut shamed out of their current environment. now the balance is returning to the old structure in the past because of this, whereas before polygamy and being promiscuous was heavily frowned upon because it ends up destabilizing society - it is celebrated now.

>> No.56635768

Nancy Pelosi

>> No.56635789

i meant matriarchal society

>> No.56635802

Fake onlyfans using AI

>> No.56635822

Goddamn that was brutal lmao. And it looks like she deleted her account

>> No.56635830

And the modern world is a shithole. Fuck Abraham's cults.

>> No.56635914


>> No.56635965

Build it on Bittensor. Decentralized AI platform this way you don't have to deal with OpenAI ethics limitations
t. product market fit/end user of product

>> No.56636010

too busy with my own projects but I think accelerationism is hilarious.

>> No.56636024

Women are already monetizing this with onlyfans

>> No.56636070

Sexbots/High End sex toys:


Fund me goodman you. And no, I can't afford an ad.

>> No.56636122

That’s not Christianity’s fault. Fact, the world has gotten worse as it has become less Christian.

>> No.56636159

Neolithic Europe lasted about 5000 years (longer than classical Western civilization) until the Aryans invaded and killed all the men (cucks) and fucked all the holes on the continent. I'm not saying anyting positive about matriarchy, the fact is patriarchy dominates it just like men who aren't cucks FUCK women. Matriarchies are too busy having sex and worshipping fat chicks and benises to practice war, so they get dominated easily in the face of a patriarchal society such as the Aryans, a veritable incel horde as it were (not really though). I'm just sayin, those matriarchies were the prime examples of chad + stacie hypergamy since women were literally worshipped as goddesses and all society was oriented around sex. It baffles me how anything could have ever existed in the first place considering the state of nature is perpetual war. Could only be because of low population density desu.

>> No.56636177

Kek. Women moment.

>> No.56636360

checked but tinder is losing its male users at a rapid pace.
especially the paypig ones.
the company already registered a loss of about half a million male paypigs.
mostly due to the women on the app having such inflated egos they are only interested in talking to the men who look like models in the 1% of its userbase.

>> No.56636535

The natural state of man is to assert dominance in a hierarchy. Gladiator matches should be the norm. Warrior culture shouldnt have died

>> No.56636706

Based Jews
Should have listened

>> No.56636858

>he gets his monoboob massaged on the daily
based sumo-chad

>> No.56637509
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>black - 47%
jesus christ lol
blacks just keep taking L after L

>> No.56637651

monogamous societies outcompeted polygamous societies. its evolution. monogomy is the natural state now

>> No.56637718
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>> No.56638342

100% true, I’ve never seen a based Reddit post until now.

>> No.56638359

>women are more delusional about what qualifies as 'single'
Already monetized by cat kennels and wineries

>> No.56638365

I am a accountant-lawyer and well-off thanks to it.
I am a wizard virgin in my 30s. Only recently did I realize how "the game" works.
You have to present your "pros" to women. Back then, I didn't. Now I always brag about my money, my job, my prospects. And I'm not that ugly and I present myself better.

After that, I am not kidding, 8-9/10s started talking to me more, and I started accumulating "dating experience".

Just bee yourself is a normie meme. Bee yourself AFTER NOT BEING YOURSELF in the beginning and get her interested, THEN slowly show your real self

>> No.56638376

Eventually dating apps will make a new service that just books a sex tourism trip for you.

>> No.56638405

The more I've interacted with women, the more I hate not only women but myself.

>> No.56638435

If all incels banded together, they could end civilzation today

>> No.56638459

I believe this yet its so stupid.

>> No.56638470


can you sell me the program or what

>> No.56638583

They're whores that are all fucking the same men and thinking they're in a relationship.

>> No.56638717
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>tfw getting infinite pussy on tinder

It's actually even cheaper than going to clubs. Premium is just 30$ a month while going to a club is 80$ a night even if i don't get shitfaced. I'm currently fuckimg two women who have bodies similiar to pick related. Other is a natural blond and 33 yo milf, other 28 yo red head. And before you go about muh age, if you like good sex and curvy women, +20 yo women, especially mothers, are simply better.

>> No.56638721
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The artificial womb is going to be such a game-changer it's not even funny, just terrifying.
You will be able to directly transform your capacity to gather resource into sons, how awesome is that.

To get a wife, you need what. 100k/year ?
With 100k/year, you'll be able to produce 10+ sons per year, year after year, minimum.
Behaviour is 100% genetic, so at this rate, the average human will be extremely driven, competitive and sociopathic.

I wonder what kind of society it'll form.
Would societies even still exist, when one dude can be a whole Nation upon himself ?
Would city-states be the default form of governance, anything bigger just destabilise due to internal strife between would-be patriachs ?

>> No.56638728

How is it stupid? You like hot women. Women like men who either have high status or are good looking. That's simply how sex works.

>> No.56638729

Because I'm nothing more than a monkey. A monkey who wants to stick my thing in the hole of dumb cunts. The same cunts who have bullied me all my life, forcing me to compete with males who have also bullied me all my life.

>> No.56638737

That just means that 29% of the women between 18-29yo are dating men older than 29 yo.

>> No.56638746

Are you seriously mad that you have go compete in this world of eternal competition? God, young males truly are entitled and un-self aware as fuck.

