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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 640x360, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56621655 No.56621655 [Reply] [Original]

I really hope you all have a suicide bag of XRP. It's not gonna be fun coming here and reading all of the suicidal seething

>> No.56621703

All bags of XRP are suicide bags.

>> No.56621714

Back to your containment thread you fucking bagholders.

Do you have to keep shitting up the catalog with your XRP spam every single fucking day?

It isn't even crypto.

It is a centralized database and the team is constantly dumping on you.

>> No.56621719
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good ol times

>> No.56621726

Honestly guys, buy 1000. Doesn't cost much, surely you have that money you can waste. I don't want to see you get hurt

>> No.56621730
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no thanks, I will stay away

>> No.56621739

Fuck off street shitter. Stay in your containment thread. You clowns were bullied off this board until your pajeet astroturf campaign showed up randomly

>> No.56621741

why are you telling people to buy when we are about to dump again soon?

>> No.56621754
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Don't you ever think we forgot about this.

>> No.56621767

oh man.... taking a screenshot of this... i feel so sorry for you guys

>> No.56621770
File: 78 KB, 738x870, 1513270490796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you be posting the same thread in 4 years, or pretending you never did?

>> No.56621783

You even type like an ESL fuck, I hope you die in a migrant crossing to Europe

>> No.56621814
File: 309 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2023-11-10 at 10.43.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you guys see this chart and the news that over 1b xrp was market bought, you guys think ripple isn't achieving their goal? Please, please reconsider

>> No.56621818
File: 36 KB, 618x375, 1231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off. this board is spammed by link threads all day every day.

>> No.56621833
File: 125 KB, 1440x900, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the porn tabs

>> No.56621842

gm rakeesh and mr patel
>pls buy xrp it very good moonie moon
>it have no working products that use XRP but ripple lab find something soon!

>> No.56621848



>> No.56621850

no working products? Ripple ODL is openly partnered with like 50 banks around the world. This is public information, not riddle shit

>> No.56621859



>> No.56621877

Shoo shoo pajeet shill and kill yourself, XRP is a scam and you’d be lucky to break 3 dollars every again

>> No.56621884
File: 176 KB, 1440x900, xD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously guys, please buy a sui bag. The risk/reward ratio is insane

>> No.56621885

market cap speaks for itself. link will get there soon too...but that doesn't mean it has to be spammed all across the board. i might actually submit a jannie application next time applications are open.

>> No.56621907

>xrp astroturf shills are upset about being on a Chainlink board

>> No.56621910


holy fuck imagine thinking that matters every crypto is partnered with everything

>> No.56621912
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Wait till you learn that almost all computers on every bank have microsoft office installed

>> No.56621984
File: 40 KB, 782x617, XDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an astute observation

>> No.56622059

okay guys I gotta be honest I was skeptical of this XRP at first but I just bought some

wish me luck bros

>> No.56622086

Thank you sir. Bloody anonymouses not buying the Standard!

>> No.56622111

I just feel like posting guys guys guys like everywhere for some reason

>> No.56622126

I have one, also a sui link bag, some inj and a make it kava bag, but idk man, I've been considering staking half of it

>> No.56622128

>buying this centeralized garbage premine scam
i see you shills are earning your rupees today with your posts

>> No.56622179

I have nothing left, I lost everything on my last trades

>> No.56622184

Why would a
>centeralized garbage premine scam
be sitting at 50b market cap? are you suggesting retail has been propping it up by getting brainwashed by Ripples AGR? Does that math even remotely make any sense?

>> No.56622205

>he doesn't even know how to write centralized
poomar, go back to your village, mass shitting is over for today

>> No.56622211

Wtf why are you holding inj still

>> No.56622218

Staking kava? By any chance you know the apy?

>> No.56622240

These are all street shitting shills

>> No.56622292

Rather than name calling, why not explain why Ripple's 50+ bank partnerships buying XRP to use on the XRPL won't be bullish for the price of XRP

>> No.56622339

>pajeeting this hard

Please refute all of this. This is still the golden standard of why XRP is a street shitting scam.
>muh partnerships
Didn’t vechain have a BMW partnership lol

>> No.56622845

You like a forbes article, the first point is
>token not needed
kek, i'm only refuting that one because thats where i stopped reading. While you can use the XRPL without buying XRP, using XRP is the cheapest way to do so. Banks tend to be good at maximizing profits. Kinda like how the link token is not needed, and yet there is a financial incentive to do so

>> No.56622884

Good thing I’m not white.

>> No.56622905

Oh so you can’t refute it. Thanks pajeet

>> No.56622965

The first point in your forbes article was blatantly false, which i explained why it is here >>56622845
that's not even good fud. I'm starting to think youre not being ironic....

>> No.56622993

You’re a disingenuous pajeet shill. Let’s go, refute it.

>> No.56623038

I'm not reading an entire article who's author exposed their complete lack of understanding in the first sentence. Dont rely on a forbes article to do your arguing, you retarded faggot, come up with a point yourself

>> No.56623055

There’s twenty different points you can refute, but you can’t because you’re a third world ESL fuck

>> No.56623098 [DELETED] 

Your children will rent from mine

>> No.56623205

Sorry chud im not buying into shitcoins for the next year, only blocklords. For now I'm only into SOL, ETH and BTC. That's it, that's the folio.

>> No.56623294

lmao nice one, just read it. got me riled

>> No.56624496

>premptively admitting defeat