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56626179 No.56626179 [Reply] [Original]

Bank of America files patent for a new cryptocurrency exchange


>> No.56626195
File: 70 KB, 677x883, grimble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread has been visited by grimble

grimble will now proceed to run around making a mess of your thread unless you manage to shoo him away

good luck

>> No.56626199


>> No.56626205

These things are starting to sound like a local top signal

too much euphoria too fast

>> No.56626209

This makes me want Togo out and shoot a banker

>> No.56626211

Thanks for browsing Twitter so I don't have to.

Thanks for bumping.

>> No.56626213

This has literally nothing to do with Chainlink.

>> No.56626214

grimble get ye gone

>> No.56626217

Chainlink (ticker: LINK)

>> No.56626258
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>> No.56626384
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>> No.56626399

I cannot find the actual link to this patent anywhere
Starting to think its not even real

>> No.56626418

We won but I dont think we’ll see the payouts until 2030.

It’s all so surreal.

>> No.56626436

>Bank of Murica
>Bank of America
Same thing.

>> No.56626464

>Invented by 3 women
Doesn't seem like it'll work, does it?

>> No.56626481

Based breadcrumber.

>> No.56626512

Fuck off.

>> No.56626523

I think I'm going to stop by an ATM on the way to the grocery store tomorrow...

>> No.56626575
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>> No.56626611

Schizosisters?? Our response????

>> No.56626632


>> No.56626697
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>Crypto exchange patent

>> No.56626713

>If you can't beat them, pretend to join them.

>> No.56626862

nothing to do with chainlink

>> No.56626926

Checked. You'll never be a real woman.

>> No.56627530

the fact that they are allowed to patent this level of stupid shit makes me sad for our society
america (and anywhere that follows this patent system is sick)

>> No.56627535


>> No.56627548

>Fuck off chainlink is against trannies


>> No.56627569

Bullish. And all you retards do is meme about Chainshit. This board sucks now

>> No.56627572
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thank you kind sir

>> No.56627606
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>> No.56627612
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>>56626384 kek why does the linkcel twitter always do this? literally nothing to do with chainlink.
>>56626575 once again, chainigger obsessed with inserting themselves kek
Uhhhh linkcels? what did BoA mean by this? Also, why did they say they were eager to use XRP?

>> No.56627620
File: 197 KB, 947x2048, FnwIoVRaQAIw1iU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is about chainlink isn't it?

>> No.56627626

at least change your ID

>> No.56627643
File: 156 KB, 383x383, (oracle)problem?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummmmm chainlink much??
me thinks so!

>> No.56627644

cripple-braincel retard can't cope with the fact that enterprise has ENTIRELY ABANDONED xrp. it's over. the time to buy that was 7 years ago and sell the first blow off top. you lost faggot.

>> No.56627649

I wasn’t trying to samefag you retarded linkcel. It’s part of the patent and I’m not even gonna bother posting the patent number and the ODL description involving use of the XRPL DEX.

>> No.56627670
File: 813 KB, 1179x1974, IMG_0626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me a BoA patent involving linkcel.
Pro-tip: you literally can’t.
Seethe harder. HSBC is launching tokenized assets on the XRPL too btw, I’m sure you know this considering it’s recent news, just wanted to remind you in case your retarded linkcel nigger brain forgot.

>> No.56627695
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>> No.56627710

>the daily hodl
>daily hodl staff
>source is a deleted tweet

>> No.56627721

fucking kek >>56627670 has to be memeing right now. good entertainment desu.

>> No.56628115

the linkcel recoils in disbelief as he is presented with a patent.
>but… m-muh cube
“th-this is about chainlink” he mumbles to himself, as he draws a hexagon on a document having nothing to do with his investment.

>> No.56628395

I was responding to an image to ridiculous article with no source.
Why did this trigger you into lying?

>> No.56628468

Why can’t you google it yourself? just type “bank of America XRP” and press on mETHnigger.maxi if you’d like. Also, what the fuck were you talking about twitter? Literally irrelevant when there’s a patent?
There is literally a patent. There was even an event last year where Bank of America literally said they want to use Ripples blockchain tech. Of course, linkniggers don’t pay attention to anything outside of their ass where their heads reside.
Still waiting on your linkcel patent.

>> No.56628498

Here’s a yahoo article, unfortunately I couldn’t find a bitfuck.com article for you. I’m sure you know by now all those “foundations” basically own cryptocurrency news outlets and they have no interest in reporting anything positive which is why you thought XRP would lose the lawsuit. So sad you retards can’t think for yourselves.

>> No.56628512
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>> No.56628516

HAHAHAHA you are poor and mentally broken by xrpoo

>> No.56628526

Where is the linkcel patent? At least draw a hexagon or something kek

>> No.56628538

Did that patent make you any money? Did it make anyone use cripple? Lmao