>> No.56638751

LMFAO I'm dead bruh

>> No.56638752

You're just a dumb ape.

>> No.56638756

How did agricultural societies create wealth disparity?

>> No.56638760

You're a delusional excuse maker.

>> No.56638762 [DELETED] 

Yes goy, you WANT to be isolated actually

>> No.56638784

HAHAHAHA this thread is gold

>> No.56638802

>99/100 non black mass shooters are white
I bet if you gave each of those twinks a gf they wouldn't shoot up grocery stores.

>> No.56638806

top fucking kek

>> No.56638814


I would place bets against civilization.

>> No.56638838

>Just bee yourself is a normie meme. Bee yourself AFTER NOT BEING YOURSELF in the beginning and get her interested, THEN slowly show your real self
This. They don't want to see your real self. They want to live in the fantasy they created of you based off the limited information you give them about yourself.

>> No.56638842 [DELETED] 

Trust the statistics goy. Talked about the women and statistics on a business forum. Complain about your life on a business forum goy

>> No.56638855

Look, normalfags, they don't understand us. In fact, most of /biz/ these days are full of normies it's disgusting. They don't understand your, OUR, problems with women.

Trust me on this. Always try to present a side of you that brags a lot about their status or wealth and so on, she goes to bed with you, you have sex.
When she STARTS POURING IN EFFORT is when you start revealing the autist that you are. The sunken cost fallacy works here; she'll accept you for who you are because she already gave a fuck ton of time and effort for you in the first place.

>> No.56638920

By the law of the God of Abraham a man is allowed to have as many wives as he can provide for. And he shouldnt marry a woman who has been tainted by another man's semen.

A man who worked through his youth to become a provider should have access to young virgins to procreate once he is mature. It is the best possible outcome for that young girl to belong to a man who she will mean the world to. After her own father, no other man will love her more.

But the past generations of women wasted their youth chasing after dicks and pleasure and rejected all the good providers because they wanted to have fun. And when their beauty, youth and fertility went away they got scared and tried to settle down.

But they couldnt find any man willing to settle with a used up whore with other men's kids when had easy access to young virgin and tender girls who would completely submit to them and adore them.

So these women started to shame men and brainwash girls into thinking that it was weird for grown men to marry young virgins so that men, after working their ass off to become providers would have no choice but to bag one of these used up whores with other men's kids. Now men are no longer allowed to do what is right and marry an untouched girl. If they arent lucky enough to get a young girl while they are young and broke themselves, then they wont be able to have one either once they work to become a provider and can take care of one.

The worst is that men themselves have fallen for it because they have been raised by these women so they themselves now do the shaming to the men who think they deserve to have an untouched woman as a wife.

>> No.56638964

What compels a man to write such long incel post? Virgin women will cheat on you even more because they have huge curiosity for what other men will feel like. Just stop being so insecure and being so scared of getting cheated on.

>> No.56638979

hwat the FUCK is that enter key

>> No.56639037

>t. zoomer

>> No.56639058

Whores that were raised by whores to be whores do that. A girl who has been raised and guarded by a loving father does not do that. A girl that was raised by a loving father wants to have a loving husband because that is the life that she was used to. That is what she saw and experienced in her home. But I guess you wouldnt know anything about that.

In not insecure. I dont want an used up whore. I dont want my kids to come out of a womb that has had 20 different cum loads swimming around. I dont want to spend the rest of my life kissing a woman that has had other men cum in her mouth.

>> No.56639065

I do, yes.

>> No.56639131

You are literally making up artificial limitations for yourself and your ability to enjoy hot sex with hot women.

>> No.56639197
File: 244 KB, 1200x4168, 1469972265916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behaviour is 100% genetic.

>> No.56639244

If you are in a non monogamous relationship with someone you just see occasionally you are still "single".
This screams female cope.

>> No.56639245

Nothing will melt the heart of a man more than being the first one to touch a tender virgin. Having a girl completely succumb to you and see you as her everything. Knowing you're the only one who has ever made her tremble. A wife that sees you as her one and only and then give birth to a bunch of little yous. You think fucking random whores who wont remember your name when you walk out the door is a substitute to this?

>> No.56639269

Start a podcast where you bitch that women are the problem so you appeal to anime watching losers.

>> No.56639290

Kek why do virgins imagine these scenarios in their head about something they have no experience of and then start taking them as facts? How can they be so stupid? Many of my friends have taken virginities of women. It's nothing more special than a nice feather on your cap. The first time is akward as fuck, especially for women who are more akward and anxious on general. Sex is a skill that is learned with practice, just like everything else in life.

>> No.56639328

This is whore cope. I've fucked whores, my ex wife was also a whore. And my first gf was virgin. I still remember her moans and shaking. And her smile when she came. It does not compare to these desensitized whores who are just looking to get off using a dick.

Y'all are just walking dildos looking for walking flashlight. None has actually experienced true pleasure or sexual joy. Just sex addicts wanting to get off using another person.

>> No.56639379

>male rats that don’t get any begin to literally spaz out and lash out at everything periodically
Not quite. A few did this trying to barge their way into the pussy room.
The rest spent all day eating and grooming themselves and forgetting the females exist.

>> No.56640473

you are the scum that lacks any creativity, bravery and imagination he was talking about