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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56616232 No.56616232 [Reply] [Original]

>M.S. Chemistry
>$42,000/yr starting

>> No.56616242

>he picked a meme oversaturated degree in a stale industry AND doesn't have a strong bulletproof resume
lol get rekt

>> No.56616244

Why not make some money out of chemicals?? LOL

>> No.56616257

Some anon was just doom posting about making 24 dollars an hour as a stock boy. Which is basically 49,000 dollars a year if he works 40 hours a week.

My friend you make less than a suicidal wagie. Be proud

>> No.56616267

I make more than that playing poker kek

>> No.56616361

how much do mr chemistry's make?

>> No.56616363

A lot if you're willing to run from the DEA your whole life

>> No.56616397

I make $50K a year as a plumber's apprentice and I'm 19 kek

>> No.56616405

I make 61k managing a liquor store
i spend 80% of my shift streaming shows/movies.

>> No.56616409
File: 28 KB, 437x557, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal factory workers make more than you.

You were duped by an educational pyramid scheme. They flashed the promises and perks of a worthless piece of paper known as a diploma before your eyes and hypnotized you into buying into their scam. They then not only swindled you out of money that you didn't have (a good goy forced to take out a high interest loan), but they also insidiously and subtlety pumped your goy mind with feminist liberal globohomo propaganda, with the intention of indoctrinating you with their false ideology of absolute twisted retardation brewed out of the festering mentally ill reaches of the feminine mind.

You were led astray, abandoned, lied to and carefully exploited by an establishment that put on a concealing happy face while they bled you dry for your money, your mind and your basic human dignity. They did all this with not a single drop of remorse and maybe the real sadistic ones outright reveled in it.

Welcome to your future. Welcome to clown world.

>> No.56616416

Synthesize MXE or 3 meo pcp

>> No.56616423

An old co worker of mine told me the story of a friend of his that couldn't get a job with his ms chem degree and he started making meth in his garage and selling it. Dude ended up addicted to heroin and died at 30 years old a few years ago. When you hear stories about geniuses that need to resort to that shit because they can't find jobs, then you know that society has collapsed already basically.

>> No.56616425

>B.S. Chemistry
>D. Pharmacy
>$110k starting and $172k this year (8 years later)
Chemistry by itself is a useless degree lol

>> No.56616430

>no degree
>used chat gpt for my cover letter and personal questions

>> No.56616501

>Literal factory workers make more than you.
Not in America they don't.

>> No.56616520
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You know what it is time to do

>> No.56616524

If I was in that field I would 100% be risking it all to bring MXE to the masses.

>> No.56616580

2023 starting or 2013 starting?

>> No.56616585


>> No.56616586
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At least you don’t have a 60k stable job like Mechanical Engineering

>> No.56616588

I make 74k gross as a security guard (4200 after taxes a month). Granted, I work 60 hours a week but the “work” is mostly sitting on my ass and occasionally walking around

>> No.56616669
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I just read it for the learning experience